What are you, a communist? You have a problem with us dropping nuclear bombs on Japan?
你算什么 共♥产♥党吗? 反对向日本丢原♥子♥弹♥吗?
Shut up, Dougherty.
闭嘴 道迪
You think it was a mistake, Mr. Hunter? Sir?
你认为那是个错误吗? 亨特先生 什么?
Using the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Well, if I thought that, sir, I wouldn’t be here.
如果我那样想 我就不会在这里
Interesting way you put that. How’d I put it, sir?
你那样回答很有意思 我怎么回答了 艇长?
Very carefully.
You do qualify your remarks.
If somebody asked me if we should have bombed Japan
a simple “Yes, by all means, sir, drop that fucker. Twice.”
我会简单回答应该 当然要炸那个王八蛋 两次
I don’t mean to suggest that you’re indecisive, Mr. Hunter.
Not at all.
Just, um, complicated.
只是 有些复杂
Of course, that’s the way the Navy wants you.
当然 海军希望你那样
Me, they wanted simple.
至于我 他们希望简单点
Well, you certainly fooled them, sir.
那你的确耍了他们 艇长
Be careful there, Mr. Hunter.
小心点 亨特先生
It’s all I got to rely on:Bein’ a simpleminded son of a bitch.
我必须指望的 就是当个头脑简单的王八蛋
Rickover gave me my command, a checklist
瑞科沃尔让我指挥 一张对照表
a target and a button to push.
一个目标 和一个按钮
All I had to know is how to push it. They’d tell me when.
我只需要知道如何按下 他们告诉我何时按下
They seem to want you to know why.
I would hope they’d want us all to know why, sir.
At the Naval War College, it was metallurgy and nuclear reactors, not 19th-century philosophy.
海军战院教冶金学与核反应炉 不是十九世纪哲学
“War is a continuation of politics by other means.”
Von Clausewitz.
I think, uh, sir, that what he was actually trying to say was a little more…
Y-Yes, the purpose of war is, is to serve a political end
是的 战争的目的 是服务于政♥治♥
but the true nature of war is to serve itself. I’m very impressed.
但战争真正的本质是满足它本身 这很有趣
In other words, the sailor most likely to win the war
易言之 最可能打胜仗的人
is the one most willing to part company with the politicians
and ignore everything except the destruction of the enemy.
Uh, you’d agree with that? Well
I’d agree that, uh
that’s what Clausewitz was trying to say.
But you wouldn’t agree with it? No, sir, I do not.
看来你并不同意? 是的 我不同意
No, l-I just think that in the nuclear world
the true enemy can’t be destroyed.
Attention on deck. Von Clausewitz will now tell us exactly who the real enemy is.
各位注意 冯·克♥劳♥塞♥维♥茨♥现在会告诉我们 谁是真正的敌人
In my humble opinion
in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself.
在核武器时代 真正的敌人是战争本身
Fire in the galley! Fire in the galley! Chief of the watch, sound the general alarm!
厨房♥失火 值班员发布警报
Forward damage control, bring additional fire extinguishers to the
灾害控制小组 请带更多的灭火器过来
Fire’s out of control. He’s hurtin’. You hit the kill switch?
火势失去了控制 他受伤了 开关打开了没有?
Couldn’t get to it. Too hot.
没办法 太热了
Attention, all hands. The fire has been contained.
全体注意 火势已得到控制
Damage control party, assess damage and report to Control.
灾害控制小组调查损失 报告控制室
Initiate weapons system readiness test. Aye, sir.
启动武器系统♥战♥备检查 是 艇长
All right, station a reflash watch. This thing could flare back up again.
监视火灾现场 防止死灰复燃
Conn/Radio:We are receiving flash traffic emergency action message.
控制室这里是通信室 我们收到紧急行动命令
Recommend alert one. Recommend alert one.
建议进入一级战备状态 一级战备
Alert one, alert one. Man battle stations missile for weapons systems readiness test.
一级战备 各就各位 武器系统♥战♥备检查
Spin up all missiles. What the hell is he runnin’ a missile drill now for?
导弹准备 他现在搞什么演习?
You’re in charge. Aye, sir.
你在这儿负责 是 长官
Man battle stations missiles for weapons system readiness test.
Spin up all missiles. This is an exercise.
导弹准备 这是演习
I agree. The message is properly formatted.
Sir, we have a properly formatted emergency action message
for weapons system readiness test, sir.
的紧急行动令 艇长
I concur, sir. Where’s the X.O.?
同意 艇长 副舰到哪去了?
Sir. Good of you to make it, Mr. Hunter.
艇长 你总算赶到了 亨特先生
Get the authenticator. Get the authenticator.
拿鉴定密♥码♥ 拿鉴定密♥码♥
Let’s go.
Sir, request permission to authenticate.
Permission granted. Authenticate.
Captain, message is authentic. I concur, sir.
艇长 命令确认 我同意
I agree. Message is authentic.
我同意 命令确认
Sir, your captain’s missile key.
