

[adjective] careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment
[形容词] (尤指为了保密或避免尴尬而)言行小心谨慎的


看到 discreet 一词,老铁们不难想起小站(微信公众号:田间小站)早在 好书推荐 | 一本“补短板”和“强弱项”的单词书 中就提到过 discreet 与 discrete 是一组容易混淆的单词,要注意区别。

从词源上看, discreet 同 discrete 一样,都是源自拉丁语 discretus (分离的),只是前者14世纪末经古法语 discret (谨慎的、明智的、聪明的)进入英语,主要指言行“谨慎的、慎重的、考虑周到的”,尤指为了避免泄密、尴尬、冒犯他人或者引起过多注意,比如:

  • 他对两性关系一贯谨小慎微。他的私生活没有爆出过一丁点儿的丑闻。
    He was always very discreet about his love affairs. Not a whiff of scandal had ever tainted his private life.
  • 问题的关键在于你应该审慎地询问清楚再签字。
    The crux of the matter is that you ought to make a few discreet enquiries before you sign anything.

从谨慎小心不希望引起过多注意这个概念出发,还可以进一步用 discreet 称赞某个事物“朴素的、不显眼的”以及“少的、小的”,比如:

  • 那位戴着素净首饰的女士靠着船上的护栏,凝望大海。
    The lady who wore discreet jewellery leaned on the ship’s rail and gazed out to sea.


It was a matter upon which he was reticent, and with persons of his kind a direct question is never very discreet.

出自威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)的长篇小说《月亮和六便士》(The Moon and Sixpence)。


  • But it is the sort of event that could lead incumbents to self-isolate—accelerating the discreet spread of Chinese banks in emerging markets.
  • Illumination, as in a medieval manuscript, seemed to be behind discreet, long-sleeved dresses in gray wool or plaid, lighted down the front with gilded embroidery.


“Discreet” 是一个形容词,意为谨慎的、慎重的、小心的、不显眼的。以下是该词的详细用法:

  1. 形容人的品质

“Discreet” 描述一个人有谨慎、小心、慎重的品质。这个人通常会避免冒险或显眼的行为,并且会保持适当的距离和保密。


  • She was very discreet with her personal information.(她对个人信息非常谨慎。)
  • He handled the matter with great discretion.(他非常谨慎地处理了这个问题。)
  • The lawyer advised his client to be discreet in public.(律师建议他的客户在公共场合保持慎重。)
  1. 形容物品和行为

“Discreet” 描述一个物品或行为不显眼、低调、不炫耀的特点。这种物品或行为通常不会引起过多的注意或骚扰。


  • The hotel offered discreet service to its guests.(这家酒店向客人提供低调的服务。)
  • She wore a discreet necklace to the party.(她在聚会上戴了一条不显眼的项链。)
  • The restaurant had a discreet entrance at the back of the building.(这家餐厅在建筑物的后面有一个不显眼的入口。)



与 “discreet” 相关的短语。这里有一些例子,通过这些短语,您可以更好地理解 “discreet” 的意思和用法。”discreet” 的意思是谨慎的、不显眼的或低调的。

  1. discreet inquiry (谨慎的询问)
  2. discreet silence (谨慎的沉默)
  3. discreet approach (谨慎的方法)
  4. discreet investigation (谨慎的调查)
  5. discreet manner (谨慎的举止)
  6. discreet handling (谨慎的处理)
  7. discreet charm (低调的魅力)
  8. discreet packaging (不显眼的包装)
  9. discreet flirtation (谨慎的调情)
  10. discreet diplomacy (谨慎的外交手腕)
  11. discreet observation (谨慎的观察)
  12. discreet assistance (谨慎的帮助)
  13. discreet relationship (谨慎的关系)
  14. discreet distance (适当的距离)
  15. discreet conversation (谨慎的交谈)
  16. discreet planning (谨慎的规划)
  17. discreet response (谨慎的回应)
  18. discreet compromise (适当的妥协)
  19. discreet advice (谨慎的建议)
  20. discreet withdrawal (谨慎的撤退)
  21. discreet arrangements (谨慎的安排)
  22. discreet exit (不显眼的离开)
  23. discreet protection (谨慎的保护)
  24. discreet gathering (低调的聚会)
  25. discreet elegance (低调的优雅)
  26. discreet search (谨慎的搜查)
  27. discreet decision-making (谨慎的决策)
  28. discreet support (谨慎的支持)
  29. discreet negotiation (谨慎的谈判)
  30. discreet praise (谨慎的表扬)

这些短语可以帮助您更好地理解 “discreet” 这个词的意义和用法。


cautious: (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers
circumspect: wary and unwilling to take risks
wary: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
