We have the best PA team, best residents, best nurses. So there’s trust there.
But there’s also a vulnerability, you know.
作为领导 没人想见到 我们软弱无力的一面
As leaders, nobody wants to see us in a vulnerable position,
so, can you unsee that?
You know, which a lot of our staff will have to unsee this.
当然 作为外科医生
And of course, as surgeons,
you have to be able to maintain that level of excellence.
哇 厉害
Wow. Beautiful.
There’s a balance.
大卫非常率真 这也是我们爱他的原因
David is an open book, and that’s why we love him.
He’s not afraid to show vulnerability,
但我们必须保护他的隐私 承认他有软弱的一面
but we have to all protect his privacy and recognize the vulnerabilities,
期盼一切顺利 不必改变治疗方案
and just pray everything goes perfectly and not change his treatment.
他是个了不起的人 他是大卫 他以将死的心态活着
He’s an incredible guy, you know? He’s David. He lives like he’s dying.
– Good morning, team. – Good morning.
-早上好 队友们 -早上好
I’ll just–
嗨 大卫
Hi, David.
I’m sorry.
You sleeping?
– Oh, my God.
I love you.
How was the MRI?
– I moved. – Yes, you did.
-我动了 -没错 你动了
-你看起来不错 -我觉得脸和脖子疼
– You look good. – I feel like my face and my neck hurts.
哦 你的眼睛看起来不错
Oh. Your eye looks good.
对 没关系
Yeah. That’s okay.
What color is my gray suit? I’ll shut up.
You look good.
You’re in pain?
嗯 胳膊疼 还有背…
Yeah, my arms hurt, and my back–
-还在疼? -是的
– You’re still having the pain? – Yeah.

Thanks, John.
谢了 约翰
我看到你了 在那儿享受美食
I see you there, enjoying that food.
– He’s rude. – Yeah.
-他真没礼貌 -是的
-手术日到了 -是的
– Day is here. – Yeah.
It’s a good day to bring life into the world.
Let’s take a peek at baby.
– A hand.
– A little finger.
Some toes, here.
没错 两只脚一直都在那里
Yeah, that’s exactly where the foot has been all this time.
Right under.
– Baby looks good. – Yeah.
-宝宝看起来不错 -没错
-他在等着出来 -是的 我已经想抱抱他了
– Just waiting to come out. – Yeah. Want to hold him already.
Okay, so we gotta talk consent.
好了 我们需要你同意手术
So we talked about possible risk of shoulder dystocia,
就是头出来了 但肩膀卡住了
of baby’s head delivering and the shoulder getting stuck.
We talked about birth injury for the baby,
你可能受伤 如果有肩难产的话
injury to you if there is shoulder dystocia.
考虑到这些因素 你决定进行剖腹产
And considering all of those things, you decided to proceed with C-section.

I’ve read through your chart a little bit.
简单翻了一下 你的头 在一次摩托车事故中受过伤?
Just quickly, you had suffered some head trauma in a motor vehicle accident?
是的 2013年的救护车事故
Yes, from the ambulance accident in 2013.
But the only thing I have is, like, the tremors sometimes with the hand.
– You can ask questions anytime. – I talk a lot, so–
我是个话痨 所以…
– They have medication for that too.
Do you have some of that medication to go?

