It’s the sense of touch.
穿梭在城市之间 你知道吗?
Any real city, you walk, you know?
你和人们擦肩而过 邂逅相遇
You brush past people. People bump into you.
在洛杉矶 没人触摸你
In L.A., nobody touches you.
We’re always behind this metal and glass.
I think we miss that touch so much
我们彼此碰撞 只是为了感觉到彼此的存在
that we crash into each other just so we can feel something.
You guys okay?
I think he hit his head.
You don’t think that’s true?
Stay in your car.
格雷厄姆 我想我们被人从后面撞了
Graham, I think we got rear-ended.
I think we spun around twice.
And somewhere in there, one of us lost our frame of reference.
And I’m gonna go look for it.
冷静点儿 女士 我冷静着呢
– Calm down, ma’am. – I am calm!
I need to see your registration and insurance.
为什么? 这不是我的错! 是她的错!
Why? It’s not my fault! It’s her fault!
是她干的 我的错?
– She do this! – My fault?
女士 你得在你的车里等着
Ma’am, you really need to wait in your vehicle.
我的错? 别在路中间挡道!
– My fault? – Stop in middle of street!
Mexicans no know how to drive.
她刹车太快了 我刹车太快了? 我刹车太快了?
– She “blake” too fast. – I “blake” too fast? I “blake” too fast.
我很抱歉我没有看到我的刹车灯 女士
– I’m sorry you no see my “blake” lights. – Ma’am.
瞧 当我看到我前面停着一长溜汽车的时候 我就停下了
See, I stop when I see a long line of cars stopped in front of me.
也许换做你 你也会刹车的
Maybe you see over steering wheel, you “blake” too!
女士! 我要给移♥民♥局打电♥话♥ 看看你把我的车怎么样了
– Ma’am! – I call immigration. Look what you do my car.
警官 请你在报告里写上
Officer, can you please write in your report
how shocked I am to be hit by an Asian driver!
女士! 女士 不 看 警探
– Ma’am! – Ma’am, no. See, Detective…
行了 你们冷静一下
All right. You’ve got to calm down.
嗨 警官 很好的开端啊 他妈的
– Hey, Detective! Nice entrance. – Fuck you.
嗨 你没事吧? 我快冻僵了
– Hey, you okay? – I’m freezin’
妈的 我听说可能要下雪
Shit. I heard it might snow.
得离开这儿 我是道听途说的
– Get outta here. – That’s what I heard.
你吸烟吗? 不 我戒了
– You got a smoke? – Nah. I quit.
哦 我也戒了
Yeah, me too.
你找到什么了? 死了个孩子
– What do you got? – Dead kid.
嗨 鲍勃
Hey, Bob.
你可以得到一盒免费的子弹 你想要哪种?
You get one free box of ammunition. What kind do you want?
奥萨玛 要组织你的圣♥战♥ 别在这儿浪费我的时间
Yo, Osama! Plan a jihad on your own time.
What do you want?
你在污辱我吗? 我污辱你?
– Are you making insult at me? – Am I making insult “at” you?
那就是你达到的最合适的英语水平吗? 是的 我说英语 我是美国公民
– Is that the closest you can come to English? – Yes, I speak English! I am American citizen.
哦 天啊 又来了 就像你一样
– Oh, God, here we go. – I have right like you.
我有权利买♥♥枪 在我的店里 你买♥♥不到
– I have right to buy gun. – Not in my store, you don’t!
安迪 马上把他赶出去 去车里等着
– Andy, get him outta here now! – Go wait in the car.
快点 出去
Now. Get out!
你是一个愚蠢无知的人 我愚蠢无知? 你们解放了我的国家
– You’re an ignorant man! – I’m ignorant? You’re liberating my country
我坐着747到你们的小窝棚里去 把你们都烧成灰了吗?
and I’m flying 747 s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends?
他妈的给我滚出去! 不 你♥他♥妈♥的滚出去!
– Get the fuck out! – No, you get the fuck out!
不 别碰我! 他骗了我!
No, don’t touch me! He cheat me!
安迪 快点 我们走吧
– Andy, now! – Let’s go.
你要么给我枪 要么给我退钱
You can give me the gun or give me back the money.
And I am really hoping for the money.
你要什么样的弹♥药♥? 随便吧
– What kind of ammunition do you want? – Whatever fits.
We got a lot of kinds.
我们有长卡尔特 短卡尔特 平面孔型
We got long colts, short colts, bull heads,
平凸弹头 空尖弹头 宽割弹头
flat nose, hollowpoints, wide cutters,
and a dozen more that’ll fit any size hole.
Just depends upon how much bang you can handle.
I’ll take the ones in the red box.
你知道那是什么吗? 你能给我吗?
– You know what those are? – Can I have them?
Did you see any white people waitin’ an hour and 32 minutes for a plate of spaghetti?
