


detail [‘diːteɪl] n. 细节,详情  v. 详述;选派;画详图
detail 详述 ←词中词→ tail 尾巴
eg. The man in tails detailed all the events of those days.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. in detail – 详细地
  2. go into detail – 详细说明
  3. provide details – 提供细节
  4. discuss in detail – 详细讨论
  5. explain in detail – 详细解释
  6. examine in detail – 详细检查
  7. describe in detail – 详细描述
  8. analyze in detail – 详细分析
  9. present details – 提供详细信息
  10. explore in detail – 详细探讨
  11. review in detail – 详细回顾
  12. outline the details – 概述细节
  13. delve into the details – 深入细节
  14. cover the details – 涵盖细节
  15. focus on the details – 关注细节
  16. highlight the details – 强调细节
  17. pay attention to details – 注意细节
  18. gather details – 收集细节
  19. specify the details – 具体说明细节
  20. disclose the details – 揭示细节
  21. share the details – 分享细节
  22. include specific details – 包括具体细节
  23. elaborate on the details – 对细节进行详细阐述
  24. overlook the details – 忽略细节
  25. overlook important details – 忽视重要细节
  26. provide comprehensive details – 提供全面的细节
  27. request further details – 请求更多细节
  28. focus on minor details – 关注细微的细节
  29. examine the details closely – 密切审查细节
  30. consider every detail – 考虑每个细节
  31. present the details clearly – 清晰地呈现细节
  32. investigate the details – 调查细节
  33. overlook the finer details – 忽略更细微的细节
  34. analyze the details thoroughly – 彻底分析细节
  35. provide specific details – 提供具体细节
  36. attend to the details – 关注细节
  37. provide accurate details – 提供准确的细节
  38. go through the details – 浏览细节
  39. break down the details – 分解细节
  40. elaborate the details – 详细阐述细节
  41. recount the details – 叙述细节
  42. emphasize the details – 强调细节
  43. capture the details – 捕捉细节
  44. address the details – 处理细节
  45. highlight specific details – 强调特定细节
  46. outline all the details – 概述所有细节
  47. provide intricate details – 提供复杂的细节
  48. specify important details – 具体说明重要细节
  49. grasp the details – 掌握细节
  50. describe the details vividly – 生动地描述细节
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
