
vt. 使分离(过去式disassociated,过去分词disassociated,现在分词disassociating,第三人称单数disassociates,名词disassociation)


Disassociate 是一个动词,意为解除联系、分离或脱离。以下是包含这个单词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Disassociate from – 与…分离
  2. Completely disassociate – 完全脱离
  3. Disassociate oneself from – 与…脱离关系
  4. Mutually disassociate – 相互脱离
  5. Disassociate from the past – 与过去分离
  6. Disassociate from the company – 与公司解除联系
  7. Disassociate from the group – 与团体分离
  8. Disassociate from the organization – 与组织脱离
  9. Formally disassociate – 正式分离
  10. Disassociate legally – 法律上分离
  11. Disassociate emotionally – 情感上分离
  12. Disassociate from a cause – 与某个事业脱离
  13. Disassociate from a relationship – 与一段关系解除联系
  14. Disassociate from a project – 与一个项目分离
  15. Disassociate from a partnership – 与合作伙伴分离
  16. Disassociate from a friendship – 与友情脱离
  17. Disassociate from a situation – 与一种情况分离
  18. Disassociate from a belief – 与一种信仰脱离
  19. Disassociate from a team – 与团队解除联系
  20. Disassociate from a contract – 与合同解除联系
  21. Disassociate from a club – 与俱乐部分离
  22. Disassociate from a religion – 与一种宗教分离
  23. Disassociate from a network – 与网络脱离
  24. Disassociate from a habit – 与一种习惯分离
  25. Disassociate from a tradition – 与传统脱离
  26. Disassociate from a team – 与团队分离
  27. Disassociate from a group – 与一群人解除联系
  28. Disassociate from a party – 与一方分离
  29. Disassociate from a movement – 与一场运动脱离
  30. Disassociate from a system – 与一个系统分离
  31. Disassociate from a culture – 与一种文化脱离
  32. Disassociate from a society – 与一个社会分离
  33. Disassociate from a family – 与家庭解除联系
  34. Disassociate from a company – 与公司分离
  35. Disassociate from a friend – 与朋友脱离
  36. Disassociate from a job – 与工作解除联系
  37. Disassociate from a community – 与社区分离
  38. Disassociate from a religion – 与宗教脱离
  39. Disassociate from a club – 与俱乐部解除联系
  40. Disassociate from a tradition – 与传统分离
  41. Disassociate from a team – 与团队脱离
  42. Disassociate from a group – 与一群人分离
  43. Disassociate from a party – 与一方解除联系
  44. Disassociate from a movement – 与一场运动分离
  45. Disassociate from a system – 与一个系统脱离
  46. Disassociate from a culture – 与一种文化分离
  47. Disassociate from a society – 与一个社会解除联系
  48. Disassociate from a family – 与家庭分离
  49. Disassociate from a company – 与公司脱离
  50. Disassociate from a friend – 与朋友解除联系
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
