-He’s not walking away. He’s circling the grapes.
Why? Are they dangerous grapes?
No, no, the grapes aren’t dangerous… Eric.
-各位,说真的,葡萄在哪里 -别担心,它做得很好
– Seriously, where are the grapes? – Don’t worry, he’s doing great.
-我们的进度刚刚好 -我有点头晕
– We’re right on schedule. – I’m gettin’ dizzy!
噢 噢 哇哦!!
Ohh! Oh! Oww!
I’m okay! Concrete broke my fall!
Definite bruise.
Now, explain this again.
我要爬进一个黑暗窄小的地方 睡上六个月吗
I’m supposed to climb into a small,
dark space and sleep for six months?
Yeah. That’s what bears do. It’s called hibernation.
听起来像是忧郁症 等等,那我要吃什么
Sounds more like depression. Wait, how do I eat?
什么都不吃啊 因为你在夏天要吃很多东西
Well, you don’t eat. What you do is,
you eat a lot during the summer.
That lasts you throughout the whole winter.
-那我去哪里上厕所 -也不需要上厕所
– Where do I go to the bathroom? – No going to the bathroom.
-什么,你说真的吗 -我说真的
– What? You’re kidding. – I’m serious.
What you do is, a week before you hibernate…
你要开始吃东西了 像泥土和苔藓 毛发和青草,
you start eating things like dirt and moss and hair and grass,
这些会形成一个栓子 塞住你的,你的… 塞住你的,你的…
and it forms a big plug in your, um– it p-plugs up your, uh–
-呃 你知道的 -塞住我的屁屁
– Uh, you know. – It blocks my butt?
哦 对,这个又大又恶心的毛栓 会塞住你的屁屁
Oh, yeah, it blocks it all up with this big,
nasty, hairy plug of hair and grass.
It’s a big, nasty plug.
喔~喔~ 等等 你说我要在屁♥股♥里塞一个毛栓 睡上六个月
Whoa, whoa, wait. You want me to sleep
for six months with a big cork in my butt?
Yeah, that’s the idea of it.
-好了,再见 我回家了 -嘿 阿奇…阿奇 快回来
– Okay, good-bye! See ya later! – Hey, Archie…Archie,come back here!
-我才不要,再见 -阿奇
-Nope, I’m gone! See ya! -Archie!
-嘿 你要往南走吗
-阿奇,听我说 不会有人想要载一只熊的
-Hey, headin’ south?
-Archie, look, nobody’s gonna pick up a hitchhiking bear.
I’ll split the gas and sit in the back with the kids.
-拜托,阿奇,别这样 -抱歉,医生,这行不通的
-Come on, Archie, stop it. -I’m sorry, Doc. This isn’t working out.
I almost drowned. Ava doesn’t like me.
我已经不想再听你抱怨了 好吗 看看这棵树,你看到了什么
I’m tired of your complaining. Okay,
Look up in this tree. What do you see, huh?

对,在鸟窝里的鸟 它下面的树枝上有只松鼠在它的窝里
Right, a bird in his home. And on the branch
below him there’s a squirrel in his home.
And there’s a little rabbit in his home.
All these animals are depending on you.
你做得到的 只要跟著你的心走 好吗
You can do this. Just listen to your inner bear.Okay.
相信自己的心 它会告诉你该怎么做 来吧
Just trust him. He’ll tell you what to do. Come on.
好吧,我先跟你说 我的心不太喜欢那颗塞屁♥股♥
Okay, but I gotta tell ya, my inner bear
has a problem with the butt plug.
All right, I’m gonna show you what
happens to animals…that don’thave a home.
Come on
Hello, Clarice.
-呃 医生,这应该没必要 -是时候来一场艰难的爱情了。
-Uh, Doc, this isn’t necessary. -It’s time for a little tough love.
-快来 -你看看
– Come on. – Look, Iggy!
What’s the matter, boy? Couldn’t make it on the outside?
-嘿– -过来吧,小白脸
– Hey– -Come on in, powder puff.
-好了,快进去吧 -什么…为什么
– Go on in there. – But, wh-why?
里面有两只熊想见你一面 去吧 快点
There’s a couple bears inside that want to meet you.Go come on.
I’ll just sit over on that side of the cell.
I’m tired of this madness.
-别害怕嘛 -我会咬人哦
-Don’t be scared. -I’ll bite ya!
我是杜立德 哦 嗨 老婆
Yes, Dolittle. Oh, hi, honey!
Don’t like to hunt? Don’t like to fish?
你知道我有多想回到森林里 也不要蹲在这里吗
You know what I would give to be
in the forest instead of in this dump?
-呃 医生! -我好像听到有人说话
– Uh, Doc! – Do I hear someone talkin’?
没有… 你看看 现在的年轻人一点也不懂得尊重
No, no. See, that’s the problem with kids today– no respect.
Kid think he knows my life.
