我知道 可那是在从前
Aw, laugh! Laugh, you coyotes!
笑吧 笑吧 你们这群土狼
Lookin’ for somebody, Sheriff?
Yes, I aim to find out from Kent…
why he’s turnin’ that poker game into a land-grab business.

Now you’ll do a lot better for yourself if you come over and buy me a drink.
I know what’s good for me. I’m sure ya do.
先让我忙正事吧 好吧
Frenchy, they don’t believe me.
They don’t know what a big man I was.
I “was” Tom Destry’s deputy, wasn’t I? Sure, sure, sure.
我曾是Tom Destry的副手 对吧 没错 没错
There, you see? Go and buy yourself something to drink.
你们看到了吧 去给自己来一杯吧
[Chuckling ] Oh!

How’d everything go up there? I still serve the best coffee in Bottleneck.
你这里可越来越不怎么样了 我这儿的咖啡还是Bottleneck最好的
What’d Keogh have on his mind?
Oh, he was just getting a little curious about that real estate business.
I think I’ll have to buy myself an option on his curiosity.
看来他这一好奇 我就要自助服务了
I think you’ll have to buy yourself a whole new sheriff.
If you can find one.
What are ya doing? I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it.
你干什么呢? 我什么也没干 我什么也没干
What’s the matter with you? Oh, Miss Frenchy, I was just tryin’ to shut out…
你到底怎么啦? Frenchy小姐 刚才的枪声可把我吓坏了
the boomin’ and the bangin’ of them there pop guns.
What do you expect in a town like this? I expect I’s gonna remain…
a mass of quiverin’ flesh. [ Thudding]
What’s comin’ up, a new gold rush?
那是什么东东 金块吗?
We never got anything like “that” in New Orleans.
Maybe so, maybe so, but it was a heap more peaceful.
I’d like to sink my chattering teeth in some good ol’ Louisiana oysters.
那感觉就像吃路易斯安那的生蚝 牙齿直打颤
Here, sink your teeth Into this. Maybe that will stop the chattering.
给你一个 用你的牙试试看还打颤不
Oh, it will help. Thanks. [Knock At Door]
肯定有用 谢谢
Come in. They’re waitin’ for ya, Frenchy.
进来 大家在等你呢 Frenchy
The longer they wait, the better they like it.
♪ All I do is dine with ’em ♪
♪ All I do is dine with ’em ♪
♪ And split a pint of wine with ’em ♪
♪ And split a pint of wine with ’em ♪
♪ Respectable as can be ♪
♪ Respectable as can be ♪
♪ Yet here’s what they say to me ♪
♪ Yet here’s what they say to me ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ You with your eyes across the table technique ♪
♪ You with your eyes across the table technique ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ That look between the lines ♪
♪ That look between the lines ♪
♪ You with your let’s get more than friendly designs ♪

♪ You with your let’s get more than friendly designs ♪
♪ I should be brave and say ♪
♪ I should be brave and say ♪
♪ Let’s have no more of it ♪
♪ Let’s have no more of it ♪
♪ But oh, what’s the use when you know ♪
♪ But oh, what’s the use when you know ♪
♪ I love it ♪
♪ I love it ♪
♪ You’ll only kill my will ♪
♪ You’ll only kill my will ♪
♪ Before I speak ♪
♪ Before I speak ♪
♪ So turn on that low left hook ♪
♪ So turn on that low left hook ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak ♪
♪ You with your eyes across the table technique ♪
♪ You with your eyes across the table technique ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ You’ve got that look ♪
♪ That look between the lines ♪
♪ That look between the lines ♪
♪ You with your let’s get more than friendly designs ♪

