你的杀手锏是什么? 每场表演不都有个杀手锏吗?
What’s gonna be your big finish? Every act has to have a big finish.
杀手锏? 你看看 旧金山蜜蜂报说
Big finish? Check it out. San Francisco Bee. Quote.
“阿奇的表演最棒的地方就是” 它会结束
“The best thing about Archie’s act is when it’s finished.” End quote.
不是 我是说这辈子懂吗
No, I mean in life.
你要跟谁分享你的成就 你的希望梦想 恐惧跟挫折
Who you gonna share your success with,
your hopes, dreams, fears and failures?
我告诉你 如果我没有我的老婆跟女儿 我做的每一件事都毫无意义
Everything I do wouldn’t mean anything
if I didn’t have my wife and kids to go home to.
Sometimes I do get very lonely.
I’ve never been in love.
好啊 这就是你的好机会 我觉得艾娃很喜欢你
Okay, this is your big chance. I think Ava really likes you.
什么 它跟你说的吗? 它说了什么?
Did she say somethin’? What’d she say?
你知道的 有的时候就得学会察言观色
You gotta learn to read between the lines sometimes.
它爱我吗? 我就知道!
She loves me? I knew it!
嘿 先别太兴奋了好吗
Hey, let’s not get carried away.
I feel like I’m about to burst.
原来爱是这种感觉是吗? 噢
So, this is what love feels like, right? Oh.
Or maybe it’s the marshmallows.
对! 我想是糖的缘故吧 因为你吃了一整包
Yeah! I think it’s the marshmallows. You ate a whole bag of ’em.
医生 明天你会看到一只全新的熊
Doc, tomorrow you’re gonna see a brand-new bear.
I think I’m gonna call it a night.
别走 这里有点可怕
Don’t go. It’s a little scary out here for me.
Can you stay here till I fall asleep?
好 我等你睡著以后再走
Okay, I’ll wait till you fall asleep. Then I’m leaving.
-嘿 医生 -什么事?
– Hey, Doc? – Yes?
Can you leave the light on?
好 不熄火
Okay, light stays on.
I’ll keep these here, okay?
-晚安,阿奇 -晚安,医生
-‘Night, Archie. -‘Night, Doc.
If you want a marshmallow, just gotta ask me, okay?
小心了 艾娃 全新的阿奇来罗
Look out, Ava! There’s a new Archie in town!
哦 耶 这感觉真棒!
Oh, yeah! That feels good!
Feel it comin’!
Feel the burn!
Feel the wind!
Feel the muscle cramp!
Oww! Aah!
快来 阿奇 别放弃 加油 来 快点 来
Come on, Archie, don’t quit. Dig deep. Let’s go!
I think I pulled my butt muscle.
好痛哦 我的屁♥股♥好痛
Ouch. It stings. My butt stings.
你能揉揉我屁♥股♥吗? 拜托你帮我揉揉 揉我的屁♥股♥?
Could you rub my butt? Could you rub it, please?
Rub my butt. Come back here, rub my butt.
Please rub my butt.
医生终于看清他 绝对无法让阿奇..
Doc finally realized he was never gonna make Archie fast enough…
or strong enough to impress Ava,
但也许 他能让它变得更体贴些
but maybe, maybe he could make him sweet enough.
Wow, how could anybody be so beautiful?
Why don’t you tell her that?
哦 我不知道 我—哦 天啊—
Oh, I don’t know. I– Oh, my–
What is that?
哦 它是桑尼 是艾娃的男朋友 它跟我提起过它
Oh, that’s Sonny.That’s her little “bearfriend.”She told me about him.
-但它是棕熊啊 -嘿 别灰心 伙计
-But he’s a Kodiak bear. -Hey, don’t get discouraged, man.
You can win her over.
听好了 要赢得女人的芳心 首先要知道她喜欢什么
The key to winning a woman over is, figure out what she likes.
-好比说我老婆 -算了吧
-Take my wife. -Please!
-别这样,我是说真的 -对不起
-Don’t do that. This is serious. – I’m sorry.
My wife, she likes to be surprised.
Like jumpin’ out of the bushes, screamin’?
不…不是这样的 她们喜欢浪漫点 做些浪漫的事
No, nothin’ like that. They like romance. Do something romantic.
一些让她们觉得你一直挂念著她们 总是把她们放在心上 懂了吗
Something that says, “I’m thinking about you all the time.”
哇 这真是贴心 你是说你一直做这些事吗?
Wow, that’s really nice. You do stuff like that all the time?
I used to.
但是最近我有点…你知道的 忙这些事情
But lately I’ve been, you know, all caught up in this,
so I guess I’m a little out of practice.
