-This is your date?
-Dad, Eric. Eric, Dad.
哈哈 大哥,你好啊…
My man. What’s up?
呃 艾瑞克 别这样
Uh, Eric? Hmm, no.
-我们必须留在这里和家人一起吃晚饭。 -嗯?
-We have to stay here with the family and eat dinner. -Huh?
-我没意见 -嘿 莎莉丝,别这样
-It’s cool with me. -Hey, Charisse,now, don’t be like that.
你会让大家没有心情吃晚餐 别这样嘛
You gonna ruin dinner for everybody. Come on now.
You know what, pops? Don’t even sweat that, man.
I know how to take care of her.
♪ 我必须说,她让我大吃一惊♪
♪ She caught me by surprise I must say ♪
Charisse has always had a mind of her own.
她一岁半的时候 就自己决定不要穿尿布了
When she was about a year and a half,
she decided she wasn’t gonna wear diapers anymore.
-记得吗 -约翰
– Remember that? – John.
后来她就不断的在家里尿尿 因为她还不会憋尿
She started having accidents around
the house ’cause she didn’t have it down yet.
-爸,你非得这样闹是不是 不要这样
-We had little piles–
-Dad, you just had to go there, didn’t you?
-我们是一家人嘛 重温一下以前的时光 -这很有趣
-This is family.We’re talkin’ the old days. -It’s cool.
-我实际上在这里学到了一些东西。 -真的吗?
-I’m actually learnin’ something here. -Really?
You know what’s interesting?
You never learned to take off your hat at the dinner table.
你的头不会热吗 我光看你戴着帽子,我的头就热了
Isn’t your head getting hot?
Mine’s just getting hot just looking at you in that hat.
你想想 再过两年你就要离家去上大学了
Just think. In two years you’ll be out of
this house and on your way to college.
-是一年10个月又16天 -你知道吗
-One year, ten months,sixteen days. -You know what?
Berkeley’s a really close college.
– You could live at home and save some money.
– That’s a good idea.
But I’ve already reserved a U-Haul for
the day I graduated high school.
-噢 你已经约好搬家公♥司♥了? -呃 爸
– Oh. You reserved a U-Haul already? – Uh, Dad?
Someone to see you.
你 出来一下
Yo, step outside.
谢谢你 宝贝 失陪一下 女儿
Thank you, sweetie.Excuse me, darling.
-再见,爸,爱你哦 -我也爱你
-Bye, Dad. Love you. -I love you too.
Excuse me, Eric.
-嘿 嘿 你 下到这来 -好吧
-Hey, hey, yo. Yo, down here. -Okay.
What do you want?
First, let me say the beaver sends
birthday greetings to your lovely daughter.
真的吗,真贴心,你可以走了 告诉那只海狸说我被它烦够了
Really? That’s very nice.
You go and tell the beaver he’s starting to get on my nerves.
你那么生气做什么 它只不过想借用你一分钟的时间
What are you getting all bent out of shape for?
He only wants a moment of your time.
-What if I say no?
-I don’t think you want to go down that road, my friend.
好了,你回去告诉海狸 明天8点钟在我的办公室见
Go and tell the beaver,8:00, my office, tomorrow.
噢 海狸教父是不会为别人出门的
Oh, the beaver don’t travel for nobody.
它知道你是个大忙人 它会好好谢谢你的
He knows you’re a busy man,and he will remember this,
but this is truly a life-or-death situation.
好了 闭嘴 听好 明早7点钟在我车上见,可以了吗
All right, shut up, listen. My car, 7:00 a.m. All right?
嘿 这是好消息 海狸教父喜欢好消息
Hey, this is good news. The beaver likes good news.
-谢谢 -吉米,车开过来
– Thank you. – Jimmy, get the car.
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday ♪
♪ Happy birthday Dear Charisse ♪
♪ Happy birthday ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
Come on, blow your candles out and make a wish.
-[老鼠#1]甜蜜。。。 -[老鼠#2]惊喜!
– [ Rat #1 ] Sweet… – [ Rat #2 ] Surprise!
Happy birthday! It’s your birthday! It’s your birthday!
There’s a mouse in the house!
-给我那个 -蜡烛留给我吃
-Give me that! -I am licking the candles!
-是哦,你为什么不吃我的 -嘿 别那么脏
-Well, you can lick my fat, funky little– -Hey, don’t be a piggy!
-噢 噢 好痛 小心我的毛 小心我的毛 兄弟
– Charisse, I am so sorry.
– Ooh! Ooh, ouch! Hey, watch the fur,watch the fur, buddy!
We’re tryin’ to do somethin’ nice for your daughter.
我敢说如果我们是小猫猫 你就会说 “噢 好可爱 好可爱”
I bet if a little kitty popped out, you’d say,”Oh, how cute! how cute!”
-你们不是猫 -[老鼠#1] 放我下来!
-But you’re not. -[ Rat #1 ]Put me down!
