
[noun] a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
[名词] 完美体现某一特定品质或类型的人或事物


Epitome 是一个与之前推送过的 anatomy 同词根 tom (切割)的单词。

该词由前缀 epi- (在…上、周围或中间;在…后面)+词根 tom + e 构成,源自拉丁语 epitome (删节、节略;节本),16世纪20年代经古法语 épitomé 进入英语后,最初也是用来表示书面作品的“梗概、大要”或“缩写、节录”。

从这个概念出发,到了17世纪后, epitome 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“典型、典范”或者说“象征、缩影、化身”,常用搭配 the epitome of sth 表示完美体现某一特定品质或类型的人或事物,也就是一个理想的例子,可以对某个复杂的整体进行尽可能最简短的呈现,比如:

  • 杰克是个典型的老油条。说到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。
    Jack is the epitome of sophistication. When it comes to getting off work, he knows all the dodges.
  • 即使现在已经年届花甲,她仍堪称法式优雅的典范。她总是打扮得干净利落。
    Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance. She always looks immaculate.

值得注意的是, epitome 读作[ɪˈpɪtəmi] ,不要想当然地将其误读成[epɪˈtəʊm]。


He hated Ellen O’Hara above anyone else, for she was the epitome of all that he hated in Southerners.
出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • In many ways Mr Arnault, the first European to rise to the top of the world’s rich lists, is the epitome of how to do business in the old continent.
  • In a sense, running a family business is the epitome of entrepreneurial success, with passing on that business to children the apex of that success.


Epitome 是一个名词,用于描述某物或某人的典型或最典型的代表。以下是关于 “epitome” 的详细用法和相关信息:

  • 代表性的事物或人:Epitome 被用来指代一个事物或人物,被认为是某个特定类别或类型的典型代表。它强调了该事物或人物所具有的最重要、最典型或最突出的特征,以此代表整体。
  • 概括或总结:Epitome 也可以用来表示对某个概念、观念或内容的简明概括或总结。它提供了一个简洁而准确的表述,涵盖了主要要点,使人们能够快速理解和掌握所讨论的主题。
  • 最佳例证:Epitome 还可以表示某个事物或人物被认为是某个领域或领域内的最佳例证。它强调了该事物或人物在其领域中的杰出地位和重要性,被认为是其他事物或人物的典范。
  • 典型特征:Epitome 还可以用来描述某个事物或人物所具有的典型特征或标志性特点。它强调了该事物或人物所具有的最为显著和独特的特征,使其与其他事物或人物区分开来。

总之,epitome 是一个用来描述某物或某人的典型或最典型的代表的名词。它可以表示代表性的事物或人、概括或总结、最佳例证以及典型特征。Epitome 帮助人们理解和识别某个类别或领域中最为重要、突出或典型的事物或人物。


  1. The epitome of elegance: 优雅的典范
  2. The epitome of beauty: 美的典范
  3. The epitome of success: 成功的典范
  4. The epitome of kindness: 善良的典范
  5. The epitome of wisdom: 智慧的典范
  6. The epitome of grace: 优雅的典范
  7. The epitome of style: 风格的典范
  8. The epitome of professionalism: 专业的典范
  9. The epitome of courage: 勇气的典范
  10. The epitome of generosity: 慷慨的典范
  11. The epitome of integrity: 正直的典范
  12. The epitome of innovation: 创新的典范
  13. The epitome of excellence: 卓越的典范
  14. The epitome of resilience: 韧性的典范
  15. The epitome of leadership: 领导力的典范


epitome (e PIT uh mee) This noun refers to a typical representative or example of some category. Dictionaries are just beginning to recognize it as a synonym for “embodiment,” a use long frowned on by purists. (See second sentence below.) And in older literature you may see it used in its literal sense as an abridgment or summary.

  • This particular church was identified by art historian John Ruskin as an epitome of the changes that occurred in Venetian architecture after the thirteenth century.
  • “Tad thinks he’s the epitome of ‘cool,’ but I’ve got news for him—he’s not,” said Scarlett scornfully.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
epitome(e PIT uh mee)这个名词指的是某个类别的典型代表或例子。词典刚刚开始承认它是 “体现 “的同义词,这种用法长期以来被纯粹主义者所诟病。(见下文第二句。)而在较早的文献中,你可能会看到它在字面意义上被用作删节或摘要。




personification: a figure intended to represent an abstract quality
embodiment: a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling
quintessence: the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
