this whole forest, everything.
唯一能够阻止他们的 就是 如果我可以让两只西太平洋熊在一起
The only thing that can stop ’em is if I can
get two Pacific Western bears together.
你是西太平洋熊 它也是
You’re a Pacific Western bear,and so is he.
如果我可以把你们凑成一对 然后你们再生几只小西太平洋熊 那么就…
If I can get the two of you together and you
made little Pacific Western bears, then–
-你听出我的重点了吗? -啊-哈 耶
-You see where I’m going with this? -Uh-huh, yeah.
Look, no offense, but I don’t talk to bear pimps.
等等, 拜托 至少让我叫它过来让你看一下嘛 阿奇 过来这边
At least let me call him over so you can meet him.
Archie, come over here.
嘿 约翰,你在这里啊 真是的 我还以为我们要上健身房♥了
Hey, Johnny, there you are. Come on, man.
I thought we were gonna go work out.
-好了 阿奇 换你了 -我要跟它说什么
– Okay, Archie, you’re on. – What do I say to her?
-认识认识它 跟它说关于你的事 -嗨 我是阿奇
– Get to know her a little. Tell her about yourself. – Hi! I’m Archie.
I like moonlit walks on the beach,
呃 跟一个特别的熊分享我的美食
uh, sharing slop buckets with that special someone,
and the soulful sounds of the Backstreet Boys.
-你好怪哦 -怪…怪性感吗?
– You’re very weird. – Weird, as in sexy?
No, just weird.
嘿 阿奇…呃 我看接下来 让我来说吧
Hey, Archie, uh, why don’t you let me take it from here.
-这很好。 -可以
-That was good. -Okay.
-那么 艾娃 你觉得阿奇怎么样 很帅吧
– So Ava. What do you think of Archie? Cute, huh?
– Oh, don’t make me eat you.
别这样嘛!我知道 它刚开始在女性周围会有点尴尬 但是如果…
Stop that. I know he’s a little uncomfortable
around the female of the species at first, but–
That’s not even really the point.
听我说,我要一只真正的熊 一只能打猎保护我给我温饱的熊
You see, I need a real bear, someone who can
hunt and protect and provide for me.
噢 好,这个我可以理解 是啊
Oh. Okay. I can understand that.
哦 还有,其实我已经有对象了
Oh, and I’m already involved with someone.
Really? You have a boyfriend already– a “bearfriend.”
-那你爱它吗? -爱?
– Are you in love? – “Love”?
My cousin married for love.
结果呢 它老公就跟一只棕熊辣妹 在北边的山洞里胡搞瞎搞
The next thing she knows, he’s two-timing
her with this little grizzly in a cave up north.
-好,所以你不爱它 -不爱
-Okay, so you’re not in love? -No.
好吧 我们这么办好了 一个月之内先不要做决定
All right, let’s make a deal. Don’t make any decisions for a month.
至于阿奇呢 我来帮它 一个月之内我要把它变身成一只
I’m gonna go work with Archie,
and in a month’s time I’m gonna turn that bear…
你会想跟它生小熊的猛熊 好吗
into a bear that you’ll be proud to have little bear cubs with. Okay
快来看 我为你前滚翻–
Check it out! I’ve flipped for you–
踩到松果了 天啊
Pinecone. Gah!
-嘿 -嘿
-Hey. -Hey.
Perfect night
在户外呼吸新鲜空气 听著蟋蟀的叫声
Sitting’ out here, breathing this fresh country air,
listening to the crickets chirp.
You know what the crickets are saying?
爸 我不知道蟋蟀在说什么 我不会跟动物说话 听得懂的人是你不是我
Dad. I don’t speak to the animals.
You’re the one who understands ’em, not me.
Little monkeys don’t come up to me asking me for a 40-ounce.
I don’t say, “Can I help you, little animal?
Need a shot?” I don’t do that, Dad.
我要回房♥听音乐了 你看到我跟动物说话了吗
I’m in my room listening to music. You see me talkin’ to the animals?
Slow it down a second.
我本来是要告诉你 蟋蟀是自然的温度计这样而已
I was just gonna tell you that crickets are
nature’s thermometers, that’s all.
-你可以从它们叫声的频率 得知温度的高低 -好吧
-You can tell how cold it is by how fast they chirp. -Okay.
-这里是有点冷对不对 -对,是有点凉凉的
-It seems a little cold out here, doesn’t it? -Yeah, a little nippy.
-也许我该去拿件外套 -对
-Maybe I need to go get my vest. -Yeah.
哟 杜立德医生 是最棒的
Yo, Dr. Dre is still the best.
Hey, and get a tuneup, man. Get a tuneup.
-哟 怎样啊 宝贝 -嗨 艾瑞克
– Yo, what’s up, baby? – Hey, Eric.
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
H-H– Hey! Hey! You left your homey!
-怎样啊 杜立德医生
-我不知道 艾瑞克 也许你可以告诉我好不好
– What’s up, Dr. D?
