
vt. 游离;使分离;分裂
vi. 游离;分离;分裂



dissociate 否认联系
dis-, 不,非,使相反。-soc, 联系,词源同social, society. 即不再联系,否认联系。


Dissociate 是一个动词,意为分离、分裂、脱离关系。


  1. Dissociate from – 与…分离
  2. Dissociate oneself from – 与…脱离关系
  3. Dissociate two concepts – 分离两个概念
  4. Dissociate the mind from the body – 分离思维与身体
  5. Dissociate from the past – 与过去分离
  6. Dissociate from a group – 从团体中分离
  7. Dissociate from an organization – 与组织脱离关系
  8. Dissociate from a political party – 与政党分离
  9. Dissociate from a religion – 与宗教脱离关系
  10. Dissociate from a cause – 与一个事业分离
  11. Dissociate from a cult – 与一个异教分离
  12. Dissociate from a belief system – 与一个信仰体系脱离关系
  13. Dissociate from a family member – 与家庭成员分离
  14. Dissociate from a friend – 与朋友脱离关系
  15. Dissociate from a romantic partner – 与恋人分离
  16. Dissociate from a toxic relationship – 与有害关系分离
  17. Dissociate from a business partnership – 与商业伙伴分离
  18. Dissociate from a joint venture – 与合资企业分离
  19. Dissociate from a social network – 与社交网络脱离关系
  20. Dissociate from a cultural tradition – 与文化传统分离
  21. Dissociate from a habit – 与一个习惯分离
  22. Dissociate from a bad influence – 与不良影响分离
  23. Dissociate from a negative environment – 与负面环境分离
  24. Dissociate from a harmful substance – 与有害物质分离
  25. Dissociate from a specific memory – 与特定记忆分离
  26. Dissociate from a traumatic experience – 与创伤经历分离
  27. Dissociate from a particular emotion – 与特定情感分离
  28. Dissociate from a personal identity – 与个人身份脱离关系
  29. Dissociate from a cultural identity – 与文化身份分离
  30. Dissociate from a social class – 与社会阶层分离
  31. Dissociate from a political ideology – 与政治意识形态脱离关系
  32. Dissociate from a religious doctrine – 与宗教教条分离
  33. Dissociate from a dogma – 与教条分离
  34. Dissociate from a stereotype – 与刻板印象分离
  35. Dissociate from a stigmatized group – 与受污名化的群体分离
  36. Dissociate from a controversial topic – 与有争议话题分离
  37. Dissociate from a cultural norm – 与文化规范脱离关系
  38. Dissociate from a traditional value – 与传统价值观分离
  39. Dissociate from a destructive pattern – 与破坏性模式分离
  40. Dissociate from a negative self-image – 与负面自我形象分离
  41. Dissociate from a harmful addiction – 与有害成瘾分离
  42. Dissociate from a past mistake – 与过去的错误分离
  43. Dissociate from a detrimental influence – 与有害影响分离
  44. Dissociate from a damaging habit – 与有害习惯分离
  45. Dissociate from a limiting belief – 与限制性信仰分离
  46. Dissociate from a narrow perspective – 与狭隘观点分离
  47. Dissociate from a toxic friendship – 与有毒友谊分离
  48. Dissociate from a harmful ideology – 与有害意识形态分离
  49. Dissociate from a detrimental influence – 与有害影响分离
  50. Dissociate from a negative self-perception – 与负面自我认知分离
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