-你不是一对可爱的小猫。 -是的,我们是。
– You’re not a couple of cute little kitties. – Yes, we are.
-你们是两只恶心的老鼠 -不 我们不是
-You’re two disgusting rats… -No, we’re not.
-你们把蛋糕都给搞砸了 -你要对我们做人身攻击吗
-that just ruined the birthday cake. -So you wanna get personal?
Well, you know what “rats” spelled backward is? It’s star!
-[老鼠#1]没错,我是明星哦 -真的吗?
-[ Rat #1 ]That’s right! I’m a star! -Is that right?
-呃 我不知道–
– Well, do you know what “ha” spells backwards?
– Uh, no, I don’t have any–
-[老鼠]啊啊啊啊! -完全正确
-[ Rats ]Aaaaah! -Exactly!
-这是真的吗 -是真的
-Could it be? -Yes, it is!
尿片 我的最爱,巧克力
Diapers! My favorite! Chocolate!
-说,“玛雅。” -玛雅。
-Say, “Maya.” -Maya.
-玛雅。 -玛雅。
-Maya. -Maya.
What do you think you’re doing?
-我想它要开口说话了 -给我一根骨头
-I think he’s about to say something. -Bring me a bone.
And a large order of flies.
You will bring me ham, luncheon meats, cold cuts.
-幸运,出去。 -嘿。
-Lucky, out. -Hey.
-好的 一起走吧 幸运
– Maya, can I talk to Charisse alone for a second.
– Okay. Come on, boy.
嗨,莎莉丝 我想为今天晚上跟你道歉
Charisse, look, I’m sorry about tonight.
我在想少花点时间工作 多花点时间在家里陪你们
I’m thinking about cutting back a little bit
and spending more time with you guys.
Great, now more animals will be here.
那如果我们不待在这里呢 我们可以去欧洲渡个假 全家一起去,这样如何呢
What if we don’t stay here?
We can go on a big vacation to Europe, the whole family.
-你说真的吗 -我说真的
-Are you serious? -I’m dead serious.
我们可以去巴黎,罗马,希腊群岛 我们说过好几次了
We can go to Paris, Rome,the Greek islands.
We always talked about that.
这次真的去 你觉得呢
What do you think?
Is this a bribe?
Yes, this is a bribe.
It’s working.
-哟 医生,我忘了说– -明天!!
-Yo, Doc,one other thing– -Tomorrow!
-什么 -明天
– What? – Tomorrow.
-明天 -对,欧洲行
-Tomorr– -Yeah.
European vacation.So, tomorrow– Tomorrow!
We’re going to Europe tomorrow.
♪ 做做做做 做,做,做 ♪
♪ Do do do-do-do-do-do Do-do-do, do-do-do ♪
♪ 所以你在路上 我在路上 ♪
♪ So you on the road I’m on the road ♪
♪ 你必须爆♥炸♥ ♪
♪ You must explode ♪
♪ 玩得开心人们,玩得开心♪
♪ And have some fun People, have some fun ♪
So, Doc, the raccoon and the possum took a road trip…
to meet this mysterious beaver.
嘿 医生,很不错的车哦,这是什么车
Hey Doc,Nice wheels.What do you call this thing?
-哦 这个是千里马 -哟 医生,有车是用我的名字的吗
– Oh, this is a Mustang. – Yo, Doc, is there a car named after me?
-呃 我想世界上没有车叫负鼠 -为什么没有
– No, I don’t think they make a Possum. – Why not?
Not a lot of cars named after rodents.
♪ 所以你在路上 ♪ 我在路上♪
♪ So you’re on the road ♪ I’m on the road ♪
♪ 你必须爆♥炸♥ ♪
♪ You must explode ♪
♪ 玩得开心点♪
♪ And have some fun ♪
好,我先跟你解释一下 跟海狸教父见面时的一些基本规则
I wanna go over a couple ground rules for
when you’re in the beaver’s presence.
Number one: No sudden movements.
Number two: Do not stare at his teeth.
Between you and me, he’s got a little bit of an overbite.
我个人认为它需要去整牙 但我又不是专家
I personally think he needs braces, but I’m not a dentist.
第三到第十点 你必须要尊重它
Numbers three through ten:
You will treat him with the respect he deserves.
-知道吗 -你还是在说海狸,对吧
-Capisce? -We’re talkin’ about a beaver, right?
-嘿 医生 -嘿 阿土你好,最近好吗
-Hey, Doc! -Hey, Tootie,how you doin’?
-嘿 医生你好吗
-退后一点,离他远一点 吉米 放尊重点,你们这些野兽
-Hey, Doctor, how are you?
-Back away from him, Jimmy.Show some respect, you animals.
-你看,浣熊把医生找来了 -大家都说他能创造奇迹
-Look, the raccoon got the doctor. -He says he’s a miracle worker.
-哈罗 -保利,请老板出来了
-Hello? – Paulie, get the boss ready.
I’m doing everything like you say, Joey.
