
vt. 骗取;欺骗;浪费
vi. 快速摇动;闲混;瞎摆弄



diddle 欺骗
来自英语方言diddle, 摇摆,蹒跚。引申诸多不相关的词义,如欺骗,浪费时间,游荡等。可能最终词源同dawdle, doodle, doodle, totter, toddle.


diddle” 是一个不太常见的动词,通常指欺骗、作弊或欺诈性行为。以下是包含这个单词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. financial diddle – 财务欺诈
  2. tax diddle – 税务欺诈
  3. diddle the system – 操纵系统
  4. corporate diddle – 公司欺诈
  5. diddle the books – 操纵账簿
  6. online diddle – 网络欺诈
  7. diddle a contract – 欺诈合同
  8. diddle an exam – 作弊考试
  9. diddle the numbers – 操纵数字
  10. insurance diddle – 保险欺诈
  11. diddle the customers – 欺骗顾客
  12. diddle the evidence – 篡改证据
  13. diddle a deal – 操纵交易
  14. diddle the stock market – 操纵股市
  15. political diddle – 政治欺诈
  16. diddle with accounts – 欺骗账目
  17. credit card diddle – 信用卡欺诈
  18. diddle the outcome – 操纵结果
  19. diddle a report – 篡改报告
  20. diddle the election – 操纵选举
  21. diddle the system – 操纵系统
  22. diddle the statistics – 操纵统计数据
  23. diddle with records – 篡改记录
  24. diddle with evidence – 操纵证据
  25. diddle a survey – 欺诈调查
  26. diddle the figures – 操纵数字
  27. diddle the results – 操纵结果
  28. diddle with data – 篡改数据
  29. diddle with the truth – 曲解事实
  30. diddle with facts – 操纵事实
  31. diddle the accounts – 篡改账目
  32. diddle the records – 操纵记录
  33. diddle a testimony – 篡改证词
  34. diddle the process – 操纵流程
  35. diddle with finances – 操纵财务
  36. diddle the contract – 篡改合同
  37. diddle the investigation – 操纵调查
  38. diddle the law – 操纵法律
  39. diddle the evidence – 操纵证据
  40. diddle the market – 操纵市场
  41. diddle the outcome – 操纵结果
  42. diddle a document – 篡改文件
  43. diddle with the truth – 曲解事实
  44. diddle with facts – 操纵事实
  45. diddle with data – 篡改数据
  46. diddle the accounts – 篡改账目
  47. diddle the records – 操纵记录
  48. diddle a testimony – 篡改证词
  49. diddle the process – 操纵流程
  50. diddle with finances – 操纵财务
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
