
dissent 英 [dɪˈsent] 美 [dɪˈsent]



  • One member dissented from the report, calling its support for free speech “too facile and simplistic”.
  • To move toward a more equitable system, we must reject efforts to sow dissent between minority communities, as Mr. Blum is doing.


[verb] hold or express opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held
[动词] 持有或表达与普遍意见或官方意见不一致的意见


小站之前推过 小词详解 | dissident ,今天再来讲讲与之相关的 dissent 。

Dissent 源自拉丁语 dissentire (情绪不同、意见不同、意见不合、矛盾、争吵),主要作动词表示“不同意、持异议”,强调不同意多数人或官方的意见,比如:

  • 没有人反对统一的决定。
    No one dissents from the decision to unify.

到了16世纪50年代开始用于宗教领域,指“对国教、正教或其教义表示不顺从”,比如马丁·路德不服从罗马教会(Martin Luther dissented from the Church of Rome)而推动宗教改革。

在随后的16世纪80年代, dissent 开始用作名词,即“关于宗教教义或宗教信仰的意见分歧”,现指“不顺从国教或正教”。

再后来, dissent 进一步泛化为“意见的分歧、不一致”,比如:

  • 我做了个表示不同意的手势。
    I made a gesture of dissent.
  • 一致通过了这项决议案
    approved the resolution without dissent

用在法律领域,  dissent 指的是“合议庭法官对多数法官作出的判决所提出的异议或不同意见”。而用在体育领域, 则表示“不服裁判”,即在足球和橄榄球等运动中不服裁判的违规行为, 比如:

  • 他因不服裁判而被罚下场。
    He was sent off for dissent.


- Who is the judge?
- The judge is God.
- Why is he God?
- Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent.
- Who is your opponent?
- He doesn’t exist.
- Why does he not exist?
- Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.

出自美国传记电影《伟大的辩论家》(The Great Debaters)。该片根据真实事件改编,讲述了马文·托尔森(Melvin Tolson)教授始终坚持着自己的信念,通过不懈努力带领着黑人辩论队员们进入哈佛大学最高辩论殿堂的故事。

小站曾分享过该片导演、主演,奥斯卡影帝丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)的经典励志演讲,请看:丹泽尔·华盛顿励志演讲,可改变你一生


dissent (dis SENT) From the Latin dissentire, “to feel against,” this verb means to disagree or differ in opinion. It can also be used as a noun, although the preferred form is dissension.

The Protestants dissented from the church of Rome and established their own church.

After the judge made his ruling, there was so much dissension in the court-room that he was forced to call a recess.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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dissent” 指的是不同意、持不同意见、或反对。在政治、法律、社会等领域常常用来表示对主流观点或决策的反对。

以下是包含单词 “dissent” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Strong dissent – 强烈反对
  2. Public dissent – 公开反对
  3. dissent from the majority – 不同于多数人的意见
  4. dissent in the ranks – 队伍中的异议
  5. dissent in the court – 法庭内的异议
  6. dissent on the issue – 对这个问题的反对意见
  7. dissent against the policy – 对政策的反对
  8. dissent on the matter – 对此事的异议
  9. dissent on the decision – 对决策的不同意见
  10. dissent among experts – 专家中的分歧
  11. dissent among colleagues – 同事之间的异议
  12. dissent within the party – 党内的不同声音
  13. dissent within the organization – 组织内部的异议
  14. dissent over the proposal – 对提案的反对
  15. dissent against the plan – 对计划的反对
  16. dissent on the policy – 对政策的异议
  17. dissent in the legislature – 议会内的异议
  18. dissent within the committee – 委员会内的异议
  19. dissent from the decision – 对决策的反对
  20. dissent on the issue of funding – 对资金问题的异议
  21. dissent on the matter of allocation – 对分配问题的反对
  22. dissent against the regulations – 对规定的反对
  23. dissent within the group – 小组内的异议
  24. dissent among members – 成员之间的分歧
  25. dissent against the agreement – 对协议的反对
  26. dissent from the official stance – 对官方立场的不同意见
  27. dissent from the established norm – 不同于既定规范的意见
  28. dissent on the question of ethics – 对伦理问题的异议
  29. dissent within the team – 队伍内的异议
  30. dissent on the matter of procedure – 对程序问题的反对
  31. dissent against the motion – 对提议的反对
  32. dissent from the leadership – 对领导的不同意见
  33. dissent against the decision-making process – 对决策过程的反对
  34. dissent within the council – 委员会内的异议
  35. dissent from the guidelines – 对指南的反对
  36. dissent on the question of funding – 对资金问题的异议
  37. dissent against the proposal – 对提案的反对
  38. dissent within the organization – 组织内部的异议
  39. dissent from the majority opinion – 不同于多数意见的意见
  40. dissent on the matter of policy – 对政策问题的反对
  41. dissent against the regulations – 对规定的反对
  42. dissent within the committee – 委员会内的异议
  43. dissent from the decision – 对决策的反对
  44. dissent on the question of ethics – 对伦理问题的异议
  45. dissent within the team – 队伍内的异议
  46. dissent on the matter of procedure – 对程序问题的反对
  47. dissent against the motion – 对提议的反对
  48. dissent from the leadership – 对领导的不同意见
  49. dissent against the decision-making process – 对决策过程的反对
  50. dissent within the council – 委员会内的异议


  • diverge: (of an opinion, theory, or approach) differ
  • demur: raise objections or show reluctance
  • repudiate: deny the truth or validity of
