好 听我说 让浣熊听电♥话♥
Okay. All right, listen, put the raccoon on the phone.
He wants to speak to you. Make it short.
对 对… 不…都在我掌控之下
Hello. Yeah. No, no. I got it under control.
我们再打给你 好了
Hey, we’ll call youse back. All right.
首先呢 我要声明我只是一个翻译
First off, let me say that I’m here only as a mediator.
And these negotiations will be between Mr. Potter…
and the representatives of the United Animals
of the Forest, local 534.
– 对 我们开始吧 -这是我的新提案
– Yeah. Let’s come to order. – This is my new proposal.
All right.
契约书怎么说 医生? 地盘要怎么划分?
What’s the stipulations, Doc?
What kind of territory are we looking at?
这里只有12英亩地 12英亩地
It’s only, uh, 12 acres here. It’s 12 acres.
我去你的12英亩地 混球
I got your 12 acres right here, pal.
-嘿 它们似乎很满意 -我给你一些让你满意的东西
– Hey, they like it. – I’ll give you something you like.
Like this.
I think that’s a “no.”
应该是说 去你♥妈♥的♥
Or “hell no,” maybe.
Meanwhile, the strike kept growing.
Even the pros were getting in on the act.
The last few runners left to load now…
都准备好参加今年最盛大的比赛 就要开赛了
for one of the biggest spectacles of the year: It’s Derby time.
赛马都进栅栏了 闸门都关了
Last horse is in. Gate’s closed.
And away they go!
不跑,绝不跑… 不跑,绝不跑…
Hell, no! We won’t go! Hell, no! We won’t go!
-不跑,绝不跑… -要跑你自己跑 !
– Hell, no! We won’t go! – Run your own stupid race!
-别想碰那条鞭子 矮冬瓜
– You try running a mile.
– Don’t even think about reaching for that whip.
先生们女士们 欢迎 杀人鲸!
Ladies and gentlemen, Shamu!
This is Shamu!
算了 我今天不想跳圈圈 你们呢?
Nah. I don’t feel like jumping through any hoops today.
Any of you guys?
呃-呃 不要 今天不行 我才刚吃饱
Uh-uh. No, no. Not today. I just ate. Uh-uh.
波特先生 希望这次能达成协议
Mr. Potter, I hope we have a deal now.
-好吧! -耶!
-All right! -Yeah!
太好了 他会的都是我教的
Good job. Taught him everything he knows.
大熊万岁! 阿奇万岁!
Viv le bear! Viv le Archie!
Viv le Doctor!
来啊 给我个熊抱
Come on, give me a bear hug.
-来吧! -哦 不…千万不要 阿奇
-Come on! -Oh, no. Absolutely not, Archie.
You’re not leaving here until you get a bear hug.
好吧 阿奇 轻轻抱一下就好了 一个小小的
All right, give me a hug then. Just a little one.
-来嘛 -好 这样就行了 好了
-Come on. -Okay. All right. That’s good.
Archie– Archie! Archie, you’re crushing my spine.
再见 小心开车 要系安全带哦
Bye-bye. Drive safe now. Buckle up.
-嘿 阿奇 你在里面吗? -干嘛?
-Hey, Archie, you in there? -What?
-嘿 医生 -嘿 伙计 我是来道别的
– Hey, Doc. – Hey, man, I just stopped by to say so long.
噢 谢谢你做的一切
Oh. Thanks. For everything.
-千万别客气 -阿奇 我准备好了
-You are quite welcome. -Archie, I’m ready.
它发♥情♥了 失陪了 医生 我还有个物种得拯救
She’s in heat. Excuse me, Doc. I got to go save the species.
噢~~那要加油了 阿奇
Oh. Go do your thing, Archie.
耶 阿奇… 阿奇!
Yeah, Archie. Archie!
噢 阿奇~~
Oh, Archie.
耶 令人难忘的夏天 嘿 医生
Yeah, it was quite a summer. Hey, Doc.
嘿 幸运 你在做什么?
Hey, Lucky. What are you doing?
What am I doing? Hmm.
Let me phrase it this way.
You too, huh?
And Charisse and the Doc were closer than ever.
噢 别这样 开心点 小派 你总有一天会成功的
Oh, come on. Cheer up, Pepito. You’ll get it eventually.
不 不会的 我永远不会变色 我的变色器坏了
No, I won’t. I will never blend in. I have a broken blender.
你会变色的 相信我 你会的
You will blend in. Trust me. You will blend in.
怎么会? 我怎么可能会变色 我真差劲
How? How will Pepito ever blend in? Pepito sucks.
看看我 我不见了
Look at me! I’m blending in!
-我隐形了! -没错 你隐形了
– I’m invisible! – That’s right. You’re invisible.
-干得好 宝贝 -你有怀疑过吗?
-Great job, honey. -Did you ever doubt me?
-隐形大♥师♥回来了 -感觉怎么样?
-The blendmaster is back. -How about that?
我是第三世界之王 嘿 可以把整栋房♥子都漆绿吗?
I am king of the third world.
Hey, can we do the whole house like this?
Is very fengshui.
But the best news of all came the following spring.
– No, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
– Kids, come on– Hey! Ooh!
来这边!孩子! 呼~呼!来这边! 好吗
Over here! Kids! Whoo-hoo! Over here! Okay.
Now, it’s step, step, turn, kick, step.
