
epaulet (EP uh let) This word, synonymous with the diminutive of the French word for “shoulder,” refers in English to an ornament, frequently fringed, on the shoulder of a garment (most often a military uniform).

  • Gregory looked unusually dashing in his regiment’s dark blue uniform with its white epaulets.
  • Although not a member of any branch of the military, Fiona delighted in her vintage clothing purchase—a dark plaid dress with silver braiding and gold epaulets.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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肩章(EP uh let)这个词与法语中“肩膀”的缩写同义,在英语中指的是衣服(通常是军装)肩膀上的装饰品,通常带有流苏。

  • 格雷戈里穿着他所在团的深蓝色制服,带着白色肩章,看起来异常潇洒
  • 虽然Fiona不是任何军事部门的成员,但她很喜欢自己的复古服装——一件银色辫子和金色肩章的深色格子裙

