在她房♥里 房♥门锁著,用耳机在听音乐
She’s in her room with the door locked and headphones on.
– You could try paging her.
– She’s in the house, and she’s unreachable?
我还得打她呼叫器找她 我在家还要用呼叫器找家里的人
I’m supposed to page her in my house.
I’m gonna page somebody in my own house?
好 你想我会不会打呼叫器– 我才不打呼叫器呢
Okay, we’ll see if I’m gonna page some– I ain’t pagin’ nothin’!
小心点,医生,她16岁了 这是个很难搞的年纪
Careful, Doc, she’s 16. That’s a tough age.
嘿 莎莉丝开门
Hey!Charisse, open this door!
Can you believe this?
嘿 打她手♥机♥
Hey! Try her cell.
她就在房♥间里面 我才不要打她的手♥机♥呢
I’m not callin’ on the cell phone while she’s in her bedroom.
[ Rattling Doorknob ]
嘿 莎莉丝
Hey! Charisse.
Open the door!
可以… 好吧… 好… 好…
Okay. All right! Okay! Okay!
-[咆哮道] 莎莉丝… -**[耳机:播放着R&B音乐]
– [ Growling ] Charisse! – ** [ Headphones: R&B ]
Those teenagers, Doc. They can drive a man to drink.
Hey, what are you drinkin’?
-Oh, really? Give it to me.
Gatorade make wine now, huh?
– Naaaah!
– You better slow down.
– Which one of you is Dolittle?
– What now?
– I have a message from the boss.
– From the who?
老大啊,海狸教父啊 先别问这么多,跟我走
The boss, the guard beaver.
Now, save the questions and come with me.
你们都知道规矩 不能够随便爬上我家的阳台
You guys know the rules.You just don’t come up here on my balcony.
要先预约 你要去预约的! 现在,走吧。
Make an appointment.You make an appointment! Now, go.
You tell the beaver make an appointment just like everybody else.
I can’t tell him that.I’ll end up sleepin’ with the fishes.
How’s it gonna look in the paper when
Dr. Dolittle throws a possum off the roof?
-很好玩吗 一点都不好玩 快走,否则丢你下去
-That’s not gonna look right.Now, leave, ’cause I will.
-Watch your tone, buddy.
– [ Phone Ringing ]
– Talk.
– This is Daddy. How are you?
嗨 我有几个问题要问你
Hey! I got a couple of questions for you.
-爸 爸
I wanna know how come I gotta climb up the side of a building…
-Dad! Dad,
-你冷静点 爸 你在哪里
-and get on a cell phone to talk to you!
-Calm down. Dad!Where are you?
[Muffled]I’m outside of the building,right here!
爸 爸,你在这里干什么
Dad! Dad, what are you doing?
What am I doing?It’s the only way I can reach you!
你在房♥间干什么 你这是在搞什么
What are you doing in here? What’s all of that about?
-跳舞吗 当然啊
-You don’t do that in public, do you?
-Dance? Of course.
That’s not dancing. That’s advertising.
What’s this about you don’t want to
spend your birthday with your family?
Dad!Having dinner with your family
is something you do when you’re young,
not when you’re turning 16.
– Besides, I have a date.
– You can bring your date ’cause you’re comin’ to dinner.
Oh Cool! Eric, these are my parents and my little sister.
They’re joining us on our date.
No, he’s gonna be joining us at a family event.We have it every year.
I don’t even know why–
-What’s this?
-Dad, that’s private.
I can see why it’s private.It’s embarrassing.You got two C’s and a D.
爸,老实说你根本就没有资格 说任何人丢人
Dad, you are the last person who should be
talking about anything being embarrassing.
What are you talking about? What’s that supposed to mean?
[ Screeches, Hiccups ]
I’m supposed to stop my work helping the
animals because you find it embarrassing?
– That’s not gonna happen.
– That’s right. It’s not gonna happen.
所以别那么想 你要来吃晚餐 还有
So forget about it. You’re comin’ to dinner. Look at this.
– No cell phone for a week.
– What am I supposed to do without my cell phone?
这里有邮票 你可以学著写写信还是什么的 你觉得我在乎吗
Here’s some stamps. Learn how to write a letter.You think I care?
你看看我,我看起来像在乎的样子吗 不,莎莉丝
Do I look like I care? Look at me. No, Charisse.
不 你看看我 我看起来像在乎的样子吗
No.Look at me.Do I look like I care?
Look. I don’t care.
真不敢相信 她手♥机♥里面有50个人的电♥话♥号♥码 我的却不在里面
This is unbelievable.She has 50 numbers in here,
not one of them is mine.
-You shouldn’t be looking at that.
-Why not?
“Biggie Mack, cell. Biggie Mack, pager. Biggie Mack, home.”
-Who the hell is Biggie Mack?
-I don’t know, John.
我要查这个大块头麦克是谁 我不喜欢这个名字
I’m gonna find out who Biggie Mack is.I don’t like that name.
What the hell kind of name is that?
[ Phone Rings ]
-什么声音 -马♥克♥思♥的手♥机♥响了
-What is that? -Marcus’s cell phone.
-手♥机♥? -嗯哼
-Cell phone? -Mm-hmm.
-他什么时候买♥♥的手♥机♥ -上星期啊
-When did he get a cell phone? -Last week.
-你在做什么 约翰
-嘘 我在查大块头麦克是谁
-What are you doing? John!
-Shh! I’m checkin’ out Biggie Mack.
-你好 -嘿 你是谁?
– Hello. – Hey, who is this?
-你才是谁 -你是大块头麦克吗?
– Well, who is this? – Is this Biggie Mack?
-是谁在问? -嘿 是我在问问题,浑球
– Who wants to know? – Hey, I’m asking the questions here, punk!
-什么 -你几岁
-What? -How old are you?
None of your damn business.
– What if I make it my business to find out how old you are?
– Are you threatening me?
不是,我不威胁人 我保证,如果你敢碰我女儿–
I don’t make threats! I’m promising you that if you ever–
-约翰 -你是约翰杜立德吗
-John! -Is this John Dolittle?
Hi, I’m so sorry.That’s a wrong number.
That’s a grown man on the other end of that phone.
I wish I could say the same thing about you.
The door.
-我听到了 -你…赶快去开门
-I hear the door. -Go get that door right now!
Who am I, Mr. French? I got to get doors?
♪ 现在让我告诉你它是什么♪
♪ Let me show you what it is right now ♪
Just a minute.
♪ 小鸡们现在像踢腿一样切换♪
♪ Chicks are switching like kicks right now ♪
嘿 医生,怎么了,是我
Hey, Dr. D. What’s up? It’s me.
我? 我是谁, 退后一点
Me? Who’s “me”? Back up, “me.”
I’m sayin’,you gonna let me in?
-Dr. D. What’s goin’ on?
-Excuse me?
记得我吗,艾瑞克 多米诺披萨。
Remember me? Eric, Domino’s Pizza.
-双倍起司 凤尾鱼、西红柿、鳄梨酱?
-Extra cheese, anchovies, tomatoes, guacamole?
-You’re the pizza guy,You’re the pizza guy yeah.
– yeah I delivered that.
– Thanks a lot, man.I forget to give you a tip?
-很抱歉啊 -不…不用了
-I’m sorry. -No, no, that’s cool.
– You gave me something a little better than a tip.
– I’m gonna take care of you.
-不管怎么样都要给– -嗨,宝贝你好吗
-It’s nice to have a little– -What’s up, baby?
-准备好了吗 -等等,等等
-What’s goin’ on?You ready? -Hold on. Wait.
-爸 他是艾瑞克, 艾瑞克,这是我爸
