
effete (e FEET) Not immoral, “effete” denotes behavior or manner that is lacking in vital force or marked by self-indulgence. “Robust” might be given as an opposite. It has been often confused with “effeminate” (describing a man with traits deemed more appropriate to a woman), but the difference in meaning deserves preservation.

  • In typical movies about the Wild West, the Eastern male new to the town is often shown as being effete—an overrefined creature who couldn’t shoe a horse no matter how pressing the need.
  • Hardy pioneer American women were far from effete, totally unlike the stereotype of females as delicate creatures requiring male protection.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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effete(e FEET)并非不道德,“effete”表示缺乏生命力或以自我放纵为标志的行为或方式。“稳健”可能被赋予相反的含义。它经常被与“娘娘腔”(描述一个具有被认为更适合女人的特征的男人)混淆,但意义上的差异值得保留。

  • 在关于狂野西部的典型电影中,新来镇上的东部男性通常表现为柔弱——一个被过度定义的生物,无论多么迫切的需要,都不能给马穿鞋
  • 哈迪的先锋美国女性一点也不柔弱,完全不同于人们对女性的刻板印象,即女性是需要男性保护的脆弱生物



  1. effete aristocracy – 衰败的贵族
  2. effete society – 衰败的社会
  3. effete culture – 衰败的文化
  4. effete political system – 衰败的政治体制
  5. effete ideology – 衰败的意识形态
  6. effete civilization – 衰败的文明
  7. effete leadership – 衰弱的领导层
  8. effete monarchy – 衰败的君主制
  9. effete ruling class – 衰弱的统治阶级
  10. effete intellectual elite – 衰败的知识精英
  11. effete aristocratic class – 衰败的贵族阶级
  12. effete cultural norms – 衰败的文化规范
  13. effete artistic expression – 衰弱的艺术表达
  14. effete literary tradition – 衰败的文学传统
  15. effete moral values – 衰弱的道德价值观
  16. effete educational system – 衰败的教育体系
  17. effete economic model – 衰败的经济模式
  18. effete social structure – 衰败的社会结构
  19. effete political ideology – 衰弱的政治意识形态
  20. effete ruling elite – 衰败的统治精英
  21. effete artistic movement – 衰弱的艺术运动
  22. effete literary style – 衰败的文学风格
  23. effete cultural institutions – 衰败的文化机构
  24. effete intellectual traditions – 衰败的知识传统
  25. effete moral principles – 衰弱的道德原则
  26. effete educational practices – 衰败的教育实践
  27. effete economic policies – 衰弱的经济政策
  28. effete social norms – 衰败的社会规范
  29. effete political regime – 衰弱的政治体制
  30. effete ruling powers – 衰败的统治权力
  31. effete artistic expressions – 衰弱的艺术表达
  32. effete literary works – 衰败的文学作品
  33. effete cultural values – 衰弱的文化价值观
  34. effete intellectual debates – 衰败的知识辩论
  35. effete moral standards – 衰弱的道德标准
  36. effete educational institutions – 衰败的教育机构
  37. effete economic structures – 衰败的经济结构
  38. effete social hierarchies – 衰败的社会等级制度
  39. effete political parties – 衰弱的政党
  40. effete ruling class – 衰败的统治阶层
  41. effete artistic movements – 衰弱的艺术运动
  42. effete literary genres – 衰败的文学体裁
  43. effete cultural practices – 衰弱的文化实践
  44. effete intellectual circles – 衰败的知识界
  45. effete moral dilemmas – 衰弱的道德困境
  46. effete educational policies – 衰败的教育政策
  47. effete economic models – 衰弱的经济模式
  48. effete social institutions – 衰败的社会机构
  49. effete political systems – 衰弱的政治体制
  50. effete ruling elites – 衰败的统治精英
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
