That log ain’t gonna hold him. And I know logs.
Okay! Ohh!
-别动 阿奇 别动! – 小心!…小心!…
– Don’t move, Archie! Don’t move! – Careful! Careful!
-我买♥♥蜂蜜给你好了 -哇~呼~呼~呼!~
– I’ll buy you the honey. – Ooh! Ooh!
-嘿~啊!呜哇~呜哇~呜哇!! -快断!快断啊!
– Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! – Break! Break!
-这主意有点糟糕啊 -阿奇 快下来
– This was not a good idea. – Archie, get down!
我没事 噢~噢 蜜蜂来了!
I’m fine. Oh, bees!
What’s happening?
别动 我来跟它们沟通一下 千万别动
Hold still! I’ll try to talk to them. Work something out.
-它们在叮我 不…不…!! -呃 蜜蜂们 呃…
– They’re stinging me! No, no! – Uh, guys, uh…
我看不到了 噢!! 它们一直在叮我 离我远点
I can’t see! Ooh! They’re stinging! Get away from me!
-蜇死它… ! -不…不…不… 别蜇了!嘿 快停下!
– Attack! – No, no, no! No attack! Hey! Stop!
-保卫蜂巢! -哇喔!嘿 阿奇!
-Defend the hive! -Ow! Hey, Archie!
Get the little guy!
蜇死那个小个子! 蜇他!
Protect the hive! Attack!
蜇他! 冲啊…冲啊…
Attack! Banzai! Banzai!
阿奇!阿奇!嘿 阿奇! 嘿!
Archie! Archie!
Hey, Archie! Hey!
-阿奇 快点给我回来! -跳下来啊 大明星!
– Archie, get back in here! – Jump, circus boy!
-你吃你的鲑鱼去吧! -艾娃 我这是为你摘的
– Go suck a salmon! – Ava, I did it for you!
干得好 阿奇!太棒了 阿奇!太棒了
Good job, Archie! Way to go, Archie! All right!
-耶!你做到了… -吼!吼!吼!吼!
– Yeah! You did it! – Woo! Woo! Woo!
-耶~ -这小子有种 我欣赏它
– Yeah. – That kid’s got moxie. I love him.
好了 好了 你在搞什么鬼~哈?
Okay. Okay, what’s the matter with you, huh?
你这么做干什么~哈? 你疯了吗?
What’d you do something like that for, huh? Are you crazy?
如果我想的话我也拿得到 在我生气前快走吧 艾娃
I could have got that hive if I wanted it.
Come on, Ava, before I get mad.
桑尼 我们不适合彼此 要走你自己走吧
Sonny, we’re not working out. So, take a hike.
-要蜂蜜吗? -在的 宝贝 什么事?
– Honey? – Yeah, babe, what’s up?
不是 我是说你要吃蜂蜜吗?
No. I meant, would you like more honey?
-哦 不 我不用 -好吧
-Oh, no. I’m good. -Okay.
So, ready to talk about preserving the species?
我们可以谈谈 或者你可以数到100…
Well, we could talk. Or you could count to a hundred…
-然后来抓我 -好啊 数数 我来了
-and come and get me. -Okay. Counting, great.
Um, one, two–
-1、2、3– -真令人惊讶 它还真的数耶
– One, two, three– – That’s impressive. He’s really counting.
拜托,专心一点 呃~1—
Come on, focus, focus. Uh, one–
-我还是别跑太远好了 -1、2
-Maybe I should stay in the open. -One, two,
10 G, H, P,
ten, G, H, P,
绿色 橘子 鱼
green, orange, fish.
-放慢脚步 不要急 -呃 1、2、3、10–
-Pace yourself. Not so fast. -Uh, one, two, three, ten–
呃 50 好了 100
Uh, five-teen. Okay, one hundred.
Ow! What the– Nap.
-爸爸? -嗨
-Daddy? -Hey.
Daddy’s back.
怎么了? 发生什么事?
What is it? What happened?
It’s Archie.
-退后…退后… -好了 各位 立刻退后一点
-Back up, back up. -Okay, folks, let’s move it back now.
这里有只野生动物 让开 野生动物来了
We got a wild animal,coming through.Wild animal, coming through.
I know you’ve all seen the show When Animals Attack.
Have you seen When Animals Wake Up and Attack?
Now, there’s nothing more dangerous…
than a half-sedated, half-unsedated bear.
They have big, sharp teeth and claws–
对不起 我是杜立德医生 这怎么回事?
Excuse me. I’m Dr. Dolittle. What happened in here?
Well, he broke down the back door,
-然后我们发现它闯进了厨房♥ -不会吧
-and we found him ransacking the kitchen. -No.
抱歉 杜立德医生 我很支持你的 好了 大家都走吧!
Yeah. I’m sorry, Dr. Dolittle.
I was rooting for you.All right, let’s move it out!
Show’s over! Let’s go!
-嘿 阿奇 是我 你怎么了? -嘿
-Hey, Archie, it’s me.What happened? – Hey.
我离得太近了,医生。 他们不知道哪里冒出来的
I was so close, Doc. They came out of nowhere.
And I– Are you ready to save the forest?
The good news is, we’re setting aside ten acres of forest.
我们要命名为 杜立德医生野生动物保育区
We’re calling it the Dr. Dolittle Wildlife Sanctuary.
