
vt. 解除对……的管制
vi. 解除控制



deregulate 取消管制
de-, 不,非,使相反。regulate, 管制。


Deregulate 是一个动词,意为取消对某个行业或活动的法规、管制或监管。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Deregulate the telecommunications industry – 取消电信行业的监管
  2. Deregulate the airline industry – 取消航空业的管制
  3. Deregulate the energy sector – 取消能源领域的法规
  4. Deregulate financial markets – 取消金融市场的监管
  5. Deregulate the banking industry – 取消银行业的法规
  6. Deregulate the healthcare system – 取消医疗体系的管制
  7. Deregulate the transportation sector – 取消运输行业的法规
  8. Deregulate the housing market – 取消房地产市场的监管
  9. Deregulate the labor market – 取消劳动市场的管制
  10. Deregulate the pharmaceutical industry – 取消制药业的法规
  11. Deregulate the agricultural sector – 取消农业领域的监管
  12. Deregulate the education system – 取消教育体系的管制
  13. Deregulate the shipping industry – 取消航运业的法规
  14. Deregulate the real estate market – 取消房地产市场的监管
  15. Deregulate the food industry – 取消食品行业的法规
  16. Deregulate the internet service providers – 取消互联网服务提供商的监管
  17. Deregulate the oil and gas sector – 取消石油和天然气领域的法规
  18. Deregulate the taxi industry – 取消出租车行业的管制
  19. Deregulate the environmental regulations – 取消环境法规
  20. Deregulate the construction industry – 取消建筑业的监管
  21. Deregulate the labor unions – 取消工会的法规
  22. Deregulate the insurance market – 取消保险市场的监管
  23. Deregulate the retail sector – 取消零售业的法规
  24. Deregulate the telecommunications sector – 取消电信行业的法规
  25. Deregulate the shipping and logistics – 取消航运和物流的管制
  26. Deregulate the financial institutions – 取消金融机构的法规
  27. Deregulate the energy production – 取消能源生产的监管
  28. Deregulate the pharmaceutical companies – 取消制药公司的法规
  29. Deregulate the technology sector – 取消科技行业的监管
  30. Deregulate the entertainment industry – 取消娱乐业的法规
  31. Deregulate the stock market – 取消股票市场的监管
  32. Deregulate the natural resource extraction – 取消自然资源开采的法规
  33. Deregulate the shipping and cargo handling – 取消航运和货物处理的监管
  34. Deregulate the labor practices – 取消劳动实践的法规
  35. Deregulate the nuclear industry – 取消核能行业的监管
  36. Deregulate the agricultural practices – 取消农业实践的法规
  37. Deregulate the telecommunications providers – 取消电信提供商的监管
  38. Deregulate the financial services – 取消金融服务的法规
  39. Deregulate the healthcare providers – 取消医疗服务提供商的监管
  40. Deregulate the automotive industry – 取消汽车工业的法规
  41. Deregulate the media industry – 取消媒体行业的监管
  42. Deregulate the mining sector – 取消矿业领域的法规
  43. Deregulate the telecommunications companies – 取消电信公司的监管
  44. Deregulate the financial institutions – 取消金融机构的法规
  45. Deregulate the energy production – 取消能源生产的监管
  46. Deregulate the pharmaceutical companies – 取消制药公司的法规
  47. Deregulate the technology sector – 取消科技行业的监管
  48. Deregulate the entertainment industry – 取消娱乐业的法规
  49. Deregulate the stock market – 取消股票市场的监管
  50. Deregulate the natural resource extraction – 取消自然资源开采的法规

这些短语描述了各种情境,其中人们可能会使用 “deregulate” 这个词来表达取消法规、管制或监管的行为。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