爸 我以为是踏, 踢 转身 踏 踏
Papa, I thought it was step, kick, turn, step, step.
-别闹了 孩子们 我们六周后就要开演了好吗 -我以为你退休了
-Come on, kids.We open in six weeks, okay. -I thought you retired.
Oh. I did, honey. We’re just playing.
好了 从副歌♥开始 5、6、7、8–
Okay, now from the chorus. Five, six, seven, eight–
♪ 我会活下去…我会活下去… ♪
♪ I will survive I will survive ♪
♪ 只要有爱我就得活下去… ♪
♪ For as long as I know how to love ♪
♪ 我知道我会活着 ♪
♪ I know I’ll stay alive ♪
♪我还有我的人生 ♪
♪ I’ve got all my life to live ♪
♪ 我还有许多爱 ♪
♪ I’ve got all my love to give ♪
♪ 我会活下去…我会活下去… ♪
♪ And I’ll survive I will survive ♪
♪ 嘿 耶 ♪
♪ Hey, yeah ♪
♪ Do do do do ♪
♪ Do do do ♪
♪ Do, ooh ♪
嘿 拜托 这是我参加过的最无聊的派对
Hey, come on. This is the most boring party I’ve ever been to.
你们太僵硬了 太呆板了 来吧 我们走!
You guys are so stiff, so plastic. Come on, let’s move!
让我们跳康茄舞 嘿 宝贝 那些是真的吗?
Let’s conga. Hey, baby, are those real?
来吧 让我们开始派对吧 开始疯狂!
Come on, let’s get this party started. Let’s go!
噢耶 !噢耶 ! 这里有派对 那里也有派对!
Ooy! Ooy! Party over here, party over there!
尽情狂欢 把屋顶都掀了
Raise the roof. The roof is on fire.
你现在能看见我吗? 我打赌你不能
Can you see me now? I bet you can’t.
我是隐形的 你能看见我吗?
I’m invisible. Can you see me?
当然可以 我看到你们两个了
Of course. I see both of you.
♪ 法国有个地方 ♪
♪ There’s a place in France ♪
♪ 在那里有裸体的猴子在跳舞 ♪
♪ Where the naked monkeys dance ♪
♪ Say you’re on the road. I’m on the road ♪
♪ You must explode ♪
♪ And have some fun People, have some fun ♪
♪ What I gotta do for you. We can’t get low unless we show ♪
Check this out.
♪ We’re high on love. Let’s have some fun ♪
♪ When I met you at the roller rink ♪
♪ Cotton candy with your Shasta drink ♪
♪ Race with the best Then we’re quite okay ♪
♪ And the kissing we did was on the cheek ♪
♪ Remember like yesterday ♪
♪ We’d hop on our bikes and just ride away ♪
♪ Knew you’d be mine somehow, someway ♪
♪ And I must say I do ♪
♪ So you’re on the road. I’m on the road ♪
*♪ You must explode ♪
♪ And have some fun People, have some fun ♪
♪ Somethin’ about the East Coast ♪
♪ That makes us want to squeeze most ♪
♪ For those who don’t think that we right ♪
♪ I’ll show you how we do a damn thing ♪
♪ I’ll show you how to be on your own ♪
♪ And here we go ♪
♪ Let’s get it right on We’re gonna have some fun ♪
♪ We’ll be low on the do’ That’s fo’ sho’ ♪
♪ If we don’t go then we’re never gonna know ♪
♪ Say you’re on the road. I’m on the road ♪
♪ Then you must explode ♪
♪ And we’ll have some fun
People, let’s have some fun *
♪ Oh, do ya wanna get aboard You, you, you, you, you ♪
♪ Yo ♪
♪ This goes out to all the Tameekas ♪*
♪ Yeah! All around the world ♪
♪ You know who you are I see you ♪
♪ Hey, yo, I met this shorty up on 125th ♪
♪ She was standing 5-4 with her hands on her hips ♪
♪ She had the clothes on Capris fit her to the tip ♪

♪ Her body, when she walks she holds the keys to the whip ♪

♪ I was laughing in the Bentley when the stoplight changed ♪
♪ Brought up this life 5-0 flipped the game ♪
♪ She looked at me as I made my way ♪
♪ As I rolled up, I asked what’s your name. Tameeka ♪
♪ Hot chick, wild chick got chick ♪
♪ Now she’s a puppet for your spot chick ♪
♪ Tameeka ♪
♪ You know the type that moms don’t want you hangin’ with ♪
♪ Tameeka ♪
♪ And if you gotta go make sure
she’s the one that you’re bringin’ with ♪
♪ Tameeka ♪
♪ Yo, she ain’t the one to be playin’ with ♪
♪ Who can do you better than the one you’re with ♪
♪ No more shoppin’ on 1-2-Fifth ♪
♪ She could run through Tiff’s
Who else you’d rather be in a V-1-2 with ♪
♪ Other than young F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S ♪
♪ I’m a hot kid, hot vid And I don’t got kids ♪
♪ Benzs, Bentleys And they don’t got lids ♪
♪ Meet me, then you can say you know a roller ♪
♪ I don’t talk to chicks unless it’s through Motorolas ♪
♪ Plus the kid ain’t the one that’d be playin’ with evil ♪
♪ Look at me and tell I have trouble stayin’ with fevers ♪
♪ I’d be laying with divas And now I don’t like nothin’ ♪