我们十分的开心 哈 说曹操就曹操到
We’re very pleased about that. Ah, speak of the devil.
-我们能问几个问题吗? -你以为你赢了…
-Can we ask you a few questions? -You think you won this thing,
-但是你错了 -随你
-but you haven’t. -Fine.
我们就铲平你的森林 当作平手吧
We’ll just level your forest and call it a tie.
非常谢谢各位 今天到此为止 谢谢
Thanks very much, folks. That’s it for today. Thank you.
-如果有目击证人就好了 有人看到发生什么事了吗? -对啊
-If only I had an eyewitness.Did anybody see what happened?-Yeah.
我们有一个问题 他是个该死的黄鼠狼
We got one problem. He’s a friggin’ weasel.
-哦 是吗 它做了什么? -没什么 它真的是只黄鼠狼
-Oh, really. What’d he do?-No, I mean he’s an actual friggin’ weasel.
嘿 黄鼠狼 医生来了
Hey, weasel, the doctor’s here.
Okay, you know what, that’s Mr. Weasel.
黄鼠狼先生 你看到那只熊发生什么事了吗?
Mr. Weasel, did you see what happened to the bear?
噢 那只大狗熊 我有看到事情的经过吗–
Ooh, the big scary bear. Did I see what happened–
-你到底有没有看到? -好了 这样好了
-Did you see anything or not? -Okay, here’s the deal.
你把你那支亮晶晶的手表给我 我就告诉你你想知道的事
You give me that shiny wristwatch of yours,
and I’ll tell you what you need to know.
-你真是贪心龌龊 -噢 谢谢
– You’re such a weasel. – Oh, thank you.
波特的人陷害了阿奇 我有证人
Potter’s people set Archie up. I got a witness.
一只动物? 你没办法把它列为证人
An animal? You can’t offer that into evidence.
-你有更好的主意吗? -那~~我尽量拖延时间
-Well, you got any better ideas? -Well, I-I’ll stall for time.
Maybe we’ll get a private investigator.
他们的卡车都准备好了 他们准备要把阿奇 送到墨西哥的动物园去
Those trucks are ready to roll.
They’re gonna take Archie off to a zoo in Mexico.
约翰 如果你站上证人席 莱利会把你撕成碎片的
John, if you go on the witness stand,
Riley is gonna tear you to shreds.
-我还有什么好失去的? -你的名声
-Well, what do I have to lose? -Your reputation.
我不在乎 我不会这么容易就放弃的
Look, I don’t care. I’m not giving up on those animals this easy.
我至少要争取一下 失陪了
Not without a fight. Excuse me.
法官大人 我们承认这是一次挫败
Your Honor, we admit it was a setback.
但是我们希望法官大人 再给我们一星期来训练这只熊
But we would like one more week to rehabilitate the bear.
我能建议一下律师是否愿意 呃
Might I suggest perhaps counsel would like to, uh,
admit the animal into the Betty Ford clinic.
Or the Yogi Bear clinic.
如果我能证明 这一切都是被设计的呢?
What if I could prove the entire thing was a setup?
That would be a very serious allegation.
Do you intend to present evidence?
We have an eyewitness.
法官大人 我可以发表一下意见吗
Your Honor, can I address the court,
-就一分钟? -说吧
-just for a minute? -Go ahead.
法官大人 我们有一个证人 能够证明它听见了枪声
Sir, we have an eyewitness who’ll testify that they heard a gunshot,
then they saw a truck backing up to the area…
-倒车进入枪响的地方 -证人现在在法庭中吗
– where the shot was fired. – Is that witness here in the courtroom?
不 它不在法庭里 因为…呃 它是…呃~~
No. Not in the courtroom with us, because, um, he’s, uh–
He’s a weasel.
-肃静! -法官大人
-Order! -Your Honor,
I know this-this seems very unreasonable.
但是我可以跟动物对话 其中一个动物确实提出了这个信息 先生
But I can talk to animals.
One of them did come forward with this information, sir.
法官大人 如果您允许的话
Your Honor, if it pleases the court,
I have no problem allowing Dr. Dolittle or counsel…
the opportunity to question the eyewitness.
I would just ask for a brief recess…
so that I have opportunity to get a camera.
I’d like a snapshot of the animal being sworn in.
That’s enough!
那黄鼠狼需要豁免权吗? 我们可以提供动物保护方案
Does the weasel need immunity?
Certainly we could provide animal protection program.
That’s enough.
Dr Dolittle I will not allow you to make a mockery of my courtroom.
The deadline has passed. Motion to extend denied.
真是可惜 你也不愿意对不对
That’s a shame. You hate to see it.
呃 杜立德医生 你会上诉吗…
Uh, Dr. Dolittle, will you appeal? Is this the end of the line?
杜立德医生 一切都结束了吗
Dr. Dolittle, can you tell us what the weasel said?
嗨 医生 你是来保我出去的吗?
Hey. Hey, Doc. Okay. Come to get me out?
-差不多 -差不多 差不多是什么意思?
– Sort of. – Sort of? What do you mean, sort of?
我没有办法证明你的说法 阿奇
I couldn’t really prove your story, Archie.
-于是他们 呃– -什么? 他们怎么了?
-So they, um– -What? They wh-what? They what?
他们认为你过于危险 不能够野放,所以…
They think you’re too dangerous to be set free, so–
是吗? 怎么样?
Yeah? What?
