你要不要给我一个亲亲 在我的…在阿奇…
So why don’t you plant some of that sugar
over here on my– on Archie.
♪ 真的 ♪
♪ Truly ♪
噢 天啊
Oh, no.
Is that our song?
哇 我的背好痛哦
Ow! Hard ground! Back!
也许你应该学会爬树 真的
You should maybe learn how to climb trees. Truly.
That’s a bruise!
-嘿 阿奇,出来嘛 -不要
-Hey, come on out of there, Archie. -Never!
I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.
It was the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done,
比我穿裙子骑单轮车还糟 穿裙子耶
and I once rode a unicycle in a tutu!
好吧 我了解 但是还是可以挽回 只要更努力一点
Okay,I understand, but we can fix this.We just have to work harder.
不 我就留在这冬眠好了
Nope, I’m just gonna stay here and hibernate.
-让它留在里面吧 我们正在做一套熊装
-不 阿奇它没事
-Tell him to stay in there. We’re making our own bear suit.
-No, Archie’s fine.
很好 因为我们在想 下星期整个森林的动物…
Good, ’cause we were wondering,
would it be all right if every animal in the whole forest…
stays with you next week?
好了 阿奇 我不跟你玩了 你现在就给我出来 你这个胆小鬼
All right Archie, I’m not playing anymore.
I want you to come out here right now, you big coward!
嗯 抱歉 你叫谁胆小鬼
Uh, excuse me. Who are you calling a coward?
你啊 我说你是个这么轻易就放弃的胆小鬼
You. I’m calling you a big coward for quitting like this.
-这很不容易 -你想知道什么才困难吗,阿奇?
-Well, it’s hard. -You know what hard is,Archie?
我老婆在生我的气 我的女儿也在生我的气
My wife is mad at me,my daughter’s mad at me,
and I’m spending my vacation with a pizza boy
who greets me by saying, “Dr. D, what’s up?”
我还要在这里 听一个大毛球说它要放弃 因为它觉得很困难
Now I’m listening to a big,
furry baby telling me he wantsto quit ’cause it’s too hard!
Well, Ava laughed at me.
Oh, boo-hoo! “Ava laughed at me.
I love her and I need her, and she laughed at me!”
你知道吗 你根本配不上它 艾娃它干嘛要跟你这个胆小鬼过下半辈子
You don’t even deserve Ava!
Why should Ava spend her life with a coward like you?
嘿 别随便 熊身攻击
Hey, don’t poke the bear, buddy.
我可没熊身攻击 因为如果我熊身攻击了熊 那只熊一定会宰了我
I didn’t poke a bear. If I poked a bear, a bear would be maulin’ me.
-我不知道我刚刚嘲讽的是什么 但一定不是熊
-嘿 我警告你哦
– I don’t know what I poked,but it sure ain’t no bear!
– Hey, I’m warning you!
-哦 是吗? 我戳的你哦! -别戳了!
-Oh, yeah? And I’m pokin’ you! -Stop it!
-我戳…我戳戳戳! – 够了,我受够了!
– Poke, poke, poke! – All right, that’s it!
阿奇 很痛耶
Archie, that hurt.
嘿 还不错耶 感觉像只熊了
Hey, that felt good. Bear-like.
你知道吗 我帮不了你了 你就回你的马戏团吧
You’re beyond my help. Just take your ass back to the circus.
成熊了 呜-呼~!
Bear. Whoo-hoo!
I’m a bear!
I’m the alpha bear!
Grrr! Roar!
熊会叫的 对吧?
Bears say “grrr,” right?
-发生什么事了? -是阿奇
-What happened to you? -Archie.
I– You know what–
波特打电♥话♥来 他想要和解
Potter called. He wants to make a deal.
Just listen to what he has to say.
这是送你的 女士
For you, madame.
-谢谢 -桑尼会送你鱼吗?
– Thanks. – So does Sonny bring you fish?
不 通常不只一条 大概一百条吧
No. Not a fish. Usually about a hundred.
一百条 等等 哦不 它拿不了那么多
A hundred? Wait. No. He can’t carry that many.
好吧 那桑尼有没有跟你说过…
Okay, but does Sonny tell you that you have…
the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen?
它有保证 会让你的生活充满爱 诗情和欢笑吗?
Does he promise to fill your life with love, poetry, laughs?
没有 通常它只会问我什么时候发♥情♥
No. No. Mostly he just asks me when I think I’ll be in heat.
-真是个大情圣 -是啊
-Prince Charming, huh? -Yeah.
So when is– when is that?
Do you want to go for a walk?
-和你还是我自己? -和我一起
– With you or alone? – With me.
This isn’t a walk. We’re running.
Why do we always have to run?
