
adj. 畏缩的;怯懦的
n. 懦夫
n. (Craven)人名;(意)克拉文;(英)克雷文



1. crave => craven: 形容以恳求、渴求的方式求饶的那种状态。
2. 谐音“哭了问”—–问哭了,问都能问哭,是不是很胆小、懦弱啊。
3. cra- => cry (哭), -ven (拼音“问”) => 哭问,哭着问,小学生很胆怯,问老师都哭.


craven 胆小的
词源不详。可能来自词根crep, 破碎,劈里叭啦,词源同decrepit, discrepancy. 原指被打败的,后指被打怕的,因而胆小的。


1. 形容词用法: “craven”是一个形容词,用于形容人或行为的特征,表示极度胆怯、怯懦或胆小。以下是该词的几种用法:

  • 懦弱的:描述一个人缺乏勇气、胆量和决心,容易被吓倒或逃避困难或危险的情况。例如:”He was criticized for his craven behavior during the crisis”(他因在危机期间胆小的行为而受到批评)。
  • 胆怯的:指一个人对面临的威胁或恐惧感到过度的担心或紧张。例如:”She had a craven fear of spiders”(她对蜘蛛有一种胆怯的恐惧)。
  • 怯懦的:形容一个人在困境或压力下表现出缺乏勇气、决断或毅力的特征。例如:”The craven leader abandoned his followers in their time of need”(胆小的领导在他们需要时抛弃了他的追随者)。

2. 名词用法: “craven”也可用作名词,表示一个懦弱、胆怯或怯懦的人。它用于描述那些因缺乏勇气和决心而被视为软弱的人。例如:”He was branded a craven for refusing to stand up against injustice”(他因拒绝反对不公正而被贴上胆小的标签)。



  1. craven behavior – 怯懦的行为
  2. craven coward – 怯懦的懦夫
  3. craven attitude – 怯懦的态度
  4. craven surrender – 怯懦的投降
  5. craven retreat – 怯懦的撤退
  6. craven submission – 怯懦的屈服
  7. craven fear – 怯懦的恐惧
  8. craven hesitation – 怯懦的犹豫
  9. craven response – 怯懦的回应
  10. craven escape – 怯懦的逃避
  11. craven act – 怯懦的行为
  12. craven decision – 怯懦的决定
  13. craven retreat – 怯懦的撤退
  14. craven surrender – 怯懦的投降
  15. craven display – 怯懦的表现
  16. craven avoidance – 怯懦的回避
  17. craven response – 怯懦的回应
  18. craven submission – 怯懦的屈服
  19. craven behavior – 怯懦的行为
  20. craven mindset – 怯懦的心态
  21. craven attitude – 怯懦的态度
  22. craven lack of courage – 怯懦的缺乏勇气
  23. craven retreat in battle – 战斗中的怯懦撤退
  24. craven abandonment of principles – 放弃原则的怯懦
  25. craven disregard for justice – 对正义的怯懦漠视
  26. craven avoidance of responsibility – 回避责任的怯懦
  27. craven act of betrayal – 背叛的怯懦行为
  28. craven failure to stand up for oneself – 不敢站出来的失败
  29. craven retreat in the face of adversity – 在逆境面前的怯懦撤退
  30. craven refusal to confront the truth – 不敢面对真相的怯懦拒绝
  31. craven avoidance of confrontation – 回避对抗的怯懦
  32. craven surrender to fear – 对恐惧的怯懦投降
  33. craven reliance on others for protection – 依赖他人保护的怯懦
  34. craven lack of initiative – 怯懦的缺乏主动性
  35. craven refusal to take risks – 不敢冒险的怯懦拒绝
  36. craven disregard for moral principles – 对道义原则的怯懦漠视
  37. craven escape from responsibility – 逃避责任的怯懦
  38. craven abandonment of duty – 放弃责任的怯懦
  39. craven failure to defend one’s beliefs – 无法捍卫自己信仰的怯懦
  40. craven lack of integrity – 怯懦的缺乏正直
  41. craven retreat in the face of opposition – 在反对面前的怯懦撤退
  42. craven submission to authority – 对权威的怯懦屈服
  43. craven act of self-preservation – 自保的怯懦行为
  44. craven avoidance of conflict – 回避冲突的怯懦
  45. craven refusal to confront one’s fears – 不敢面对自己的恐惧的怯懦拒绝
  46. craven lack of resilience – 怯懦的缺乏适应力
  47. craven disregard for honor – 对荣誉的怯懦漠视
  48. craven escape from danger – 逃避危险的怯懦
  49. craven failure to stand up for justice – 不敢为正义而站出来的失败
  50. craven retreat from challenges – 从挑战中的怯懦撤退



craven (KRAY ven) As adjective or as noun, it simply describes or refers to a coward or cowardly behavior. When the song from the classic Western film High Noon refers to a “craven coward,” it’s just doubling up the inten-sity of the word.

  • Ms. Chapin pointed out to her students the line “thou… art sure no craven” in one of Poe’s most famous poems: “The bird the speaker addresses wasn’t cowardly, I agree, but also there aren’t many words that rhyme with ‘raven.’”
  • While the corrupt but brave Don Giovanni, in Mozart’s opera of the same name, boldly confronts the spirit of the departed Commendatore, his ser-vant Leporello is cravenly hiding under the banquet table.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 查宾女士向她的学生们指出了爱伦·坡最著名的诗歌之一中的一句话“你……肯定不是胆小鬼”:“我同意演讲者所说的那只鸟并不胆小,但也没有多少词与‘渡鸦’押韵。”
  • 在莫扎特的同名歌剧中,腐败但勇敢的唐·乔瓦尼勇敢地面对已故的表彰者的精神,而他的助手勒波雷洛却懦弱地躲在宴会桌下


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
