

[verb] use up the supply or resources of
[动词] 耗尽……的供应或资源


Deplete 一词比较好记,就是在熟词 delete 的中间多加了一个字母 p ,该词逆构自英语单词 depletion (耗尽、空虚、枯竭,医学上指“液体、血液等的排除、缺失”以及由于缺液而产生的“衰竭”),最初也是用在医学上指“排除器官、血管等的液体或血液”或“使缺失液体”。

从这个概念出发, deplete 很自然地就被用来泛指“大量减少、耗尽、使枯竭”,主要指大量减少某物以至于没有足够的剩余物或者说造成储存物、金钱、精力等供应或资源耗尽,强调因为耗尽而潜在的危害,好比大量放血不仅会减少血液量,还会引发身体器官衰竭,比如:

  • 主食供应已严重不足。
    Staple food supplies were severely depleted.
  • 我分居的丈夫开始不停地烦我,要我给他钱。他上次度假花掉了我银行账户里的一大笔钱!
    My estranged husband started hassling me to give him money. His last holiday seriously depleted my bank account!

而将其用在核物理上,则是指“使贫化”,比如臭名昭著的(notorious)贫铀弹就在英语中称为“depleted uranium ammunition”。


Support will be given to resource-depleted areas in their economic transformation.

出自十九大报告《决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》(Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。


  • Underground water has helped feed the world, but in many places it is dangerously depleted.
  • While Mr. Romney has depleted much of his funds from the nominating contest, he is four weeks away from being able to tap into tens of millions of dollars in general election money.


deplete 是一个动词,意思是耗尽、消耗或减少。它描述了资源、能量或数量逐渐减少或耗尽的过程。以下是关于 “deplete” 的详细用法和一些短语:


  1. Excessive logging has depleted the forest of its valuable trees. (过度砍伐已经耗尽了森林中宝贵的树木。)
  2. The extended drought has depleted the water reservoirs in the region. (长期干旱已经使该地区的水库水源枯竭。)
  3. The marathon race depleted his energy, leaving him exhausted at the finish line. (马拉松比赛耗尽了他的精力,在终点线他筋疲力尽。)
  4. The company’s aggressive expansion strategy depleted its financial resources. (公司积极的扩张战略耗尽了其财务资源。)
  5. The overfishing has depleted the fish population in the ocean. (过度捕捞已经使海洋中的鱼类数量减少。)
  6. The prolonged illness depleted her strength and she needed time to recover. (长期的疾病耗尽了她的力量,她需要时间恢复。)
  7. The intense workout session depleted his glycogen stores. (剧烈的锻炼使他的糖原储备耗尽。)
  8. The ongoing conflict has depleted the country’s infrastructure and resources. (持续不断的冲突已经耗尽了该国的基础设施和资源。)
  9. The economic recession depleted the savings of many families. (经济衰退使许多家庭的储蓄耗尽。)
  10. The wildfire depleted the vegetation in the area, leaving behind a charred landscape. (野火烧毁了该地区的植被,留下了焦土般的景象。)


  1. Deplete natural resources: 耗尽自然资源
  2. Deplete energy reserves: 耗尽能量储备
  3. Deplete oxygen levels: 降低氧气水平
  4. Deplete soil fertility: 降低土壤肥力
  5. Deplete financial reserves: 耗尽财务储备
  6. Deplete nutrient supply: 耗尽营养供应
  7. Deplete the ozone layer: 损耗臭氧层
  8. Deplete available stock: 耗尽现有库存
  9. Deplete the workforce: 减少劳动力
  10. Deplete essential minerals: 耗尽重要矿物质
  11. Deplete food resources: 耗尽食物资源
  12. Deplete emotional reserves: 耗尽情感储备
  13. Deplete the fish population: 减少鱼类数量
  14. Deplete mental energy: 耗尽精力
  15. Deplete atmospheric oxygen: 降低大气中的氧气


exhaust: use up (resources or reserves) completely
drain: cause (money, energy, or another valuable resource) to be lost, wasted, or used up
impoverish: exhaust the strength or vitality of

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
