They sold you to a Mexican circus.
哎 我♥操♥啊
Ai, Chihuahua.
阿奇 我–很对不起你
Archie, I am–I’m so sorry.
-对不起什么? -这一切啊
– For what? – For everything.
我把你拖到这里 让你经历这一切
Dragging you out here and putting you through all this stuff.
给了你希望 我觉得我搞砸了你的一生
Giving you hope. I feel like I ruined your life.
搞砸了我的一生? 医生 我的一生是你给我的
Ruined my life? Doc, you gave me a life.
You’re the one who taught me about love.
And no one can ever take that away from me.
嗨 莎莉丝
Hey, Charisse.
What are you doing down here?
Mom wanted me to tell you
that her motion for an appeal has been denied.
Well, we knew it was a long shot anyway.
So, Archie, at least you’ll be back in show business.
是啊 不过这不再是我想要的 我只想要艾娃
Ehh, that’s not what I want anymore. I just want Ava.
-我知道你要艾娃 -也许我不该得到爱
– I know you want Ava. – Well, maybe I wasn’t meant to be loved.
-每个人都应该得到爱 -没错
-Everybody is meant to be loved. -That’s right.
Everybody’s meant–
哦 我的天啊!
Oh, my God!
Charisse, since when?
A couple of weeks now.
At first, it was kind of fuzzy.
But, uh, now it’s really clear.
And this is what you’ve been keeping from us, right?
我不想告诉你们 是因为我不想成为怪胎
I didn’t want to say anything
because I didn’t want to become a freak.
噢…不…你不会成为怪胎的 绝对不会
Oh, No, You’re not going to become a freak. Not at all.
嘿 我告诉你 我刚开始的时候也觉得很害怕
Hey, look. When it started happening to me, I got scared too.
你只是没有用对的角度去看 这是一件好事
You’re just looking at it the wrong way. This is a good thing.
-怎么会? -你看 这已经开始在改善了
-How? -Look at all the good that’s come out of it already.
-改善什么? -我们啊 我们的关系啊
-What good? -Well, look at us, like this, huh?
How about this, huh? Mm.
嘿 两位 我现在知道我少了什么
Hey, guys. Now I know what I’ve been missing.
家庭 我猜我永远都不会有家庭了
A family. I guess that’s something I’ll never have.
爸 你得想办法帮它 我们能做什么吗?
Dad, you got to help him. Isn’t there something that we can do?
而且不只它 还有所有的动物
And it’s not just him. It’s all the animals.
There’s so many of ’em.
对 这里是有很多动物
Yeah, there are so many of ’em.
你们都放弃了 对不对?
You guys have given up, haven’t you?
嘿 我能怎么办? 我已经6岁了
Hey, what am I gonna do? I’m six years old.
I’m not a young beaver no more.
Besides, we’ve been living in this forest how long?
我们占领这座森林差不多100年了 老板
About a hundred years we’ve been shakin’ down this forest, boss.
-我们的时候到了 -我尝试一个人努力 但是办不到
-So we had a good run.-Look, I tried to do this by myself,but I can’t
如果你们想拯救自己的家园 你们就得帮我
So if you guys want to save your homes,
you’re gonna have to help me.
不管你们相不相信 你们有着无与伦比的力量
And whether or not you believe it,
you guys have enormous untapped power.
人类在形容最好的东西 都是用动物来形容的
Whenever people talk about the best of the best,
it’s always an animal expression.
You got a heart like a lion.
或是壮得跟牛一样 他有鹰一般锐利的双眼
Or he’s as strong as an ox. He’s got eyes like an eagle.
像羚羊一样灵活的身手 像臭鼬一样的臭
Or he can move swift like a gazelle. Or you stink like a skunk.
-怎么? -抱歉 我只是在加强重点
– What? – Sorry about that, man. I’m trying to make my point.
我想说的是 我们做得到!我们可以的!
What I’m trying to say is, we can do this! We can do it!
Just don’t give up without a fight!
让这个消息传出去 从西西里岛到海洋世界。
Let the word go out from Sicily to SeaWorld.
The trucks don’t move! Capisce?
对! 就是这样! 海狸教父说得对!
Yeah! All right! The beaver’s right!
嘿 孩子们! 你们得让开
Hey, kids! I’m gonna have to ask you to move!
-不! -不?
– No! – No?
听着 你们最好别惹我
Listen, don’t start with me.
Everybody, take your positions!
再见了 宝贝
Hasta la vista, baby.
糟糕! 关窗户!
Shoot! Roll ’em up!
I ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
-它们全都没奶了 -什么?
-None of ’em have any milk. -What?
All of ’em are dry.
-你怎么了 安娜贝尔? -罢♥工♥…罢♥工♥…
What’s wrong, Annabelle? -Strike! Strike!
Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike!
Here’s your eggs! You want ’em scrambled?
Strike! Strike! Strike!
好了 去接飞盘吧
Okay. Let’s go get the Frisbee.
-去啊 去接啊! -不接!
– Come on, go get it! – D’oh!
Strike! Strike! Strike!
给我-给我-把绳子给我 别这样
Give me– Give me–Give me that leash!
-罢♥工♥…罢♥工♥…罢♥工♥…罢♥工♥… -哦~~不!
-Strike! Strike!Strike! Strike! -Oh, no!
嘿 阿奇 所有动物都团结起来了
Hey, Archie. All the animals are working together.
You’ll be out of here in no time.
这太扯了 动物怎么团结得起来
It’s ridiculous. Animals can’t organize.
You may want to take a look at this for yourself then.
All over the world, animals have organized.
它们正在罢♥工♥ 在德克萨斯州 在法国巴黎
They’re striking in Paris, Texas, in Paris, France,
布鲁克林 墨西哥跟加拿大
in Brooklyn, in Mexico and in Canada.
I’m sure I’m going to regret this in the morning,
but maybe you should talk with Dolittle.
谈什么? 对一些野蛮的低等生物低头吗?
And what? Give in to a bunch of beasts and lower life-forms?
我都跟民♥主♥党打过 就都能打赢这群动物
I took on the Democrats. I can take on a bunch of animals.
-罢♥工♥! -哦~不!
– Charge! – Oh, no!
-走开! -当心! -小心!
– Go on! – Look out! – Watch it!
–打败它 哈! -撤退! -走开!
– Beat it. Ha! – Retreat! – Go on!
-医生! -一点也不团结
– Medic! – Organized.
有两个目标 在AT9方位
We have two bogeys, bearing Alpha Tango Niner.
We are locked on targets.
-你听到了吗? -开始轰炸!
-Do you hear something? -Commence bombing!
收到 长官
Roger that, sir.
炸得好!士兵 我来掩护你
Well done, men! Hang in there!
The party ain’t over yet!
-千万别乱动 -了解
– Don’t make any sudden moves. – Gotcha.
攻击! 锁定后发射!
Attack! Back ’em up!
轰炸开始! 二号♥发射!
Poop’s away! Firing number two!
Let’s return to base and reload.
Sir, you, uh, you-you’ve locked the, uh–
-什么? -你怎么把门锁上了 老板!
-What? -You’ve locked the door, sir!
-什么? – 你可不可以…
-What? -You might want to–
-我想你最好快跑 -我…我只是个律师 我跟他无关 -快跑!
-I think you should run. -Run!
-I’m an attorney. I was– I’m not with him.
There he is again! Get the little guy!
不 别蜇我的脸!
Not the face!
不要 我求你 不 我相信一切都能解决的
No, please! No, no. I’m sure we can work something out.
我只是要拿电♥话♥ 我要打给杜立德医生
I’m just reaching for my phone. I’m gonna call Dr. Dolittle.
噢~噢~噢~别轻举妄动 否则我就大开杀戒
Whoa, whoa. No sudden movements,
or I’m gonna bite you in the cannolis.
呃 你好 请给我 约翰·杜立德医生的电♥话♥
Uh, hello. The number for Dr. John Dolittle, please.
不对 是约翰·杜立德
Not Stuart Little. Dolittle.
哦 波特先生,你好吗?
Oh, Mr. Potter. How are you, sir?
哦 不算很好 你的两个朋友在我这边
Oh, I could be better. I’m here with a couple of your friends.
我知道 你不会相信动物会团结的
I know you can’t possibly believe that animals are organizing.
呃 我现在不知道该相信什么了
Uh, well, you know, I don’t know what to think anymore.
这样好了 咱们摊开来谈
Tell you what. Let’s put our cards on the table.
I will be more than happy to set up
a meeting between you and these animals…
-来处理你们的问题 -什么?
-so you can work out your problem. -What?
嘿 这是你唯一能够保住面子的方式
Hey, look. It’s the only way you’re gonna be able to save face.
你不需要承认你错了 还能够全身而退
You won’t have to admit you were wrong,
and you can get out without looking like an idiot.
好…好…什么都好 只要 叫它们快点撤退
Okay, okay. Look, anything. Just-Just call them off.
