嘿 我在图书馆找到了他的记录
Hey, I found his senior annual in the library.
听好 足球队队长
Listen to this. Captain of the soccer team.
校史年鉴编辑 考入剑桥大学
Editor of the school annual. Cambridge bound.
性格温和 死亡诗人俱乐部成员
Thigh man and the Dead Poets Society.
充满幻想 敢做敢为
“Man Most Likely To Do Anything.”
性格温和 他能把人吓死
Thigh man? Mr “K” was a hell-raiser.
What’s the Dead Poets Society?
-不知道 -年鉴上有照片吗
-I don’t know. -Is there a picture in the annual?
-没有 这事别再提了 -那边那个
-Nothing. No other mention of it. -That boy there,
see me after lunch.
Mr Keating?
Mr Keating?
-说点什么 -哦 船长 我的船长
-Say something. -O Captain, my Captain?
We were just looking in your old annual.
哦 天哪
Oh, my God.
不 那不是我
No, that’s not me.
Stanley “The Tool” Wilson.
-天哪 -什么是死亡诗人俱乐部
-God. -What was the Dead Poets Society?
I doubt the present administration would look too favourably upon that.
为什么 那到底是什么
Why? What was it?
-各位 你们能保密吗 -当然
-Gentlemen, can you keep a secret? -Sure.
The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life.
That’s a phrase from Thoreau we’d invoke at the beginning of every meeting.
You see, we would gather at the old Indian cave…
轮流朗诵梭罗 惠特曼 雪莱等诗人的作品
and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley… the biggies.
Even some of our own verse.
在那种痴迷的时刻 诗歌♥有着一种神奇的作用
And in the enchantment of the moment, we’d let poetry work its magic.
You mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around, reading poetry?
不 奥弗斯特里特 并不象你想象的那样
No, Mr Overstreet. It wasn’t just guys.
那并不是个很严密的组织 是一群浪漫主义者
We weren’t a Greek organization. We were romantics.
我们不仅仅是念诗 诗从我们舌间滑落 就象蜜糖
We didn’t just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues, like honey.
情绪高涨 女人亢奋 灵魂驰骋
Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created, gentlemen.
Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?

谢谢你 佩里 让我回想这么多过去的事
Thank you, Mr Perry, for this stroll down amnesia lane.
Burn that.
Especially my picture.
Dead Poets Society.
-我们今天晚上去 -今晚
-I say we go tonight. -Tonight?
-等一下 -有谁参加
-Wait a minute. -Everybody in?
-他说的山洞在哪儿 -就在河那边
-Where’s this cave he’s talking about? -It’s beyond the stream.
-我知道在哪儿 -那远着呢
-I know where it is. -That’s miles.
-我看没什么意思 -别去了
-Sounds boring to me. -Don’t go.
知道这会被扣掉多少学分吗 多尔顿
You know how many demerits we’re talking?
那你就别去 行吗
So don’t come. Please.
好了 我只是说我们得小心
Look, all I’m saying is that we have to be careful.
-不能让人抓住 -当然 真啰嗦
-We can’t get caught. -No shit, Sherlock.
你们干嘛呢 快点
You boys there! Hurry up!
-好了 谁参加 -行了 尼尔 老师在看着呢
-All right, who’s in? -Aw, come on, Neil. Hager’s…
别管他了 谁参加
Forget Hager! No! Who’s in?
I’m in.
我警告你们 快点
I’m warning you! Move!
Me too.
-我不知道 尼尔 -什么 皮茨
-I don’t know, Neil. -What? Pitts!
-皮茨 好啦 -他功课太紧
-Pittsie, come on. -His grades are hurting.
你可以帮他 米克斯
You can help him, Meeks.
这算什么 午夜学习小组
What is this, a midnight study group?
行啦 皮茨 参加吧 米克斯 你功课也紧吗
Forget it, Pitts. You’re coming. Meeks, your grades hurting too?
-什么我都不怕 -除了女孩
-I’ll try anything once. -Except sex.
I’m in as long as we’re careful.
-你怎么样 诺克斯 -我不知道 查理
-What about you, Knox? -I don’t know, Charlie.
