[verb] completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it appears to be overflowing
[动词] 将(一个地方或容器)完全填满到看似要溢出的程度
看到 cram 一词很容易联想起熟词 crab (螃蟹)来,两者只隔最后一个字母不同。而对于摩尔定律(Moore’s Law)稍有了解的小伙伴,则不难联想起首次提出该定律的《让集成电路填满更多的元件》(Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits)一文来。
具体来说, cram 一词主要指“塞进、塞满”或“挤满、拥进”,多指将一个地方或容器完全填满到看似要溢出的程度,即超出其可以轻松、舒适或安全承受的范围,包括将人或物强行塞进一个小而无法容纳他们的地方或容器,以及一群人走进一个小而无法容纳他们的地方或空间,比如:
- 七个犟孩子被塞进了汽车的后座。
Seven restive children were crammed into the back of the car. - 坚定的支持者们挤满了街道。
Staunch supporters crammed the streets.
- 他们希望能够效法她刻苦钻研的精神。但他们中很少有人做得了她在一天之内做的事情。
They hope to emulate her spirit of assiduous study. But few of them could cram in all that she does in a day.
用在饮食方面,可以指“狼吞虎咽地吃下、塞饱”,常用搭配 cram sth down ,即快速将食物塞进肚子里,以及指“填饲”鸡、鸭等,比如:
- 这位临时工好歹狼吞虎咽地吃了几口东西。
The transient worker managed to cram down a few mouthfuls of food.
而用在学习方面,则与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)之前推送过的 rote 比较接近,指“死记硬背、突击学习”,也就是在考试之前短时间集中学习,常用搭配 cram for sth ,比如:
- 她接受了这样一个事实:要想通过考试,就必须下点工夫死记硬背。这就是为什么她整个星期都一直在拼命准备应考。
She reconciled herself to the fact that she must do some rote learning if she wants to pass her exams. That’s why she’s been cramming for her exams all week.
而那些用来训练学生提升考试成绩的“补习班、补习学校”则常用 cram school 或 crammer 表示。其中 crammer 还可以表示“为应付考试而临时死记硬背的人”和“搞填鸭式教学的老师”,以及指家禽“填饲机、填料器”。
They crammed their pockets with the last of the sweets and joined the crowd thronging the corridor.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)。
- Although it does lead to congested traffic and crowded airports, there is something to be said for the European tradition of cramming everyone’s holidays into August.
——《经济学人》 - We get going at 11 a.m. because we have no other choice if we’re to cram in all the necessary appetizers — and what I’ve described above isn’t even half of them — before we sit down to the main meal.
- 填塞、塞满:
- Cram a suitcase:塞满行李箱
- Cram books onto a shelf:把书塞满书架
- Cram a backpack:塞满背包
- Cram a drawer with clothes:把抽屉塞满衣物
- 努力记住或学习大量信息:
- Cram for an exam:为考试努力学习
- Cram for a test:为测试死记硬背
- Cram information into your brain:死记硬背信息
- Cram facts and figures:死记硬背事实和数据
- 匆忙准备:
- Cram before an interview:面试前临时准备
- Cram for a presentation:为演讲匆忙准备
- Cram before a meeting:会议前匆忙准备
- Cram before a deadline:截止日期前临时准备
- 短语:
- Cramming session:死记硬背的学习时间
- Cram all night:通宵死记硬背
- Cram session:死记硬背的学习会议
- Cram information into one’s head:死记硬背信息
- Cram like there’s no tomorrow:拼命死记硬背
- Cram the night before the exam:考试前一晚临时死记硬背
- Cram for the final exam:为期末考试死记硬背
- Cram a semester’s worth of information:死记硬背一个学期的知识
- Cram vocabulary words:死记硬背词汇
- Cram math formulas:死记硬背数学公式
- Cram history dates and events:死记硬背历史日期和事件
- Cram last-minute details:匆忙准备最后一刻的细节
- Cram for a language exam:为语言考试死记硬背
- Cram study group:死记硬背学习小组
- Cram information into short-term memory:把信息塞进短期记忆
jam: squeeze or pack tightly into a specified space
stuff: force or cram (something) tightly into a receptacle or space
pack: cram a large number of things into (a container or space)