
adj. 不光彩的;不荣誉的
v. 拒付;侮辱(dishonour的过去分词)


Dishonoured 是”dishonor”的过去分词形式,意为受到耻辱、丧失荣誉或不光彩。


  1. Dishonoured pledge – 受辱的誓言
  2. Dishonoured commitment – 丧失荣誉的承诺
  3. Dishonoured promise – 不光彩的诺言
  4. Dishonoured contract – 受到耻辱的合同
  5. Dishonoured agreement – 丧失荣誉的协议
  6. Dishonoured debt – 遭受耻辱的债务
  7. Dishonoured check – 不光彩的支票
  8. Dishonoured treaty – 受辱的条约
  9. Dishonoured vow – 不名誉的誓言
  10. Dishonoured reputation – 丧失荣誉的声誉
  11. Dishonoured legacy – 遭受耻辱的遗产
  12. Dishonoured heritage – 不光彩的传统
  13. Dishonoured oath – 受辱的誓言
  14. Dishonoured trust – 丧失荣誉的信任
  15. Dishonoured friendship – 受辱的友情
  16. Dishonoured trust agreement – 不名誉的信托协议
  17. Dishonoured diplomatic agreement – 遭受耻辱的外交协议
  18. Dishonoured sportsmanship pledge – 不光彩的体育精神誓言
  19. Dishonoured political promise – 受辱的政治承诺
  20. Dishonoured marriage vow – 不名誉的婚姻誓言
  21. Dishonoured commitment to honesty – 丧失荣誉的诚实承诺
  22. Dishonoured commitment to integrity – 不名誉的诚信承诺
  23. Dishonoured commitment to fairness – 丧失荣誉的公平承诺
  24. Dishonoured commitment to equality – 不光彩的平等承诺
  25. Dishonoured commitment to environmental protection – 丧失荣誉的环境保护承诺
  26. Dishonoured commitment to social justice – 不名誉的社会公正承诺
  27. Dishonoured commitment to ethical standards – 丧失荣誉的伦理标准承诺
  28. Dishonoured commitment to professional ethics – 不光彩的职业伦理承诺
  29. Dishonoured commitment to financial integrity – 丧失荣誉的财务诚信承诺
  30. Dishonoured commitment to personal values – 不名誉的个人价值观承诺
  31. Dishonoured commitment to corporate responsibility – 丧失荣誉的企业责任承诺
  32. Dishonoured commitment to ethical business practices – 不光彩的道德商业实践承诺
  33. Dishonoured commitment to transparency – 丧失荣誉的透明承诺
  34. Dishonoured commitment to social responsibility – 不名誉的社会责任承诺
  35. Dishonoured commitment to community engagement – 丧失荣誉的社区参与承诺
  36. Dishonoured commitment to customer satisfaction – 不光彩的客户满意度承诺
  37. Dishonoured commitment to employee well-being – 丧失荣誉的员工福祉承诺
  38. Dishonoured commitment to environmental sustainability – 不名誉的环境可持续性承诺
  39. Dishonoured commitment to data privacy – 丧失荣誉的数据隐私承诺
  40. Dishonoured commitment to quality assurance – 不光彩的质量保证承诺
  41. Dishonoured commitment to safety standards – 丧失荣誉的安全标准承诺
  42. Dishonoured commitment to educational excellence – 不名誉的教育卓越承诺
  43. Dishonoured commitment to healthcare integrity – 丧失荣誉的医疗诚信承诺
  44. Dishonoured commitment to cultural preservation – 不光彩的文化保护承诺
  45. Dishonoured commitment to human rights – 丧失荣誉的人权承诺
  46. Dishonoured commitment to diversity and inclusion – 不名誉的多样性与包容承诺
  47. Dishonoured commitment to charitable giving – 丧失荣誉的慈善捐赠承诺
  48. Dishonoured commitment to community development – 不光彩的社区发展承诺
  49. Dishonoured commitment to social progress – 丧失荣誉的社会进步承诺
  50. Dishonoured commitment to environmental conservation – 不名誉的环境保护承诺
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