-我想他需要我们给他上一课 -不…我只是–
– I think he needs us to teach him a lesson. – N-No, I just–
我来给它一个熊抱 我要给你一个大熊抱 快过来,小子
I’m gonna give him a bear hug.
Get on over here and let me give you a bear hug, Tiny.
No, it’s actually going quite well.
I think I finally got this under c– control.
♪ 她名叫萝拉… ♪ 吖!
♪ Her name was Lola ♪ Yeah!
♪ 她是个舞娘…♪ 喔!!
♪ She was a show bear ♪ Whoo!
♪ 头发上有黄色的羽毛 ♪
-Lisa, let me call you back.
♪ With yellow feathers in her hair ♪
♪ 裙子短到这边 ♪
♪ And her dress cut down to there ♪
在哪里? ♪就在世界杯 ♪ 太棒了!
Where? ♪ At the Copa ♪ Yes!
医生 看来这里每个人都喜欢音乐 哈哈
Doc, apparently everyone in this place loves musicals.
开玩笑的 我懂 我会更努力的
I’m kidding. I’ll try harder.
Meanwhile, while the cat’s away, the mice will play,
and by mice I mean teenagers.
-好,眼睛还是闭著吗 -对
-All right, they still closed? -Yes.
现在张开 他们来了
Here they come.
You did all this?
好了,兄弟们,就是现在 记得医生的吩咐
Okay, boys, remember what the doc said.
如果这小子敢毛手毛脚 我们就给他好看,懂吗 卡佩什?
If this punk tries anything fresh, we let him have it.Capeesh?
这里有鸡翅 鸡腿 玉米饼 呃 随便有的没的
So I got wings, legs,tacos, uh, whatever.
玉米饼? 他刚刚说玉米饼吗?
Taco? Did somebody say taco?
No, no, no. Blend in. Blend in.
嘘 你会暴露我们的行踪
Pshht. You’re gonna blow our cover.
莎莉丝 从我到这里就一直
Charisse, there’s something I really been meaning to do…
…ever since we got out here.
哦 真的吗
Oh, really?
What’s that?
他用法式湿吻我 呸 呸 呸
He French-kissed me! Blagh! Blagh! Blagh!
Now that worked out nicely.
The drinks are on me, Jenny.
Meanwhile, the Doctor gave Archie and me…
..some lessons of our own.
Could you leave a little for me,
because, technically, it is my…
Just a thought.
嘿! 嘿! 这怎么回事
Hey! Hey, what’s going on here?
I’ve been so blessed,
I feel I should give back to the hot lady dog.
No, look, you don’t have to put up with that.
嘿 走开 啊 去 走 啊!!
Hey, get out of here! Ahh! Go! Ahh!
-她真的好辣 -你们俩怎么回事?
-That is one hot fox! -What’s the matter with you two?
你们不知道所有雌性动物 要的都是最强壮的雄性吗
Don’t you know that every female is looking for the strongest male?
-那么个性呢? -我永远交不到女朋友了
– But what about personality? – I’m gonna die a virgin.
闭嘴 听我说 最强的雄性就是领导者
Shut up and listen. The strongest male is called the alpha male.
领导者就是老大 它会让大家都知道它是老大
The alpha male wants everybody to know he’s the boss male.
You have to be him– the boss of all the males.
你得学会如何 像个领导者一样走路
You have to learn how to walk like the alpha male.
-抬头挺胸 -抬头挺胸
-Walk the walk. – Walk the walk.
-没错,都要像个老大一样 -我还在练习走路
– And talk the alpha male talk! -I’m still on the walk.
没错 这跟权力跟尊严有关
It’s about power and respect.
全在于不受抑制 绝对不妥协 来自于睾丸素的男性雄风
It’s about pure,unchecked, uncompromised,
testosterone-driven male power!
约翰 我不是叫你去丢垃圾吗
John, didn’t I ask you to line the garbage pails?
你给我自己去倒 婆娘
You line ’em your damn self, woman!
-什么? -对不起 老婆
– What? – I-I’m sorry, honey.
我是在跟动物说话 有点太激动了 我在教它们
I was talkin’ to the animals.
I got a little riled up. I was teachin’ ’em somethin’.
别再跟动物胡闹了 去给我们找些吃的来
Stop messing with those animals and
go and get us something to eat.
-好 我马上去找 我马上就帮你去找吃的 老婆 -快去
-Okay, I’m on my way. Going right now, honey. -Go.
-现在就去 示范得好 言行一致的老大 -闭嘴
-Way to go, alpha male. Talk the talk. -Shut up!
什么 你在叫谁闭嘴
Who are you telling to shut up?
我不是说你 我是对动物说的 我去找吃的
I wasn’t talking to you.
I was talking to the animals.I’m going to get the food.
– You sure you don’t want another one of these things?
– No, I’m fine.
我问你一个问题 你一辈子都待在马戏团里对吧
I got a question for you.
Let’s say you spend your whole life in show business.