– I don’t know, Eric. Maybe you should tell me.
哟 大哥 我是来拜访的 我想你们这么爱我
Yo, man, I came to visit. Since y’all love me so much,
I was gonna stay a couple days.
不,不,绝对不行 莎莉丝 我不明白
No, no. Hell, no. Charisse, I don’t understand.
-这有什么好不明白的 爸
-呃 艾瑞克拿着他的包包,我不明白这个
-What’s not to understand, Dad?
-Uh, Eric with bags.I don’t understand that.
He’s staying here for a couple nights. Mama said so.
噢 是你妈说的 哦 好吧
Oh, your mother said so. Oh, okay.
艾瑞克 你就睡客厅地板上的睡袋里 地板上那个
Eric, you gonna be on the floor in the living room in a sleeping bag,
if you don’t have a problem with that.
顺带说一下 艾瑞克 我会看著你的
By the way, Eric, I’m watchin’ you.
不只是我 你知道我整座森林里都有眼线 知道我会说鸟语吧
And not just me. I got eyes all around the woods.
You know I talk to the birds.
-谢了,爸 -没错,还有小心背后
– Thanks, Dad. – Yeah, watch your back.
-我能感觉到你,你能吗? -可以 -好吧
-I feel you. You feel me? -Okay. -All right.
I’m watching–I’m watching you, Eric!
I’m watching your back!
熊是机会主义者 会到处找能吃的东西
Bears are opportunistic eaters, finding food wherever they can.
Can we please see what else is on?
You need to watch this so you can learn
how to feed yourself and survive during the winter.
What is he doin’? Diggin’?
-你从不好奇你的爪子 是用来干什么的吗
-呃 没有
– You never even wondered what your sharp claws was for?
– Uh, no.
Bears are excellent swimmers.
Not this bear.
-我知道 你不会告诉我 你不会游泳吧。
-I know you’re not gonna tell me you don’t know how to swim.
-Wait, you haven’t heard?
世上有种东西,它叫做 船
There’s a new invention. It’s called… the boat!
好,我听够了 明天一大早 我们日出就起床 我要教你如何捕鱼
That’s the last straw. We’re gonna get up at dawn.
I’m teaching you how to fish.
中午怎么样 真是够了
How ’bout noon-ish? Unbelievable.
And so began the bear-athon,
这个任务需要熊心壮志 绝不可英熊气短
a training mission so “grizzly,”
so un-bear-able, so hairy– okay, that’s enough.
阿奇,开始吧 这条河中都是鱼,去抓吧
Archie, let’s do it.This river’s full of fish.Let’s go.
Yup. So is Red Lobster.
Don’t look at me, look at the water. That’s where the fish are.
它们都在动 哦 妈呀,有一条碰到我了 它刚刚碰到我了
They’re movin’. Oh, man, one just touched me. One just touched me!
听好,你这个大笨毛球 你给我现在就把头伸进水里 然后给我叼起一条鱼
Look, you big, furry baby,
put your face down right now and grab a fish!
-不 -阿奇 只要学电视上演的就好了
-No! -Archie, I want you to do just like you saw on TV.
把头伸到水里抓一条鱼 你做得到的
Put your face under the water and catch a fish.
我在这里为你加油 我支持你 把头伸进水里
I’m here with you. Go under the water.
All right! I’ll try it.
All right, one, two, three–
-很好,阿奇 -怎么了? -怎么了?
-That’s Archie! -What’s up? -What’s up?
-怎么了? -怎么了?
-What’s up? -What’s up?
Hey, fellas, what’s up?
Okay, okay, get one.
-不能呼吸了! -阿奇!
-Can’t breathe! – Archie!
-不能呼吸了! -嘿!
– Can’t breathe! – Hey!
阿奇! 阿奇!
Archie. Archie!
好了,阿奇 你告诉我 把头从水里面抬起来呼吸 这有多么困难
Okay,Archie! How smart do you have
to be to lift your head out of the water when you can’t breathe?
I saw a light. It was a bright light. It was beautiful.
好吧 到此为止 我带你去一个能够让你更坚强的地方
Okay, we’re gonna take you on a little trip
right now that’s gonna toughen you up.
-我们去找一个就连你也抓得到的东西 快点起来
– What? What?
– We’re gonna find something even you can catch. Come on.
I saw my grandma.
-快吃吧 -哦 我—
-Go on, eat. -Oh, I–
-快点吃 -这些–我不吃 呃–
-Come on, eat! -They’re–I don’t eat, uh–
I’m good. Thanks.
Okay, am I close?
-还没 -用你的念力
– Cold. – Use the Force.
-接近了吗,还是远了 -像北极那么远
-Colder? Warmer? – Arctic.
-我觉得还不错 说不定连三星期都不用
-So, how’s it going?
-It’s going great. I’m not even gonna need three weeks.
Honey, look, he’s already foraging grapes.
-它没有转身走掉 它只是在绕圈圈
-Why’s he walking away from ’em?
