[verb] make slightly wet
[动词] 稍微弄湿
Dampen 是一个由熟词 damp (潮湿的)+后缀 -en (做,使……)组合而来的单词。明白这一点后,就很容易想到 dampen 可以指“弄湿、使潮湿”,主要指使某物稍微弄湿或适度湿润,比如:
- 那个情绪无常的女演员在镜子前摆姿势。她的脸和脖子都汗津津的。
The volatile actress postured before the mirror. Perspiration dampened her face and neck.
不过从词源上来说,上面这个含义使用较晚。而早在1547年, dampen 最先用来喻指“抑制、控制、减弱”,主要指使热情、激动、兴致以及价格、支出等非物质事物变得不那么强烈或兴奋,好比中文里说的“泼冷水”扫兴,比如:
- 任何挫折都不能减弱他的坚定热情。
None of the setbacks could dampen his crusading zeal.
He blamed Ron and Hermione: Their determined indifference was as bad as the relentless rain for dampening his spirits, but neither could erode his certainty, which remained absolute.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。
- An ample supply of palm oil in Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as of coconut oil in the Philippines, has dampened prices.
——《经济学人》 - The drop in cash reserves has vast implications for the working class and could dampen consumer spending, a large share of economic activity.
Dampen 是一个动词,表示使潮湿、减弱或抑制某种情感、效果或行动。以下是关于 “dampen” 的短语:
- Dampen the mood: 扫兴,消沉情绪
- Dampen the enthusiasm: 打击热情
- Dampen the spirits: 使士气低落
- Dampen the excitement: 抑制兴奋
- Dampen the atmosphere: 消弭气氛
- Dampen the joy: 消减喜悦
- Dampen the optimism: 减弱乐观情绪
- Dampen the celebration: 扫兴庆祝活动
- Dampen the morale: 降低士气
- Dampen the energy: 减弱活力
- Dampen the party: 扫兴聚会
- Dampen the clothes: 弄湿衣物
- Dampen the ground: 湿润地面
- Dampen the fire: 扑灭火焰
- Dampen the sound: 减弱声音
- Dampen the noise: 降低噪音
- Dampen the impact: 减轻影响
- Dampen the expectations: 减弱期望
- Dampen the reaction: 抑制反应
- Dampen the effect: 减弱效果
- Dampen the vibration: 减震振动
- Dampen the pain: 缓解疼痛
- Dampen the ardor: 抑制热情
- Dampen the curiosity: 减弱好奇心
- Dampen the aggression: 抑制侵略性
- Dampen the demand: 减少需求
- Dampen the impact: 减缓影响
- Dampen the momentum: 减弱势头
- Dampen the hope: 降低希望
- Dampen the noise: 减弱噪音
- Dampen the excitement: 减退兴奋
- Dampen the heat: 降低温度
- Dampen the passion: 减弱激情
- Dampen the mood: 消减情绪
- Dampen the atmosphere: 减弱气氛
- Dampen the enthusiasm: 减退热情
- Dampen the spirit: 抑制精神
moisten: wet slightly
damp: make (something) slightly wet
humidify: increase the level of moisture in (air)