你方唱罢我登场 我登场我登场
It goes around and around and around and around
我登场我登场 我登场
Around and around and around and around
A man gets lonely
Workir hard on the road
He’s away from his woman
It’s a heavy load
后座是哈莱姆区 前座是好莱坞
That back there is Harlem. This is Hollywood.
And you ain’t welcome in Hollywood.
Time to bring up the lights!
看看哪一位小姐 能和吉米共渡一宵
Yeah, let’s see which one of these girls is going home with Jimmy tonight?
I got a nice, warm bed waiting on you.
好了 现在就来 谁要投怀送抱
All right now. Come on now. Who wants to sit on Daddy’s lap?

岳利先生 我不能相信 我遇到的这一切
Mr. Early? I don’t believe all this all can be happening to me.
在蓝调的世界 常有奇迹发生
Miracles happen all the time in the world of R&B, baby.
-蓝调是什么意思 -喃呢和调情
-What’s R&B mean? -Rough and black.
岳利先生 你真疯狂
Mr. Early, you’re so crazy.
宝贝 叫我吉米
Call me Jimmy, baby. Jimmy.
噢 吉米先生 你真疯狂
Oh, Mr. Jimmy. You’re so crazy.
这真美妙 我想说 很有趣
That does feel nice. I mean, it feels funny.
你已结婚了 对不
You’re married, aren’t you?
Everybody say yeah

Say yeah
众人皆知我已婚 甜心
Everybody knows Jimmy’s married, baby.

