
vt. 欺骗
vi. 进行诈骗(过去式defrauded,过去分词defrauded,现在分词defrauding,第三人称单数defrauds,名词defraudation)



defraud 欺骗
de-, 向下,强调。fraud, 欺骗。


Defraud 是一个动词,意思是欺骗、诈骗。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Defraud someone of money – 欺骗某人的钱财
  2. Defraud a company – 诈骗一家公司
  3. Defraud investors – 欺骗投资者
  4. Defraud the government – 骗取政府资金
  5. Defraud customers – 欺骗顾客
  6. Defraud a bank – 欺骗银行
  7. Defraud shareholders – 欺骗股东
  8. Defraud a charity organization – 欺骗慈善机构
  9. Defraud the insurance company – 欺骗保险公司
  10. Defraud consumers – 欺骗消费者
  11. Defraud the elderly – 欺骗老年人
  12. Defraud through identity theft – 通过身份盗窃进行欺诈
  13. Defraud by false pretenses – 以虚伪借口欺诈
  14. Defraud by deception – 通过欺骗行骗
  15. Defraud through a Ponzi scheme – 通过庞氏骗局欺骗
  16. Defraud through embezzlement – 通过挪用公款进行欺诈
  17. Defraud through a pyramid scheme – 通过传销骗局欺骗
  18. Defraud through tax evasion – 通过逃税欺诈
  19. Defraud through forgery – 通过伪造文件欺诈
  20. Defraud through counterfeit currency – 通过伪造货币欺诈
  21. Defraud by trickery – 通过诡计欺骗
  22. Defraud through online scams – 通过网络诈骗欺骗
  23. Defraud through a phishing scheme – 通过网络钓鱼欺骗
  24. Defraud by misrepresentation – 通过歪曲事实欺骗
  25. Defraud through insider trading – 通过内幕交易欺骗
  26. Defraud through a confidence game – 通过信任骗局欺骗
  27. Defraud by falsifying records – 通过伪造记录欺骗
  28. Defraud by price fixing – 通过价格垄断欺骗
  29. Defraud through kickbacks – 通过回扣欺骗
  30. Defraud by bribery – 通过贿赂欺骗
  31. Defraud through a rigged auction – 通过操纵拍卖欺骗
  32. Defraud through tax fraud – 通过税务欺诈欺骗
  33. Defraud through insider information – 通过内部信息欺骗
  34. Defraud by fraudulent contracts – 通过虚假合同欺骗
  35. Defraud by inflating expenses – 通过夸大费用欺骗
  36. Defraud through offshore accounts – 通过离岸账户欺骗
  37. Defraud by identity fraud – 通过身份欺诈欺骗
  38. Defraud by fraudulent transactions – 通过虚假交易欺骗
  39. Defraud through telemarketing scams – 通过电话推销欺诈
  40. Defraud by false advertising – 通过虚假广告欺骗
  41. Defraud through Ponzi investments – 通过庞氏投资欺骗
  42. Defraud through rigged gambling – 通过操纵赌博欺骗
  43. Defraud through cybercrime – 通过网络犯罪欺骗
  44. Defraud through counterfeit products – 通过伪劣产品欺骗
  45. Defraud through mortgage fraud – 通过抵押贷款欺骗
  46. Defraud through fake charities – 通过虚假慈善机构欺骗
  47. Defraud through pyramid marketing – 通过传销营销欺骗
  48. Defraud by fraudulent checks – 通过虚假支票欺骗
  49. Defraud by scamming vulnerable individuals – 通过欺诈脆弱个体欺骗
  50. Defraud by money laundering – 通过洗钱欺骗
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
