
vt. 使减弱;使麻木;隔阻
vi. 变得如死一般;失去活力



Deaden 是一个动词,意为减轻或减少某物的力量、效果或感觉。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Deaden pain – 减轻疼痛
  2. Deaden sound – 减轻声音
  3. Deaden sensitivity – 减弱敏感度
  4. Deaden the impact – 减小冲击
  5. Deaden vibrations – 减轻振动
  6. Deaden emotions – 减轻情感
  7. Deaden senses – 减退感官
  8. Deaden the noise – 减小噪音
  9. Deaden the intensity – 减弱强度
  10. Deaden the sensation – 减弱感觉
  11. Deaden the effect – 减弱效果
  12. Deaden the response – 减弱反应
  13. Deaden the feeling – 减弱感情
  14. Deaden the enthusiasm – 减弱热情
  15. Deaden the impact force – 减小冲击力
  16. Deaden the discomfort – 减轻不适
  17. Deaden the sharpness – 减弱锐度
  18. Deaden the pressure – 减轻压力
  19. Deaden the tension – 减缓紧张
  20. Deaden the sensation of cold – 减弱寒冷感
  21. Deaden the effect of heat – 减轻热感
  22. Deaden the senses to pain – 减轻对疼痛的感觉
  23. Deaden the impact of the fall – 减小坠落的冲击
  24. Deaden the noise of traffic – 减小交通噪音
  25. Deaden the force of a blow – 减小打击的力度
  26. Deaden the sensitivity to light – 减弱对光线的敏感度
  27. Deaden the intensity of colors – 减弱颜色的强烈度
  28. Deaden the pain of a headache – 减轻头痛的疼痛
  29. Deaden the sound of footsteps – 减小脚步声
  30. Deaden the vibrations in machinery – 减小机械的振动
  31. Deaden the emotions in a difficult situation – 减缓在困境中的情感
  32. Deaden the senses with medication – 用药物减弱感官
  33. Deaden the noise pollution – 减小噪声污染
  34. Deaden the impact on the environment – 减小对环境的影响
  35. Deaden the sensation of cold with warm clothing – 用温暖的衣物减轻寒冷感
  36. Deaden the effect of a strong odor – 减轻强烈气味的影响
  37. Deaden the sensitivity of a touch screen – 减小触摸屏的敏感度
  38. Deaden the emotions during a sad movie – 在看悲伤电影时减轻情感
  39. Deaden the intensity of a light source – 减弱光源的强度
  40. Deaden the sensation of hunger – 减轻饥饿感
  41. Deaden the impact of a collision – 减小碰撞的冲击
  42. Deaden the noise from construction work – 减小建筑工程的噪音
  43. Deaden the pain of a toothache – 减轻牙痛
  44. Deaden the intensity of a storm – 减弱风暴的强度
  45. Deaden the effect of a chemical reaction – 减小化学反应的效应
  46. Deaden the sensitivity to allergens – 减轻对过敏原的敏感性
  47. Deaden the emotions during a heated argument – 在激烈争论中减轻情感
  48. Deaden the impact of a fall with protective gear – 用防护装备减小坠落的冲击
  49. Deaden the noise in a crowded place with earplugs – 用耳塞在拥挤的地方减小噪音
  50. Deaden the pain of a burn with cold water – 用冷水减轻烧伤的疼痛


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
