I bet you he gets free flight vouchers.
And maybe get us some vouchers!
别等了 去打个招呼 走吧
Well, don’t make him wait. Go say hi. Go! Go!
You must be Brad.
别 布拉德 -你不是我爸爸
No, Brad. -You’re not my dad!
布拉德 你这样错了
Brad, no, that’s a mistake!
I don’t care how many lives you saved!
你永远无法取代他 懂吗
You’ll never replace him, do you hear me?
布拉德 他人很好 回来
Brad, he’s so nice! Come back!
你只有一个好故事 我爸爸却有一百万个
You only have one good story, my father has a million!
调频103.6 猫熊电台
103.6 The Panda
You’re listening to Jason Sinclair at the Panda,
and I’ve got a little holiday recipe for you tonight.
两杯蛋酒 一份丝绸睡衣
Two cups of eggnog, one serving of silk pajamas,
and a heaping helping of a loved one.
And I’m gonna add a pinch of smooth jazz
on the Panda.
And I have one question for you.
Do you know what time it is?
♪ 今天是圣诞节 ♪
* It’s Christmastime *
♪ 没有必要害怕 明白 ♪
* There’s no need to be afraid, Roger *
♪ 在圣诞节 ♪
* At Christmastime *
♪ 我们迎接光明 驱除阴影 ♪
* We let in light and we banish shade *
♪ 在富足的世界里 ♪
* And in our world of plenty *
♪ 传播喜悦的微笑 ♪
* We can spread a smile of joy *
♪ 张开双臂拥抱世界 ♪
* Throw your arms around the world *
♪ 在圣诞节 ♪
* At Christmastime *
♪ 祈祷吧 ♪
* But say a prayer *
♪ 为别人而祈祷 ♪
* Pray for the other ones! *
♪ 在圣诞节 ♪
* At Christmastime *
♪ 不容易 在开心时节 ♪
* It’s hard, but when you’re having fun *
♪ 窗外有一个世界 ♪
* There’s a world outside your window *
♪ 那里充满忧虑和恐惧 ♪
* It’s a world of dread and fear *
♪ 那里唯一流动的水是 ♪
* Where the only water flowing is *
♪ 苦涩刺痛的泪水 ♪
* The bitter sting of tears *
♪ 还有响起的圣诞钟声 ♪
* And the Christmas bells that ring there *
♪ 这是末日的钟声吗 ♪
* Are the clanging chimes of doom *
♪ 今晚感谢上帝 就是他们 ♪
* Well, tonight thank God it’s them *
♪ 替你受苦 ♪
* Instead of you *
♪ 非洲不下圣诞雪 ♪
* And there won’t be snow in Africa *
♪ 今年圣诞节 ♪
* This Christmastime! *
♪ 今年得到的最好礼物就是生命 ♪
* The greatest gift They’ll get this year is life *
♪ 生命 生命 ♪
* Life, life *
♪ 那里寸草不生 ♪
* Where nothing ever grows *
♪ 没有雨水 也没有河流 ♪
* No rain nor rivers flow *
♪ 他们知道今天是圣诞节吗 ♪
* Do they know it’s Christmastime at all? *
♪ 献给你 ♪
* Here’s to you *
♪ 为大家举杯 ♪
* Raise a glass for everyone *
♪ 献给他们 ♪
* Here’s to them *
♪ 在那灼热的烈日下 ♪
* Underneath that burning sun *
♪ 他们知道今天是圣诞节吗 ♪
* Do they know it’s Christmastime at all? *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime *
♪ 养活这个世界 ♪
* Feed the world *
♪ 让他们知道今天又是圣诞节 ♪
* Let them know it’s Christmastime again *
去年 圣本尼迪克特的追随者
You know. Last year, the folks at St. Benedict’s, they…
They had a… A modern-dress Nativity.
一开始大家都很排斥 圣本尼迪克特的追随者
Everybody hated it at first, but you know the folks at St. Benedict’s,
they got back at ’em, all right.
They won the prize for most original.
当然 还有枫木基♥督♥徒
Then, of course, you have the Maplewood Christians.
They had a kind of friendly competition with the Nazarenes,
and took all their hay last year.
Yeah, you just try setting up
a Nativity without hay.
圣诞快乐 各位
Merry Christmas, fellas!