And how many cups of coffee did we get?
你没有喝咖啡 我不想喝
You don’t drink coffee! And I didn’t want any.
伙计 那个女人给我们周围的白人灌了一杯又一杯
Man, that woman poured cup after cup to every single white person around us.
But did she even ask you if you wanted any?
我们没有拿到咖啡是因为你不想喝 而且我也没点
We didn’t get any coffee that you didn’t want and I didn’t order,
and that’s evidence of racial discrimination?
Did you notice that our waitress was black?
And black women don’t think in stereotypes?
你告诉我 上次你碰到一个女人
You tell me. When was the last time you met one
who didn’t think she knew everything about your lazy ass
before you even opened your mouth, huh?
That waitress sized us up in two seconds.
我们是黑人 黑人不给小费 她不想浪费她的时间
We’re black, and black people don’t tip. She wasn’t gonna waste her time.
Somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind.
How much did you leave?
You expect me to pay for that kind of service?
怎么了? 你♥他♥妈♥的笑什么?
What? What the fuck is you laughin’ at, man?
I’m seriously starting to think that you’re jealous of Karen.
没有的事 我只是不想看到你在吃饭的时候打电♥话♥给别人
Hardly. I’d just like to see you get through a meal without calling her or anyone else.
好 我不再打了 你可以把电池拿着
Okay, no more phone calls. As a matter of fact, you can hold the battery.
赌10美元 她会在车里给你打电♥话♥的
Ten bucks says she calls you in the car.
等等 等等 看那个女人刚刚做了什么?
Wait, wait, wait. See what that woman just did?
你看到了吗? 她很冷
– You see that? – She’s cold.
She got colder as soon as she saw us.
行了 没完了你 伙计 看看你周围
– Ah, come on, don’t start. – Man, look around you, man.
在这个城市的这个区 你找不到一个有更多白人的 更安全的 更好的地方了
You couldn’t find a whiter, safer or better-lit part of this city right now.
But yet this white woman sees two black guys
像加州大学洛杉矶分校 沿着人行道走过来的学生一样
who look like UCLA students strolling down the sidewalk,
and her reaction is blind fear?
看看我们 我们像黑帮分子吗?
Look at us, dog. Are we dressed like gangbangers?
嗯? 不像吧 我们看上去具有威胁性吗? 不
Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No.
事实上 如果这儿有人该害怕的话 应该是我们
Fact. If anybody should be scared around here, it’s us!
周围全是兴奋过度的白人 只有我们俩是黑人面孔
We’re the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people
patrolled by the trigger-happy L.A.P.D.
那你告诉我 为什么我们不害怕?
So you tell me. Why aren’t we scared?
‘Cause we got guns?
You could be right.
他妈的滚出来 把钥匙给我
– Get the fuck outta the car! – Gimme the keys!
快点 下来 好的 好的 好的
– Hurry up! Get down! – Okay, okay, okay, okay.
不 不 求你了 别看我 转过去
– No, no! Please! – Don’t look at me! Turn around!
快点 走吧 我们没事 走吧
– Come on! Go! – We’re fine! Just keep moving!
不 不 不 马上把那个迷信的东西拿走
No, no, no! Take that voodoo-assed thing off of there right now.
I know you just didn’t call Saint Christopher voodoo.
Man’s the patron saint of travelers, dog.
你和上帝交谈过? 上帝说什么了?
You had a conversation with God, huh? What did God say?
上前去吧 孩子 在每辆车都留下大大的吸印?
“Go forth, my son, and leave big slobbery suction rings on every dashboard you find”?
Why the hell do you do that?
好好开你的车 再问我
Look at the way your crazy ass drive, then ask me again.
Chevy pickup and Mercedes driving north on Balboa.
在前面被堵住 奔驰车的司机被惹火了 拿出枪
Pickup cuts in front. Driver of the Mercedes gets pissed, pulls a gun.
Doesn’t realize the guy in the pickup is a cop coming off shift.
This Barry Gibb dude is a cop?
是的 名字叫考克林 他是个缉毒警
Yeah. Name’s Conklin. He’s a narc out of Wilshire.
I got the Mercedes.
奔驰车上的人向他开了枪 考克林警官还击了 一枪
Mercedes takes a shot at him. Detective Conklin returns fire. One shot.
奔驰车停了下来 司机打开车门 摔在地上死了
Mercedes rolls to a stop. Driver opens the door, falls out dead.
He looks very relaxed for just having shot somebody.
He says he kept tryin’ to drive away.
奔驰车上的人老是靠近他 挥舞着手♥枪♥ 大喊大叫
The Mercedes kept pulling up next to him, screaming, waving a gun.
Shot back in self-defense.
有人看到谁先开的枪吗? 他们只听到两声枪响
– Anybody actually see who shot first? – They just heard two bangs.
Find me a witness.
