

1. Ecclesiastical Organization and Structure:

  • Ecclesiastical hierarchy: 教会的等级制度,由不同级别的神职人员组成的层级结构
  • Ecclesiastical authority: 教会权威,指在教会内行使权力和领导的机构或个人
  • Ecclesiastical jurisdiction: 教会管辖权,指教会在特定地区或范围内行使的法律和管理权力
  • Ecclesiastical governance: 教会管理,指对教会事务的组织、领导和决策的行为
  • Ecclesiastical administration: 教会行政,指负责管理教会事务的组织和机构

2. Ecclesiastical Titles and Roles:

  • Ecclesiastical clergy: 教士,指在教会中担任神职的人员,如牧师、神父等
  • Ecclesiastical bishop: 主教,教会的高级职位,负责监督特定地区的教会
  • Ecclesiastical priest: 神父,教会的神职人员,负责主持礼拜和提供灵性指导
  • Ecclesiastical deacon: 执事,教会中低级神职人员,负责协助牧师和服务社区
  • Ecclesiastical minister: 牧师,指负责主持宗教仪式和提供精神指导的教会领袖

3. Ecclesiastical Rituals and Practices:

  • Ecclesiastical ceremony: 教会仪式,指在教会中举行的宗教典礼或庆典活动
  • Ecclesiastical sacrament: 圣礼,指在教会中进行的象征性仪式,如洗礼、圣餐等
  • Ecclesiastical liturgy: 礼拜仪式,指教会的公共崇拜仪式和祈祷的规定形式
  • Ecclesiastical chant: 教会圣咏,指在教会崇拜中演唱的宗教音乐
  • Ecclesiastical fasting: 教会禁食,指为宗教目的而暂时放弃食物或限制饮食的行为

4. Ecclesiastical Architecture and Art:

  • Ecclesiastical building: 教堂建筑,指用于教会崇拜和宗教活动的建筑物
  • Ecclesiastical artwork: 教会艺术品,指在教堂中展示的宗教艺术作品,如壁画、雕塑等
  • Ecclesiastical stained glass: 教堂彩绘玻璃,指用彩色玻璃制作的教堂窗户上的图案和图像


ecclesiastical (ek LEEZ ee ASS stik al) This adjective means “of or relat-ing to a church” or “appropriate for use in a church.” The noun form, “ecclesiastic,” means “a minister” or “priest.”

Dressed in ecclesiastical robes and carrying a book of hymns, the bishop stood out in the crowd of children and parents at the school’s December Christmas party.

Because ecclesiastics from all over the world were in Rome to attend a special mass at the Vatican, it was impossible to obtain a hotel room at a reasonable price anywhere in the city.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
ecclesiastical(ek LEEZ ee ASS stik al)这个形容词的意思是 “属于或与教堂有关 “或 “适合在教堂使用”。名词形式的 “ecclesiastic “是指 “牧师 “或 “神父”。



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