那你就缩开 你那有结婚介指的手
Then you get your married hands off!
So it’s gonna take two weeks.
我处处做假 直登榜首
I faked my way to the top
Round and around
Round and around
我处处做假 直登榜首
I faked my way to the top
Round and around
Round and around
处处做假 直登榜首
You know I faked my way to the top
Round and around
但一直真实 很真实
It’s always real, so real
When you’re coming down
我处处做假 直登榜首
I faked my way, yes, I did
帮帮忙 主呀
Help me, Jesus
帮我 帮我一下 主呀
Help, help, help me, Jesus
我处处做假 直登榜首
I faked my way to the top
Did you notice the seats are periwinkle blue
和你的蓝裙子很配衬 还有
to go along with your pretty blue dress? And…
-我失陪一下 -请便
-Would you excuse me? -Certainly.
韦恩 来帮帮我
Wayne? Help me out.
How can I help you today?
这辆 座椅是长春花蓝色 和你的裙子很配衬
Here. This is our periwinkle blue. Matches your dress.
我只是说 你会更有成就 若你能多一点
I’m just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know…
我只是说 你会更有成就 若你能多一点
I’m just saying, you might do better if you were just a little more, you know…
-娇羞 含情脉脉 像你 -男孩就爱这种
-Shy? Sugar-sweet, like you? -Boys seem to like it.
哼 我对男孩才没有兴趣 蒂娜
Well, I am not interested in boys, Deena.
What are you ladies jawing about?
看 君特 我们正在想
Well, Curtis, we were just wondering…
你会否背妻偷♥欢♥ 像吉米那样
Do you cheat on your wife, like Mr. Jimmy Early?
嘻 艾菲 我不认识她呢
Hey, Effie! I don’t know her.
是蒂娜对的 我们也不能干涉
Deena’s right. It’s really none of our business.
We don’t even know if you’re married.
我曾结婚 但又婚姻失败
I was married. It didn’t work out.
那么 你娶的一定像蒂娜那样 小鸟依人的女子
Well, was she one of those teeny little tweety-birds like little Miss Deena here?
Or do you prefer a real woman?
这 事实上 是我姊姊把我带大的
Well, actually, I was raised by my older sisters,
and they were just as real as you are.
那好 那不妨坐下来 谈谈她的真情性
Well, why don’t you sit down and tell me about them?
你知道我很乐意 你等我一下
You know, I would love to, but give me a minute.
那行不通 马列 一定叫他们晕死过去
It ain’t working, Marty. That faint used to kill ’em.
-放他们在走廊 -放他们在走廊 宝贝
-It used to slay ’em in the aisles. -Slay ’em in the aisles, baby.
But now you got everybody doing it.
奥蒂斯·雷丁 J.B 所有人都抄袭我
You got Otis, J.B. Everybody doing my shit.
你说得对 吉米 人人都参一脚
You’re right, Jimmy. Everybody’s doing it.
可是 谁是首创
Well, who’s the original?
谁人创先在舞台跪下 随曲韵高叫
Who was the first one to fall down and start screaming?
-那是你 -我第一个做的
-That was you. -I’m the first!
你把他们全迷倒 你是表演真是太精采 吉米
And you killed ’em tonight, baby. It was beautiful, Jimmy. Beautiful.
马列 你的马屁话多 我需要的是建议
Marty, you’re full of shit, man. I need something.
Man, I need something…
就是那些 好个甜姐儿
That’s what I need. Sweet Mother Jesus.
I need that right there!
What you need is a new sound.
我需要大油缸的车 你却卖♥♥我小漏斗
What I need is a new Caddy. That one you sold me is dripping oil.
嘻 吉米 你认识斯斯吧 艾菲的哥哥
Hey, Jimmy, you remember C.C., Effie’s brother?
He’s a very talented composer.
对 我认得你 你写了那首〈走 走〉
Yeah, I remember you. You wrote that song, Move On.
走 走 妞儿们 “走 走”
Move. The girls be, “Move, move, move.”
对 是我写的 老友
Yeah, that was me, man.
-好 -好
-All right. -Yeah.
你对这曲有什么评价 马列
What did you think of that song, Marty?
这个嘛 有点
Well, I think it was kind of…
You know…
-挺闷蛋 我认为 -对 对 对
-Kind of boring, I thought. -Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
-闷蛋 小伙子
It’s boring, kid.
我不是小伙子 先生
I’m no kid, mister.
呵 对不起 宝贝 但吉米的歌♥
I’m sorry, baby, but when Jimmy’s involved,
the song got to have some soul!
该死 上帝怜悯
Damn! Lord have mercy!
Got to have soul!
骚灵 福音歌♥ 蓝调 爵士 布鲁斯怨曲
Soul, gospel, R&B, jazz, blues,
一切都是黑人音乐 都被人偷去
everything else the man has grabbed from us.
听好 一定要找方法 把黑人音乐
Listen, there’s got to be a better way for us to get our music
to a broader audience,
以黑人歌♥手名义 用我们的资金
only this time with our artists and our money.
马列 这人说了一大堆废话
Marty, this man is handing me a line of crap.
对 我就知道
Yeah, I know, baby.
给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac
Got me a Cadillac car
给我一辆卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
Got me a Cadillac Cadillac, Cadillac
看着我 先生 我就是明星
Look at me, mister, I’m a star
我知你们这些坏心眼都在想什么 算吧了
I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it.
吉米·岳利不是站街的庞克 在找他的约会对象
James Early ain’t no street-corner punk looking for his first date.
他有身份 有唱片合约
He’s an established artist with a recording contract.
以社区街坊品牌发行 一辈子也打不入流行榜
On a shitty local label that can’t get him to the pop charts.
We can’t do nothing about that.
只要有一张唱片大卖♥♥ 老友 一首扣人心弦的歌♥
All I’m asking is one record, man. One song with a simple hook.
“看我坐在华美的车 让我自觉如电影明星”
“Look at me in my pretty car, makes me feel like a movie star.”
今日乐曲在哪里流行起来 车里 老友
You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man.
人们听你的歌♥ 因为驾车时 它琅琅上口
Songs that make you feel good while you’re driving your automobile.
吉米的歌♥迷乘巴士 不驾车
Jimmy’s fans like taking the bus.
走吧 吉米
Let’s hit it, Jimmy.
嘻 不如就用那首歌♥吧 甜心
Hey, what do you think about using that bridge there, baby?
Movir out
Movir up
Movir on
Sounds a little tick-tock, boys.
Let’s stay in the pocket.
要开工了 关掉它们
Going to work! Shut it down!
录音 〈卡迪拉克〉 第九次
Recording, Cadillac Car. Take nine.
I got me a Cadillac
卡迪拉克 卡迪拉克
Cadillac, Cadillac
I got me a Cadillac car