♪ 我现在有了你,我只想 ♪
♪ I got you now and I just want to ♪
♪ 告诉你怎么玩 ♪
♪ Show you how to play ♪
♪ 你身上起鸡皮疙瘩了 ♪
♪ Goose bumps on your body ♪
♪ 指引方向 ♪
♪ Guide the way ♪
♪ 我想整晚都去 ♪
♪ I wanna go all night ♪
♪ 不会停止直到黎明破晓 ♪
♪ Ain’t no stoppin’ till the breakin’ of the dawn ♪
♪ 我想走进每个角落 ♪
♪ I wanna go inside every corner ♪
♪ ‘因为你真的让我兴奋 ♪
♪ ‘Cause you really turn me on ♪
♪ 我想去敲敲 ♪
♪ I wanna go knock knock ♪
♪ 我们的身体随着清晨来临的节拍舞动 ♪
♪ Our bodies to the beat of when the mornin’ comes ♪
♪ 我们会让阳光留下 ♪
♪ We’ll let the sunshine stay ♪
对的 让爱散布在空气中
Yep, there was love in the air.
Be the man. Be the man.
Be… the… man.
嘿 现在 你给我听好
Hey. Now, you listen to me.
对的 没错 这里以后是我的地盘了
Yeah, that’s right. You’re in my house now.
-嗯? -对 我的地盘
– Hmm? – Yeah, my house.
这也是我的地盘 这一块全都是我的地盘
Also my house. All of these are my house.
嘿 你是个幸运的女孩 你知道为什么吗? 对
Hey, you’re a lucky girl, you know that? Yeah.
幸运的是你 不是我 是你
You’re the lucky one, not me. You.
嘿 你今晚想跟我出去逛逛吗? 你有空吗?
Hey. You want to go out with me tonight? Would that be good?
嘿 等一等 你以为你在干嘛?
Hey, wait a minute. What do you think you’re doing?
谁-谁-谁~ 你是说我吗? 没有 我没在干嘛
Who-Who-Who, me? No. I’m not doing anything.
我只是在… 你知道的 做好地盘的准备
I’m just, you know, assuming the position.
-嘿 你尿的是我的树 -哦 没有 我才不会做这种事
– Hey. You marked my tree. – Oh, no. I would never do that.
I would never mark–mark your tree.
我连听都听不懂 我喝太多水了
I don’t even know what those words mean. I drank a lot of water.
我告诉你 我每次水一喝多就想尿尿
I’ll tell you something about water. It goes right through me.
拜托 这闻起来像柠檬汁一样
Come on. It smells like lemonade.
噢 是啊 我懂你的意思了 你的…
Oh. Yeah. Oh, I see your point. Yeah, yours is…
尿 十分浓厚…
very, very strong.
老实说…像是氨水一样 我开始头晕了
It’s like–like ammonia.
I’m actually getting dizzy,to tell you the truth. Ha.
走吧 我们闪了 我们走吧
Come on. Let’s beat it. We’re leaving.
你们要走了 一路顺风啊
You two are going, huh? Have fun.
再见 你们俩真的很登对
Have fun. You make a very handsome couple.
天啊 我真懦弱
God, I hate myself.
-哇~~ -是啊 从来没有熊碰得到那个蜂窝
-Wow. -Yeah. Bears have died trying to reach that hive.
Well, if you want it, you got it.
哦 拜托 想都别想 这不好笑
Oh, please. Don’t even think about it. That’s not funny.
-真的 我会拿来给你 -阿奇 我是说真的
– No. I’m gonna go get it for you. – Archie, I’m serious.
不要了 太危险了 答应我
Don’t. It’s too dangerous. Promise me.
好吧 我喜欢你 艾娃
Okay. I like you, Ava.
我也喜欢你 阿奇
I like you too, Archie.
-噢 你们两位小姐在做什么? -桑尼 别闹了
– Oh. What are you girls doing over here? – Sonny, don’t.
滚开 小白脸
Beat it, circus boy.
-桑尼– -哦 你给我闭嘴
-Sonny– -Oh, you keep your yap shut.
Your charm is matched only by your odor.
– And what does that mean?
– That just means you’re a malodorous ignoramus.
-没什么大不了 -它到底在说什么 我被搞糊涂了
– It’s nothing, really. – What’s he saying? I’m confused.
And I don’t like being confused.
-对 它真的不喜欢
-真的吗 我以为你早就习惯了
– Yeah, he really doesn’t.
– Really? Well, you’d think he’d get used to it, huh?
走吧 艾娃 它把我搞糊涂了
Let’s go, Ava. Tryin’ to confuse me.
艾娃 别走 你也许可以找个比我更好的 但别跟更差的在一起
Ava, don’t go.
Look,maybe you can do better than me, but don’t do worse.
-我以为你喜欢我 -我当然喜欢
-I thought you liked me. -Of course I do.
-走了 艾娃 -但是 你永远是只城市熊
-Come on, Ava. -But you’ll always be a city bear.
And I need more than that.
城市熊 很棒的
City bear. Great.
Should we, uh, put all our cards on the table?
Of course.
你找来的那只熊 它根本不可能有办法在…
This bear you brought up here has as much likelihood of making…
