
credenza (creh DEN zah) This noun comes from the Latin word for “trust,” possibly from the practice of placing food or drink on a sideboard to be tasted by a servant to ensure that it contained no poison. It is a buffet or sideboard, usually without legs. It is also used to mean a piece of office

  • furniture with a long, flat top, containing file drawers and accessories for computer.
  • Millicent placed the large platter of turkey on the credenza in order to leave room on the table for the various side dishes and trimmings.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
credza(creh DEN zah)这个名词来自拉丁语中“信任”的意思,可能来自于将食物或饮料放在餐具柜上让仆人品尝以确保其中不含毒药的做法。它是自助餐或餐边柜,通常没有腿。它也被用来指办公室

  • 长平顶家具,包括文件抽屉和电脑配件
  • Millicent把一大盘火鸡放在书柜上,以便在桌子上为各种配菜和配菜留出空间