艇长 你的导弹钥匙
Set condition 1 SQ for WSRT. This is the captain. This is an exercise.
全艇注意 我是艇长 这是演习 开始武器系统♥战♥备检查
Set condition 1 SQ for WSRT. This is the X.O. This is an exercise.
全艇注意 我是副艇长 这是演习 开始武器系统♥战♥备检查
Captain, that fire in the galley could still flare Now is not the time.
艇长 厨房♥的火苗可能再起 现在不是时候
Make your depth 150 feet. All stop.
深度150英尺 关闭引擎
Make my depth 150 feet. All stop. Aye, sir.
深度150英尺 关闭引擎 是 艇长
Weapons/Conn:Simulate pressurizing, all tubes.
武器室 这里是控制室 发射轨道模拟加压
Weapons/Conn:Simulate pressurizing, all tubes.
武器室 这里是控制室 发射轨道模拟加压
Conn/Weapons: Simulate pressurizing, all missiles. Aye, aye, sir.
控制室这里是武器室 发射轨道模拟加压
Simulate pressurizing, all missiles. Simulate pressurizing, all missiles. Aye.
所有发射轨道模拟加压 所有发射轨道模拟加压
All stations, proceed to 1 SQ. Ready all missiles for launch.
全舰一级战备 导弹发射准备
Come on, guys. Let’s go!
Weapons/Captain:Report approximate time for 1 SQ.
武器室 这里是艇长 报告一级战备所需时间
Captain/Weapons:Approximate time to weapons system 1 SQ:
艇长 这里是武器室 一级战备所需时间
Fourteen minutes, sir.
Ship is at launch depth. Ready to hover, sir.
潜艇已到达发射深度 准备潜浮
Very well. Commence hovering. Commence hovering. Aye, sir.
很好 开始潜浮 是 艇长 开始潜伏
Control/Sick Bay:Chief Petty Officer Marichek is undergoing cardiac arrest.
控制室 这里是医务室 麦瑞切克军士长的心脏停止跳动
We’re beginning CPR. Chief of the watch, on the 1 MC.
Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
各位 全体注意
We’ve received word that one of our shipmates is experiencing a medical problem.
一名船员身体不适 演习终止
We’re terminating the drill. Mr. Mahoney, take the conn. I’m going below.
迈赫尼先生 接管控制室 我要下去看看
X.O. Aye, sir. I have the conn.
副艇长是 艇长 我接管控制室
It’s okay, Chief.
没关系 士官长
Thank you, sir. Sorry, sir.
谢谢 艇长 对不起 艇长
So, Mr. Hunter, do you think I was wrong to run that drill?
亨特先生 你认为我不该演习 是吗?
Not necessarily, sir. Do you think I got that man killed?
无此必要 艇长 你认为是我害死他的?
No, sir. One thing had nothing to do with the other. It was an accident.
不 艇长 这两件事互不相关 这是个意外
Would you have run the drill? No, sir, I wouldn’t have.
你会下令演习吗? 不会 艇长
Why not?
The fire in the galley could have flared back up. I would have seen to it first, sir.
厨房♥的火苗可能会再起 我得去看看 艇长
I’m sure you would have.
Me, on the other hand, I tend to think that that’s the best time to run a drill.
我 在另一方面 认为那是演习的最佳时机
Confusion on the ship is nothing to fear.
It should be taken advantage of.
Lest you forget, Mr. Hunter, we are a ship of war, designed for battle.
提醒你一下我们是一艘战舰 是用来打仗的
You don’t just fight battles when everything is hunky-dory.
What’d you think, son? I was just some crazy old coot
你觉得呢? 我只是个疯老头
putting everyone in harm’s way as I yelled “yee-haw”?
That was not my first thought, sir.
我当时没那么想 艇长
But there’s no excuse. At the time I was fighting the fire in the galley
但没有借口 我在厨房♥灭火时的确
I did not agree with your call, sir.
不赞成你这么做 艇长
Take a seat.

Just so we understand each other
I don’t have any problems with questions or doubts.
As I said to you before, I’m not seeking the company of kiss-asses.
When you got something to say to me, you say it in private.
但你若有话要跟我说 私下说
And if privacy doesn’t permit itself, then you bite your fucking tongue.
如果情况不允许 那你就别吭声
Are we clear about that, Commander? As a bell, sir.
这一点清楚了吗? 少校? 如雷贯耳 艇长
Those sailors out there are just boys
boys who are training to do a terrible and unthinkable thing.
And if that ever occurs, the only reassurance they’ll have
that they’re doing the proper thing
is gonna derive from their unqualified belief in the unified chain of command.
That means we don’t question each other’s motives in front of the crew.
It means we don’t undermine each other.
It means in a missile drill
那意味着 在导弹演习时
they hear your voice right after mine, without hesitation.
你必须紧跟在我之后 要毫不迟疑
Do you agree with that policy, sailor? Absolutely, sir.
你同意这套规矩吗? 绝对同意