Oh, you want a doggy bag?
你好 我希望手术时你可以这么开心
Hello. I hope you’re this cheerful when it’s game time.
你知道 我心里有点
You know, I feel like part of it is like,
焦虑 我很紧张 对
I’m anxious and, like, I’m nervous. Yeah.
别逞英雄 疼的话就告诉他们 好吗?
Don’t be a hero.
– Tell them when you’re in pain, okay?
-别像我一样 要比我聪明 -好的
– Don’t be like me. Be better than me. – Yeah.
It’s a lot of emotions, um…
我在医疗系统干了多久 16年了?
I’ve been with the system for, what, 16 years?
做了14年的护士 在天空健康转运队干了七年了
I’ve been a nurse for 14, been with SkyHealth for seven,
一纸疫苗强制接种令 我的事业就要…
and over a vaccination mandate is how my career here is gonna…
Gonna end.
-随机应变 克服困难 对吧? -对
– Adapt, improvise, and overcome. – That’s right.
在我看来 目前还没有 针对胎儿或婴儿的长♥期♥研究
In my point of view, there’s no longevity studies on fetuses or babies.
我希望再过几年 研究结果能让我放心 让我觉得
I kind of want to be comforted with a couple of years behind that to say,
“好的 我对疫苗感到放心
“Yeah, okay, I feel comfortable with the vaccine,
that it doesn’t do anything negative to a baby that I have.”
这令人沮丧 因为我在疫情期间做了很多工作
It’s frustrating because I worked a lot during COVID.
You think about the things that you bust your ass for,
做了那么多牺牲 尤其是在疫情期间工作
you sacrifice so much, especially working during the pandemic, you know?
You watch people come into the ER waiting room
然后死在你的面前 在那种时候 这不只是一份工作
and just die right in front of you, and it’s not just a job at that point.
你要全身心投入 照顾这些患者
You’re putting everything into taking care of these patients.
我的清洁女工 我为她预约了接种疫苗
My cleaning lady, I got her a vaccine appointment.
我一直在帮助一些人 在新泽西预约接种疫苗
I’ve been helping out some people get vaccine appointments in Jersey.
感觉很怪 现在我得问别人
It’s such a weird thing that now I have to ask people,
“你接种疫苗了吗?” 我有一个朋友存在抵触情绪
“Are you vaccinated?” I have one friend that’s not comfortable,
我不想为难她 我不想问她
and I don’t want to put her in that position. I don’t want to ask her.
我也说不清 这是个奇怪的时代
Like, I don’t know. Such a weird time.
我想社交 这方面我一直很保守
I want to socialize. I’ve been so conservative about it.
你好 格洛丽亚
Hi, Gloria.
I was reading your triage note briefly.
It said something about your apartment having a fire?
The microwave was on fire.
I was sleeping when it happened.
It was up to the ceiling.
Oh, I see.
很吓人 因为我谁都联♥系♥不上
It was scary because I couldn’t get anybody.
好的 救护车来了吗?
Okay. Did the ambulance come?
-是的 -消防员呢?
– Yeah. – And the firefighters?
About 20 trucks outside in the street.
Before the fire, were you doing fine?
I’ve been doing fine.
好吧 你公♥寓♥里有宠物吗?
Okay, so do you have any pets in the apartment?
-没有 -很好
– No. – Great.
能让我看看你的脸吗? 我只是想确保…
Could you show me your face? Just want to make sure there’s–
能让我看看你的牙齿吗?好 今晚说话有困难吗?还是…
Can you show me your teeth? Okay. Any difficulty speaking tonight or–?
-有一点 -有一点?好
– A little bit. – A little bit? Okay.
And have you been vaccinated?
-接种过 两剂 -好 很好
– Yes, twice. – Okay, great.
我们不放心让她出院 她可能没有住处了
You know, we can’t safely discharge her. She doesn’t have an apartment, possibly.
She may be minimizing the situation,
但她确实提到 那栋公♥寓♥被完全焚毁
but she did say that the apartment’s completely destroyed,
那她今后还有住的地方吗? 有的话能住多久?
so is she going to have a home after this? And for how long?
她能取回她的物品吗? 所以对 看看再说吧
Can she get her belongings? So, yeah, we’ll see.
公♥寓♥起火了 你确定你没有吸入烟雾吗?
The apartment was on fire. Are you sure you didn’t get any smoke inhalation?
可能吸入了一些 但我必须出院
I probably got some, but I must leave.
-你想走? -是的 我没有受伤 我必须走
– You want to go? – Yes, I wasn’t injured. I must go.
我现在很生气 我必须走
I’m very irritated now. I must go.
好 你为什么生气?你可以告诉我
Okay. What’s making you upset? You can tell me.
I don’t want analysis. What’s making me upset?
我今晚经历了痛苦的事 我不想待在这里
I’ve been through a trauma this evening, and I don’t want to be here.
I want to go.
好 我们可以叫什么人来接你吗?
Okay. Can we have somebody come pick you up?
-也许吧 -那样会更好
– Probably. – That would be better.
Let’s press green for talk.
You know, I feel like the medicine is the easy part.
我们上过医学院 学过治病救人
We went to medical school, we trained to do the medicine.
在我看来 更难处理的 是急诊患者在社会层面的问题
For me, it’s always harder with the social aspects of patients in the ER
因为你会遇到 患者在困境中苦苦支撑的情况
because you’re met with these situations where they’re hanging on.
