Oh. Yeah, I guess so.
Got any action shots? You know what I’m talkin’ about.
不,我没有,听我说 你很幸运能和她这样的熊在一起。
No, I don’t, but listen, you’d be lucky
to wind up with somebody like her.
听着 我以前交过好几个女朋友,你知道
Look, I have had so many girlfriends, you know–
好吧,其实我没交过女朋友 不过还是把它带来吧 星期一带它过来
Okay, look, I’ve never had a girlfriend. Just bring her by on Monday.
That’s when I’m dark. Okay?
不行,我不能带它过来 你得去找它
I can’t bring her here. You have to go to her.
-喔 喔 喔 去找它,在哪里 -嗯 它在森林里
– Whoa, whoa. whoa. Go to her? Where? – Um, she’s in the forest.
喔~呃 我不去森林的
Ooh, uh, I don’t play forests.
I’m strictly a state fair, small arena-type bear.
-嗯 我想想,我知道
-Archie, do you know what kind of bear you are?
-Um, let’s see. Yes.
我会唱歌♥,跳舞 学了三年的踢踏舞 两年爵士舞
I’m a singer. Dancer– three years tap, two years jazz.
不是,阿奇 你是濒临绝种的动物
No, Archie, you’re an endangered species.
你是在威胁我吗 因为我的律师会过来…
Is that a threat, buddy? Because my lawyer will be down here–
不是,我没有威胁你 我是指 你是一种很稀有的熊
No, I’m not threatening you. You’re a very rare bear.
-你是西太平洋熊 你知道什么意思吗
– You’re a Pacific Western bear. You know what that is?
– Yes, I know what–
听著,我什么熊都能演 我的演技很广泛 棕熊,猫熊,北极熊 你看看我演的北极熊
I can play any kind of bear. I’ve got range.
Grizzly, panda. Here, check out my polar.
-好…我说得还不够清楚 我再解释一下
– I am freezing! It is cold!
– I haven’t made it clear. Let me break it down to you.
-对,巴拉 巴拉 巴拉
– Your ancestors come from the mountains of California.
– Yes, blah, blah, blah.
When you were six months old, they took you from your mother…
and taught you to wiggle your hips to a recording of “Hound Dog.”
No, no, I taught myself that.
I admit I pander, because I’m a pander bear!
听懂了? 哈哈哈
Get it? Ha ha ha!
Pander! Yeah, that’s funny stuff, Archie.
听我说 我想说的是
But listen, what I’m proposing to you is,
I’d like to take you back to where your ancestors roamed,
让你回到森林里 教你如何成为一只熊
get you out in the woods and teach you to be a real bear.
我喜欢现在的我 好吗,我很有名的
Look, I like the bear I am. Okay? I’m famous!
你去礼品店看过吗 那里有卖♥♥我的布偶哦
Have you been to the gift shop? I have my own beanie baby.
你跟我走的话 我保证你会成为世上最出名的熊
You do this, you’ll be the most famous bear in all the world.
-比维尼熊出名? -开什么玩笑
– Bigger than Pooh? – Are you kidding me?
如果你成功了 大家都会问维尼是哪根葱
You pull this off, they’ll be saying, “Winnie the who?”
You got yourself a bear.
接下来这一则新闻 绝对会是今年最新奇的新闻
And in what must be one of the most unusual stories of the year,
Dr. John Dolittle is trying to rewrite the laws of nature…
by attempting to reintroduce a performing bear into the wild.
In doing so, he hopes to save an entire forest from destruction.
It’s Darwin versus Dolittle.
哦 我去你♥妈♥的♥
Oh, get over yourself.
Governor, I’ve got two lumber mills waiting for that wood.
I understand, Joe, but it’s complicated.
Especially if that endangered bear survives.
如果我没达到我的业绩 濒临绝种的就是你
I don’t meet my quota, Governor,
you’re the one who’s gonna be endangered.
别急 波特先生,别担心
Now, now, J.P. not to worry.
那只笨熊一定会失败的 至少一次
That ridiculous bear is bound to screw up at least once.
And when he does, you’ll have yourself a new trophy.
And I’ve got just the place to put him.
♪ 今天是周六,把车擦亮♪
♪ It’s Saturday Get the car shined up ♪
♪ 和 ♪ ♪ 理发排队 ♪
♪ And?♪ ♪ Haircut lined up ♪
♪ 你们要穿什么?♪ ♪ 我还没下定决心 ♪
♪ What you gonna wear, y’all?♪ ♪ Haven’t made my mind up ♪
♪ 最好贴上一♥码♥,绑起来 ♪ ♪ 这是正确的。♪
♪ Better post one size up and tie it up ♪ ♪ That’s right. ♪
♪ 希望她会在那里 ♪
♪ Hope she’ll be there ♪
♪ 我想知道她会怎么梳头发 ♪ ♪ 你要做什么?♪
♪ I wonder how she’ll wear her hair ♪ ♪ What you gon’ do? ♪
♪ 如果我看到她,我发誓 ♪
♪ If I see her, I swear ♪
♪ 我要把大门关上 ♪
♪ I’m gon’ put the gate down like, yeah ♪
♪ 我看起来不错 ♪ ♪ 寻找某人 ♪
♪ I’m looking good ♪ ♪ Looking for someone ♪
So we all moved to the forest and waited for Archie to arrive.
