
denouement (day noo MON or day NOO mon) This French import refers to a working out of all the factors that made the plot thicken. It can be used for a play, a novel, or real life. Literally, it means “un-knotting,” getting the kinks out of the thread of the plot following the climax. Sometimes it’s used more loosely to mean “the final result.”

  • The playwright had so many different plots going in the first half of the play—pirates, vampires, and spacemen—that the audience was not surprised that the denouement was unbelievable.
  • Xenia’s first three years at Hedgepeth University were marked by a trip abroad, a broken leg, and a major love affair; can the denouement of her college years be any more dramatic?

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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结局(day noo-MON或day noo-MON)这个法国进口指的是对所有使情节更加复杂的因素的处理。它可以用于戏剧、小说或现实生活。从字面上看,它的意思是“解开打结”,在高潮之后将打结从情节中解开。有时,它被更松散地用来表示“最终结果”

  • 这位剧作家在这部剧的前半部分有很多不同的情节,海盗、吸血鬼和太空人,观众对结局令人难以置信并不感到惊讶
  • Xenia在Hedgepeth大学的头三年是一次出国旅行、一条腿骨折和一段重大的恋爱;她大学时代的结局会更戏剧化吗

