
vt. 放气;使缩小;紧缩通货;打击;使泄气
vi. 缩小;物价下降




deflate 使泄气
de-, 不,非,使相反。-flat, 膨胀,鼓气,词源同blow, inflate.


Deflate 是一个动词,意思是减轻、降低或瘪塌。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Deflate a balloon – 放气球
  2. Deflate a tire – 放汽车轮胎气
  3. Deflate one’s ego – 打击某人的自尊心
  4. Deflate a soccer ball – 放足球气
  5. Deflate a mattress – 放床垫气
  6. Deflate a basketball – 放篮球气
  7. Deflate a bubble – 弄瘪气泡
  8. Deflate a price bubble – 减轻价格泡沫
  9. Deflate expectations – 降低期望
  10. Deflate a balloon animal – 放气球动物
  11. Deflate an economy – 减缓经济
  12. Deflate a situation – 缓解情况
  13. Deflate a crisis – 缓解危机
  14. Deflate a speculation bubble – 减轻投机泡沫
  15. Deflate a soccer ball – 放足球气
  16. Deflate a bubblegum bubble – 放口香糖气泡
  17. Deflate a bubble wrap – 放气泡包装
  18. Deflate a hope – 减退希望
  19. Deflate a dream – 打破梦想
  20. Deflate a rumor – 澄清谣言
  21. Deflate a rally – 终结集会
  22. Deflate a hot air balloon – 放热气球气
  23. Deflate a market bubble – 减轻市场泡沫
  24. Deflate an argument – 解散争论
  25. Deflate a bubble bath – 放泡泡浴
  26. Deflate a scandal – 平息丑闻
  27. Deflate a crisis situation – 缓解危机局势
  28. Deflate a controversy – 平息争议
  29. Deflate a political campaign – 终结政治竞选
  30. Deflate a situation of tension – 缓和紧张局势
  31. Deflate a financial bubble – 缓解金融泡沫
  32. Deflate a balloon payment – 放气球付款
  33. Deflate a soap bubble – 弄瘪肥皂泡
  34. Deflate a false rumor – 澄清虚假传闻
  35. Deflate a speculation market – 降低投机市场
  36. Deflate a currency – 贬值货币
  37. Deflate a hope for peace – 减少和平的希望
  38. Deflate a stock market bubble – 缓解股市泡沫
  39. Deflate a party balloon – 放宴会气球
  40. Deflate a political movement – 压制政治运动
  41. Deflate a football – 放足球气
  42. Deflate an asset bubble – 缓解资产泡沫
  43. Deflate a hype – 减少夸大
  44. Deflate a housing bubble – 缓解房地产泡沫
  45. Deflate a speculation craze – 缓解投机热
  46. Deflate a rumor mill – 澄清谣言传播机构
  47. Deflate a sense of importance – 降低自尊心
  48. Deflate an economic bubble – 减轻经济泡沫
  49. Deflate a festive atmosphere – 缓和节日氛围
  50. Deflate a swollen ego – 打击膨胀的自尊心
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
