
vt. 奴役;使…做奴隶;迷惑(等于enthrall)



1. slave => slav- => *thlav- => *thrav- => *thrau- => thrall.
2. 这是一种缺乏理据性的根据音变规律和原理做出的一种联想和近义关联。其目的在于使单词更易于理解和记忆。
3. 因此这种联想不是天马行空地乱联想,而是根据音变规律做出的一种比较合理的联想。
4. en- “make, put in” + thrall.
5. => hold in mental bondage.
6. enthrall 的变体:enthral (en- + -thral [thrall]).


“Enthral” 是一个动词,意为迷住、吸引或迷惑。以下是出现这个单词的50个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Enthral the audience – 迷住观众
  2. Enthralled by the story – 被故事吸引
  3. Enthralled by the beauty – 被美丽所迷倒
  4. Enthralled by the music – 被音乐所陶醉
  5. Enthralled by the mystery – 被神秘所吸引
  6. Enthralled by the performance – 被表演所迷住
  7. Enthralled by the magic – 被魔法所吸引
  8. Enthralled by the charm – 被魅力所迷惑
  9. Enthralled by the adventure – 被冒险所吸引
  10. Enthralled by the romance – 被浪漫所吸引
  11. Enthralled by the scenery – 被景色所陶醉
  12. Enthralled by the atmosphere – 被氛围所感染
  13. Enthralled by the artistry – 被艺术所折服
  14. Enthralled by the culture – 被文化所吸引
  15. Enthralled by the history – 被历史所着迷
  16. Enthralled by the mystery novel – 被悬疑小说所吸引
  17. Enthralled by the dance performance – 被舞蹈表演所迷住
  18. Enthralled by the actor’s talent – 被演员的才华所吸引
  19. Enthralled by the breathtaking view – 被惊人的景色所陶醉
  20. Enthralled by the exotic cuisine – 被异国风味所吸引
  21. Enthralled by the charismatic leader – 被有魅力的领导所迷住
  22. Enthralled by the powerful speech – 被有力的演讲所吸引
  23. Enthralled by the artistic masterpiece – 被艺术杰作所折服
  24. Enthralled by the natural beauty – 被自然之美所陶醉
  25. Enthralled by the wildlife documentary – 被野生动物纪录片所吸引
  26. Enthralled by the historical artifacts – 被历史文物所着迷
  27. Enthralled by the fashion show – 被时装秀所迷住
  28. Enthralled by the thrilling adventure – 被惊险冒险所吸引
  29. Enthralled by the suspenseful plot – 被扣人心弦的情节所吸引
  30. Enthralled by the scientific discoveries – 被科学发现所吸引
  31. Enthralled by the cultural heritage – 被文化遗产所吸引
  32. Enthralled by the majestic mountains – 被雄伟的山脉所陶醉
  33. Enthralled by the ancient ruins – 被古代遗迹所着迷
  34. Enthralled by the dazzling fireworks – 被华丽的烟火所吸引
  35. Enthralled by the captivating performance – 被迷人的表演所迷住
  36. Enthralled by the charming personality – 被迷人的个性所吸引
  37. Enthralled by the vibrant culture – 被充满活力的文化所吸引
  38. Enthralled by the underwater world – 被水下世界所陶醉
  39. Enthralled by the colorful artwork – 被多彩的艺术品所吸引
  40. Enthralled by the historical reenactment – 被历史再现所迷住
  41. Enthralled by the dramatic performance – 被戏剧性的表演所吸引
  42. Enthralled by the culinary expertise – 被烹饪技艺所吸引
  43. Enthralled by the romantic ambiance – 被浪漫氛围所陶醉
  44. Enthralled by the creative imagination – 被创意想象所吸引
  45. Enthralled by the intellectual discourse – 被知识性讨论所吸引
  46. Enthralled by the historical accounts – 被历史记载所着迷
  47. Enthralled by the exotic destinations – 被异国目的地所吸引
  48. Enthralled by the beautiful melodies – 被美妙的旋律所陶醉
  49. Enthralled by the spiritual journey – 被精神之旅所吸引
  50. Enthralled by the artistic expression – 被艺术表达所吸引

这些短语描述了”enthral” 这个词在各种情境下表示吸引或迷住的用法。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
