
dulcet (DULL set) From the Old French word for “sweet,” this adjective means “sweet or pleasing to the ear, melodious.” It can describe a voice or a musical sound. Though there is a verb form—“dulcify”—which means “to sweeten,” no one ever uses it.

  • Phoebe played dulcet tones on her harp, but her husband kept right on reading the newspaper.
  • “I love your azure eyes, your delicate earlobes, the dulcet tones of your voice,” Tristan crooned, hoping to win his lady’s affections.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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dulcet(DULL set)这个形容词来自古法语单词“sweet”,意思是“甜美或悦耳,旋律优美”。它可以描述声音或音乐声音。尽管有一种动词形式——“dulcify”——意思是“使人变甜”,但从来没有人使用过它。