好吧 蜡烛 水果 起司 葡萄酒
Okay, candles, fruit, cheese, wine.
-你在做什么? -噢 嗨 老婆
– What are you doing? – Oh, hey, honey.
我告诉你我在干什么 今晚你是主角 宝贝
I’ll tell you what I’m doing. It’s all about you tonight.
我赶孩子们去看电影了 熊在森林里面露营
I’ve sent the children off to the movies,
and the bear is camping in the woods.
-只剩我们了 -哦 是的 只剩你们了
-We’re all alone. -Oh, yes, all alone.
One second.
你看不到我 我跟沙发合为一体了
You cannot see me. I am at one with the couch.
我有完美的伪装 藏身于每一丝纤维中,我…
I am blended perfectly, interwoven into every fiber.
-喔 找到了 我可以教你几招 -最后一个电灯泡
– Oops! Come on! I can give you some pointers!
– So much for the intrusions.
嘿 拜托啦 没有观众就没意思了
Hey, come on. It ain’t no fun if the homeys can’t see none.
Now, where were we?
You were thinking a few candles and some wine would make up…
for ignoring me the last few days.
我感觉到你的小脾气 我会认真对待的
I’m sensing a little resistance. I took that into consideration.
Here’s something you won’t be able to resist.
♪ 我和你在一起 ♪
♪ And I feel with you ♪
♪ 在我的怀里 ♪
Is this our wedding song?
♪ In my arms ♪
这不公平 这不是我们结婚后第一支舞的歌♥吗
That’s not fair.Is this the first thing you ever danced to as Mrs.Dolittle?
♪ 这份爱将持续下去 ♪
The show is about to start.
♪ This love will last ♪
♪ 永远 ♪
What show?
♪ Forever ♪
是耶 真的是耶
♪ ‘因为我是 ♪
It is! It truly is!
♪ ‘Cause I’m ♪
♪ 真正地 ♪
♪ Truly ♪
♪ 我真的…好爱 ♪
♪ I’m truly in love ♪
♪ 杜立德太太 我真的好爱你 ♪
♪ With Mrs. Dolittle Truly in love ♪
♪我真的好爱你,宝贝 ♪
♪ Truly in love with you, girl ♪
哦 他好厉害啊
Oh, he’s so good.
我告诉你 他有一天抓了抓我肚子 我的脚动个不停
Let me tell ya,
he scratched my belly the other day, my leg went crazy.
-♪ 带着你的爱 ♪
– Hey, what’s going on?
– ♪ Head over heels with your love ♪
Apparently, he’s truly, truly in love with her.
嘿 医生 送她一点小物品 女人就喜欢小物品
Hey, Doc, give her some garbage. Chicks like garbage.
要不要给杜立德医生 亲一下
How about plantin’ a little sugar on Dr. D’s lips?
I think I can do that.
真的吗? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
Oh, really? Mm-hmm.
上啊,医生…上啊,医生… -噢!!
-G-o, Doctor! Go, Doctor! -D’oh!
-噢~~! -他摔她耶
– Ohh! – He broke her!
-走开 你们全走开 -噢~~ -这孩子有魄力。
– Get outta here, all of you! – Aww! – The kid’s got moxie.
-但这对我有帮助 我学了不少
– This ain’t no peep show!
– But this is really helpful. I’m learning a lot.
-真的 -快给我滚
-Truly. -Just get outta here.
-我们明天再谈 -嗯-哦 胸部
-We’ll discuss it tomorrow. -Uh-oh. Busted.
-你们明天要谈什么? -噢~~
-You’re gonna discuss what tomorrow? -Oh.
Well, I w– I was–
宝贝 我们…我们再继续刚才的事吧
Well, baby, why don’t we just pick it up where we left off.
-宝贝? -嗯~嗯?
-Baby? -Hmm?
Why don’t you sleep on the couch.
等等 她刚刚说什么 医生?
W-Wait, what’d she say, Doc?
她说她太爱我了 我今晚可以睡沙发
She said she loves me so much, I get to sleep on the couch.
You’re the man!
对 我很强
Yes, I’m the man.
I’m the man on the couch.
噼嘶 嘿 医生。罗密欧要出动了 他现在热血沸腾
Psst. Hey, Doc. Homey is on the move. His hormones are raging.
There he goes!
Hold it.
I was only going to the bathroom.
You can hold it.
I know that trick.
嘿 宝贝!
Hey, baby!
嗨 你的声音怎么了
Hi. What’s wrong with your voice?
You’re lookin’ mighty fine.
