cryptic 英 [ˈkrɪptɪk] 美 [ˈkrɪptɪk]



  • As for the succession question, the message is cryptic.
  • He underwent electroshock therapy and fled for a while to Europe, sending cryptic postcards to colleagues and family members.


[adjective] having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure
[形容词] 含义神秘或隐晦




Maps encourage boldness. They’re like cryptic love letters. They make anything seem possible.

出自马克·詹金斯(Mark Jenkins),美国著名街头雕塑装置艺术家。他的街头艺术将街道当作舞台,与周围的环境互动,其中也包括路人,使之无意中成了演员。马克·詹金斯的作品给人的印象总是无比异想天开、强烈到令人震惊。


cryptic (KRIP tik) A crypt is a place where bodies or treasure may be hidden away. As an adjective, “cryptic” describes that which has a hidden or a puzzling meaning.

  • The pirates puzzled over the cryptic markings on the map, longing to believe a store of gold doubloons was waiting for them on the island.
  • Rory’s airs of superiority and cryptic utterances such as “Some day you’ll understand” do little to win friends.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
隐晦的(KRIP tik)地下室是一个可以隐藏尸体或宝藏的地方。作为一个形容词,“隐晦的”描述的是有隐藏或令人费解的含义。

  • 海盗们对地图上神秘的标记感到困惑,他们渴望相信岛上有一堆金色的杜布隆在等着他们
  • 罗里的优越感和诸如“总有一天你会理解的”之类的隐晦话语对赢得朋友几乎没有帮助



cryptic” 通常用来表示神秘的、隐晦的或晦涩的。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. cryptic message – 神秘信息
  2. cryptic crossword – 难解的填字游戏
  3. cryptic code – 隐秘代码
  4. cryptic writing – 晦涩的写作
  5. cryptic symbols – 神秘的符号
  6. cryptic language – 隐晦的语言
  7. cryptic clues – 神秘线索
  8. cryptic meanings – 隐晦的意义
  9. cryptic behavior – 神秘的行为
  10. cryptic phrases – 难解的短语
  11. cryptic signs – 神秘的迹象
  12. cryptic patterns – 隐晦的模式
  13. cryptic message – 神秘信息
  14. cryptic puzzle – 难解的谜题
  15. cryptic riddles – 难解的谜语
  16. cryptic explanations – 难解的解释
  17. cryptic writing – 晦涩的写作
  18. cryptic symbols – 神秘的符号
  19. cryptic language – 隐晦的语言
  20. cryptic clues – 神秘线索
  21. cryptic meanings – 隐晦的意义
  22. cryptic behavior – 神秘的行为
  23. cryptic phrases – 难解的短语
  24. cryptic signs – 神秘的迹象
  25. cryptic patterns – 隐晦的模式
  26. cryptic message – 神秘信息
  27. cryptic puzzle – 难解的谜题
  28. cryptic riddles – 难解的谜语
  29. cryptic explanations – 难解的解释
  30. cryptic writing – 晦涩的写作
  31. cryptic symbols – 神秘的符号
  32. cryptic language – 隐晦的语言
  33. cryptic clues – 神秘线索
  34. cryptic meanings – 隐晦的意义
  35. cryptic behavior – 神秘的行为
  36. cryptic phrases – 难解的短语
  37. cryptic signs – 神秘的迹象
  38. cryptic patterns – 隐晦的模式
  39. cryptic message – 神秘信息
  40. cryptic puzzle – 难解的谜题
  41. cryptic riddles – 难解的谜语
  42. cryptic explanations – 难解的解释
  43. cryptic writing – 晦涩的写作
  44. cryptic symbols – 神秘的符号
  45. cryptic language – 隐晦的语言
  46. cryptic clues – 神秘线索
  47. cryptic meanings – 隐晦的意义
  48. cryptic behavior – 神秘的行为
  49. cryptic phrases – 难解的短语
  50. cryptic signs – 神秘的迹象


  • mysterious: difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.
  • obscure: not clearly expressed or easily understood.
  • vague: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
