

[verb] evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way
[动词] (通常以巧妙或狡猾的方式)逃避或逃脱(危险、敌人或追赶者)


Elude 是一个容易与 allude (影射、暗指、间接提到)相混淆的单词,同时也与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)之前推送过的 collude 结尾相同。

该词源自拉丁语 eludere (完成游戏,赢得游戏;逃避或躲避打击,愚弄、嘲笑、使沮丧;在游戏中赢得),由前缀 e- (出)+词根 lud (玩、戏剧)+ e 构成,16世纪30年代进入英语后原本也是用来表示“欺骗、愚弄”,同 delude (欺骗、哄骗、蒙骗)。

不过到了17世纪30年代后, elude 开始发展出现在的基本含义指“避开、逃避、躲避”,主要指以巧妙、狡猾或机敏的方式逃避或逃脱危险、敌人、追赶者以及查问、责任等,强调滑得抓不住或者说令人棘手,比如:

  • 真凶甩掉了警察的追捕。
    The real culprit eluded the police.

站在司法角度来说,罪犯甩掉警察追捕就是使法律的要求、惩罚等得不到遵守或服从。从这个概念出发, elude 既可以用来喻指“使达不到、使做不成、使不能实现”,常作正式用语使用,主要指成就、地位、名望等为人所期望、追求的东西不被人获得,像是躲避起来了那般,比如:

  • 凯特失眠了。她皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。
    Sleep eluded Kate. She frowned, making an effort to compose herself.
  • 尽管他的体形锻炼得很完美,但金牌继续和他无缘。
    Though his physique was honed to perfection, the gold medal continued to elude him.


  • 那个社会弃儿的名字我一时想不起来了。
    The name of the pariah eludes me for the moment.


How was it possible that Voldemort, the Slytherin, had found the diadem that had eluded generations of Ravenclaws?

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。


  • Others, such as a vaccine to stop HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, still elude scientists.
  • Federal authorities are skeptical of Ms. Russell’s insistence that she played no role in the attack or in helping the brothers elude the authorities after the F.B.I. released photographs of them.


elude 是一个动词,表示逃避、躲避或使困惑。它可以用来描述无法被捕捉、理解、找到或解决的情况。下面是一些关于 elude 的常见用法:

  1. Elude capture: 逃避捕捉
    • The fugitive managed to elude capture for several weeks.(逃犯成功地逃避了数周的捕捉。)
    • The clever thief eluded the police by constantly changing his appearance.(聪明的小偷通过不断改变外貌成功地躲避了警察。)
  2. Elude understanding: 使难以理解
    • The concept of quantum physics often eludes understanding.(量子物理学的概念常常使人难以理解。)
    • The meaning of the poem eludes me; I can’t quite grasp its deeper message.(这首诗的含义使我难以理解;我无法完全领会其中更深层次的意义。)
  3. Elude detection: 难以被察觉
    • The spy’s true identity eluded detection by the intelligence agency.(情报机构未能察觉到间谍的真实身份。)
    • The camouflage techniques used by the predator allow it to elude detection by its prey.(掠食者使用的伪装技巧使其能够逃避被猎物察觉。)
  4. Elude capture: 难以抓住(或捕捉)
    • The slippery fish eluded capture as it darted through the water.(那条滑溜的鱼在水中迅速游动,难以被捕捉。)
    • The elusive criminal continued to elude capture, leaving the police frustrated.(那个难以捉摸的罪犯继续逃避捕捉,令警方感到沮丧。)
  5. Elude solution: 难以解决
    • The problem has eluded solution despite numerous attempts.(尽管做了很多尝试,这个问题仍然难以解决。)
    • The root cause of the issue continues to elude us; we haven’t been able to find a solution yet.(问题的根本原因仍然难以捉摸,我们还没有找到解决办法。)




  1. Elude capture – 逃脱捕捉
  2. Elude detection – 躲避侦查
  3. Elude understanding – 令人难以理解
  4. Elude explanation – 难以解释
  5. Elude definition – 难以定义
  6. Elude comprehension – 难以理解
  7. Elude recognition – 难以被认出
  8. Elude memory – 难以记起
  9. Elude capture – 逃避抓捕
  10. Elude pursuit – 逃避追捕


  1. Seem to elude – 似乎难以捉摸
  2. Mysteries that elude explanation – 难以解释的谜团
  3. Elude comprehension and analysis – 难以理解和分析
  4. Elude easy categorization – 难以简单分类
  5. Elude all attempts to capture – 逃脱所有抓捕的尝试
  6. Elude easy interpretation – 难以轻松解释
  7. Elude clear understanding – 难以清楚理解
  8. Elude the grasp of logic – 超出逻辑的理解范围
  9. Elude logical reasoning – 难以通过逻辑推理
  10. Elude rational explanation – 难以理性解释


  1. Elude capture by authorities – 逃避当局的捕捉
  2. Elude detection by the enemy – 躲避敌人的侦查
  3. Elude the spotlight – 避开聚光灯
  4. Elude the enemy’s grasp – 躲避敌人的掌握
  5. Elude the pursuit of the police – 逃脱警方的追捕
  6. Elude the hunter – 躲避猎人的追捕
  7. Elude capture for weeks – 数周逃脱捕捉


  1. Elude a direct answer – 回避直接回答
  2. Elude the question – 规避问题
  3. Elude the solution – 无法找到解决办法


eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from
evade: escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery
shun: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