好啦 诺克斯 这对你追克里丝有好处
Come on, Knox. It’ll help you get Chris.
是吗 为什么
Yeah? How?
-女人亢奋 -但她们为什么亢奋
-Women swoon. -But why do they swoon?
查理 告诉我她们为什么亢奋
Charlie, tell me why they swoon! Charlie!
Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall.
就在这儿 肯定就在那儿的河岸上
It’s right there. It’s got to be on the banks.
我不知道 我开始觉得这挺危险了
I don’t know. This is starting to sound dangerous.
-那你干嘛不呆在家里 -什么 你疯了
-Oh, well, why don’t you stay home? -Hey, you’re crazy.
看在上帝份上 别再嘀咕了 坐好
For God’s sake, stop chattering and sit down.
-托德 你今晚去吗 -不
-Todd, are you coming tonight? -No.
为什么 托德 你当时也在 你听见他说的了
Why not? God, you were there. You heard Keating.
-你就不想做点什么吗 -想
-Don’t you want to do something about that? -Yes.
-但是…-但是 但是什么
-But… -But? But what?
Keating said that everybody took turns reading
and I don’t want to do that.
Gosh, you really have a problem with that, don’t you?
不 没什么问题
N…No, I don’t have a problem.
尼尔 我只是…只是不想念 行吗
Neil, I just…I don’t want to do it, okay?
All right.
如果你不用念呢 如果只要你去听呢
What if you didn’t have to read? What if you just came and listened?
-但那不是正常做法 -好啦 管它什么做法呢
-That’s not how it works. -Well, forget how it works.
What if… What if they said it was okay?
什么 你要去问他们是不是
What… What, are you gonna go up and ask them?
不 尼尔
No. No, Neil.
-我就回来 -尼尔 尼尔
-I’ll be right back. -Neil. Neil!
闭嘴 行吗
Oh, shut up, will you?
那是我治哮喘的 行吗
That’s for my asthma, okay?
把那还给我 行吗
Could you give that back, please?
什么事 你不喜欢蛇吗
What’s the matter? Don’t you like snakes?
-你参加 -别来烦我 行吗
-You’re in. -Get away from me, okay?
Why don’t you check your pocket, huh?
-我要刷牙了 -走开
-Come on. I have to brush my teeth. -Get a… Get off.
Cut out that racket in there!
J·基丁 死亡诗人俱乐部
走 走
Go. Go.
-我是死亡诗人 -见鬼 查理
-I’m a dead poet! -Aw, shit, Charlie.
-各位 就是这儿 -别闹 别瞎嚷
-Guys! Over here! -Funny. You’re real funny.
It’s too wet.
God, are you trying to smoke us out of here?
不 不 烟会从这儿出去的
No, no. The smoke’s going right up this opening.
You okay?
哦 天哪 熏死了
Oh, God. Clowns.
好了 别生火了
All right, forget the fire.
开始了 各位
Let’s go, gentlemen.
I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society
Welton Chapter.
The meetings will be conducted by myself
and the other new initiates now present.
托德·安德森 因为他不愿念诗
Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read
will keep minutes of the meetings.
I’ll now read the traditional opening message…
by Society member Henry David Thoreau.
“我步入丛林 因为我希望生活有意义”
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.
“我希望活得深刻 吸取生命中所有精华”
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.”
I’ll second that.
“To put to rout all that was not life.
“以免 当我生命终结”
“And not, when I had come to die,
discover that I had not lived.”
-基丁标了其他好几页 -好了 会议休息
-Keating’s marked a bunch of other pages. -All right, intermission!
往下挖 就是这儿 铺在这儿
Dig deep. Right here. Right here, lay it down.
放地上 你在说什么 放地上
On the mud? We’re gonna put our food on the mud?
米克斯 把你衣服脱了 当野餐桌布
Meeks, put your coat down. Picnic blanket.
Use Meeks’ coat.
Don’t keep anything back either.
-我的烟不全分给你们抽了吗 -葡萄干
-You guys are always bumming my smokes. -Raisins?
-是啊 -等一下