家人正在整理行李 我正好有机会找厕所 标记下我的第一个地标
While the family got settled,
it was time I started looking out for number one.
哈 哈 哈~~嘟-嘟-嘟-嘟–
Huh? Doo-do-do-do-doo
这里看起来够好了 这里好了
This looks like as good a place as any.
哈 简单的小幸福
Ah, the simple pleasures of life.
Holy lord! That wolf is a fox!
希望我没口臭 你知道 因为我刚舔过– 当我没说
I hope I don’t have dog breath, you know,
from lickin’ my own–Never mind.
噢 你喜欢闻吗 是的 那是我的
Oh, you like that, huh? Yeah, that was me.
Plenty more where that came from.
“Grr” to you, too.
What is that, some kind of secret wild lady dog
code for “You like me”?
Yeah, I do some dancin’.
我叫这个舞步抓抓背 不赖吧 我的女神
Here’s a little move I call the back-scratcher. Pretty cool, huh?
H-Hey, hot lady, wait. Where you goin’?
Call me!
And so, the big day finally came,
and I had a feeling the fur was gonna fly.
好了,各位 大家都知道我们来的原因
Okay, everybody, you all know why we’re here.
We’re about to try to do something that’s never been done before.
Everyone thinks we can’t pull this off,
and they got their blades sharpened and their trucks ready to roll.
But we’re gonna prove ’em wrong, right?
没有错 好,现在大家把你们的爪子举高
That’s right. Now I want everybody to put their claws together.
How about a big round of applause for
the bear that’s gonna lead the way?
Let’s hear it for Archie!
快 来吧
Yeah! Come on!
Are you ready to save the forest?
*举起你的爪子 举起爪子 现在 快点*
* Put your paws up Put your paws up Come on, now *
Is this some kind of joke?
嘿 我想谈件正经的事
Hey, I wanna go serious on ya for a second.
我知道,眼前的路很艰难 但是有你们的支持 我知道–
I know I’ve got my work cut out for me,
but with your help I know one thing–
就是 现在
Now. Go.
♪ 我会活下去 ♪
♪ I will survive ♪
♪ 对,我会活下去 ♪
♪ Yes, I will survive ♪
♪ 只要我知道如何去爱我就知道我会活着 ♪
♪ As long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive ♪
♪ 对,我会活下去 ♪
♪ Yes, I will survive ♪
♪ 只要我知道如何去爱我就知道我会活着 ♪
♪ As long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive ♪
We’re dead.
-玩完了 -没希望了
– Nevermore. – This show’s over.
-回家睡觉吧 -你有的忙了,医生
– Let’s go fool around. – You got your work cut out for you, Doc.
OK I’m done. Turn it off.
You’re not a real bear. You’re Wayne Newton in a bear suit.
So dirty. Look at my paws.
对,这里是森林,阿奇 到处都是尘土
It’s the woods, Archie. Its chief component is dirt.
等等,医生,那就是它吗 它好美
Wait.Hey, Doc, is that her? She’s a babe.
-对,就是它 -噢
-Yeah,that’s her. -Oh.
你看看它的动作 真希望能看到它游泳
Look at the way she moves. Man, would I love to see her wet.
这样好了,我过去把你介绍给它 你在这里等
I’m gonna go over and introduce you. You just wait over there.
Yeah, good.
跟它说我很欣赏它的肥肉 但是不要说得太露骨
Hey, tell her I really dig her fat pouch, but don’t be crude.
-我尽量说得含蓄点 -好,很好
-I’ll try to work that in. -Okay, good.
等等 嘿–天啊!
Wait, hey–Gah!
噢 你要过来吗 我正在忙著摘果子
Oh, are you coming over here? I’m a little busy foraging.
-嗨 你好,我叫约翰 -你好
-Hi. Hello.My name is John. -Hi.
-我是艾娃 -嗨,艾娃 好美的名字 很高兴认识你
– I’m Ava. – Hi, Ava. That’s a pretty name. Nice to meet you.
-嗨 -我有个问题,艾娃
-Hi. -Hey, uh, quick question, Ava.
How would you like to meet the man of your dreams?
你很可爱 但是我不跟别种动物交往
You’re real cute, but I don’t go interspecies.
不是我,我说的不是我 我说的是 我不应该说人 应该说熊
I’m not talkin’ about me.
I shouldn’t have said “man.” I should’ve said “bear.”
你想见见你的梦中情熊吗 看看那边 你觉得那只雄壮威武的熊怎么样
The bear of your dreams. What do you think of that big,
magnificent hunk of bear there?
嗯 我好像没看到
Um, I don’t think I see him.
哦 它在那只蠢熊后面吗
Oh, is he standing behind that dork?
哦 不…就是它–让我来跟你解释一下,好吗
Oh, no, he is–Look, let me explain to you what’s going on, all right?
有家伐木公♥司♥会将这整座森林砍光 一棵树都不剩
There’s a logging company that’s gonna tear down
