
crescendo (creh SHEN doe) Think “increase,” for this noun comes from the Italian word of that meaning. Its original use is to describe a steadily growing loudness of sound, but it is now also used for any increase in intensity or force. (Purists still frown on the growing use of “crescendo” as a synonym for “peak” or “climax.”)

  • As Tchaikovsky’s music began its crescendo and the fireworks simultane-ously rose in the sky, the crowd in the park set off a spontaneous cheer.
  • Caroline Gordon taught her students of writing to build a crescendo in their sentences, holding for last the word most deserving emphasis.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
渐强(creh SHEN doe)想想“增加”,因为这个名词来自这个意思的意大利语单词。它最初的用途是描述声音的响度稳步增长,但现在也用于强度或力的任何增加。(纯粹主义者仍然对越来越多地使用“渐强”作为“顶峰”或“高潮”的同义词表示不满。)

  • 当柴可夫斯基的音乐开始渐强,烟花同时在天空中升起时,公园里的人群自发地欢呼起来
  • 卡罗琳·戈登(Caroline Gordon)教学生们在句子中建立渐强,把最值得强调的单词放在最后

