
depreciation (de preesh ee AY shun) This noun means “a decrease or loss in value due to age, wear, or market conditions.” Its opposite is “appreciation.”

  • “I bought this car last year for $10,000,” said Carlos, “but I’ll sell it to you for $7,000. I drove it across the country and the extra mileage has certainly caused some depreciation in its value.”
  • Because of excellent climate conditions in California, the value of California wines appreciated considerably at the beginning of the century.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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折旧(de preesh ee AY shun)这个名词的意思是“由于年龄、磨损或市场条件导致的价值下降或损失”。它的反面是“升值”

  • “我去年花了1万美元买了这辆车,”卡洛斯说,“但我会以7000美元的价格卖给你。我开着它在全国各地行驶,额外的里程数肯定会导致它的价值贬值。”
  • 由于加州气候条件优越,加州葡萄酒的价值在本世纪初大幅升值