♪ You with your let’s get more than friendly designs ♪
♪ I should be brave and say ♪
♪ I should be brave and say ♪
♪ Let’s have no more of it ♪
♪ Let’s have no more of it ♪
♪ But oh, what’s the use when you know ♪
♪ But oh, what’s the use when you know ♪
♪ I love it ♪
♪ I love it ♪
♪ You’ll only kill my will before I speak ♪
♪ You’ll only kill my will before I speak ♪
♪ So turn on that low left hook ♪
♪ So turn on that low left hook ♪
♪ That look that leaves me weak N
♪ That look that leaves me weak N
Quiet! Shut up!
安静 都闭嘴
Folks, an important announcement by our mayor…
下面 市长要宣布一项重要的事情
the honorable Hiram J. Slade.
有请尊敬的Hiram J. Slade先生
Fellow citizens…
our esteemed sheriff, Mr Joseph Keogh…
我们尊敬的警长Joseph Keogh…
has been suddenly called out of town on urgent business.
He’ll be gone permanent.
[Man ] Yippee! So it becomes necessary for me to appoint somebody…
to fill out the unexpired term.
Therefore, with the power conferred on me…
那么 根据法令85E…
by statute number 85-E…
and other statutes thereunto appertainin’…
I do hereby appoint to the post of sheriff…
that paragon of courage…
that credit to his community…
the pride of Bottleneck…
Mr Washington Dimsdale.
Washington Dimsdale先生
♪ Oh, Little Joe, Little Joe ♪
♪ Oh, Little Joe, Little Joe ♪
[ Man ] Hooray for the new sheriff! [ Cheering]
What are we cheerin’ for? It’s for you, Wash. You’re the new sheriff.
大家在欢呼什么? 为你啊 Wash 你是我们的新警长
Hooray– What?
That’s right, Sheriff. Congratulations.
没错 警长 恭喜你
As mayor of Bottleneck, I here and now pronounce you sheriff.
作为Bottleneck的市长 我在这里宣布你是新任警长
Drinks on the house, everybody.
I set ’em up and you drink ’em down.
痛快喝吧 趴下为止
I set ’em up and you drink ’em down.
痛快喝吧 趴下为止
I set ’em up and you drink ’em down.
痛快喝吧 趴下为止
This is getting monotonous!
Quiet, everybody!
To our new sheriff, Washington Dimsdale.
祝我们的新警长Washington Dimsdale
A long life.
[ Cheering ] A long life. That’s pretty good.
长命百岁 真是棒极了
Wash, aren’t you drinking to yourself?
Wash 你不给自己来点?
Oh, sure, sure, sure, sure.
哦 那是当然
Frenchy, am I really the sheriff?
Frenchy 我真的当上警长了?
Well, sure, you are. Then I am off the liquor.
当然 千真万确 那我就戒酒了
A man has gotta choose between the bottle and the badge.
一个男人 应该在酒瓶和警徽之间做出选择
Why, he didn’t say that– or did he?
为什么他那么说 难道真要那么做?
Laugh, you fools!
笑吧 你们这些傻瓜
I’m tellin’ ya this town of Bottleneck has gotta respect law and order…
or I’ll put everybody in jail.
The Sheriff’s right. Now you can see why I chose such a strong-minded man.
这是警长的权利 现在你们明白我选这位强人的原因了吧
[ Laughter] We’re all with ya, Sheriff.
If you need any help, I’ll be your deputy. No need to bother.
如果你需要帮助 我们义不容辞 不用费心了
I want a deputy like I was when Destry was my boss.
Why, we handled a much tougher and ornery a crowd than I see present.
Why, when we started shootin’, they ran outta town so fast…
the breeze from their coat-tails set off a sizable windmill.
But Destry is dead. That makes him the right man for the job.
但Destry已经死了 这人选选的好啊
Saves us a lot of trouble. ls that so?
让大家省了不少麻烦 真的吗?
Well, young Tom ain’t dead, and his father brought him up…
小Tom可没死 而且被他老爸培养成…
to be the toughest and fightinest man that ever growed up in the west.
西部土生土长 最勇猛的斗士
He ain’t got as big a name as his pa, but he cleaned up Tombstone.
他没像他老爸一样名声在外 可他已经收拾好了墓碑镇
And I’m sendin’ for him to be my deputy.
And when he gets here…
Destry will ride again.
Hey, driver, how many times do I have to tell you…
嘿 赶车的 我给你说了多少次了…
to take it easy on those bumps? I got a schedule to keep.
过坎儿的时候慢一点 我赶时间呢
Pull in your neck. I’ll pull a neck in, but it won’t be mine.
把你脖子缩回去 缩回去就摇断了
You just wait ’til we get to a stop.
[ Woman ] Oh, Jack, leave the driver alone.
哦Jack 别管那车夫了
Trip’s almost over. I don’t mind the bumps.
旅途就要结束了 我不在乎颠不颠
I do. If he don’t take it easy, I’ll blow his head off.
我知道 可他再不放缓点 我可要收拾他了
Please don’t mind my brother, Mr Destry.
He’s always threatening to blow people’s heads off.
I had a friend once. His name was Stubbs.
