
vt. 抵消;中和;阻碍



counteract 抵制
counter-, 同contra-,相对,相反。-act, 行为。


动词 “counteract” 意为抵消或对抗某种影响、力量或效果。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释,不加粗:

  1. counteract the effects – 抵消影响
  2. counteract the influence – 对抗影响
  3. counteract the force – 抵消力量
  4. counteract the damage – 抵消损害
  5. counteract the pressure – 对抗压力
  6. counteract the symptoms – 缓解症状
  7. counteract the side effects – 对抗副作用
  8. counteract the negative impact – 抵消负面影响
  9. counteract the threat – 对抗威胁
  10. counteract the disease – 抵消疾病
  11. counteract the risk – 对抗风险
  12. counteract the imbalance – 抵消不平衡
  13. counteract the aggression – 对抗侵略
  14. counteract the aggression – 抵消侵略行为
  15. counteract the stress – 对抗压力
  16. counteract the anxiety – 缓解焦虑
  17. counteract the pain – 缓解疼痛
  18. counteract the inflammation – 抵消炎症
  19. counteract the pollution – 抵消污染
  20. counteract the pollution – 对抗污染
  21. counteract the climate change – 对抗气候变化
  22. counteract the addiction – 对抗成瘾
  23. counteract the temptation – 对抗诱惑
  24. counteract the sedative – 对抗镇静剂
  25. counteract the disease progression – 抵消疾病进展
  26. counteract the negative consequences – 抵消负面后果
  27. counteract the market forces – 对抗市场力量
  28. counteract the adverse effects – 抵消不利影响
  29. counteract the medication – 对抗药物
  30. counteract the negative feedback – 抵消负面反馈
  31. counteract the allergic reaction – 对抗过敏反应
  32. counteract the muscle fatigue – 缓解肌肉疲劳
  33. counteract the opposition – 对抗反对
  34. counteract the insurgency – 对抗叛乱
  35. counteract the enemy – 对抗敌人
  36. counteract the propaganda – 对抗宣传
  37. counteract the economic downturn – 对抗经济下滑
  38. counteract the social unrest – 对抗社会动荡
  39. counteract the misinformation – 对抗错误信息
  40. counteract the misinformation – 抵消错误信息
  41. counteract the inflation – 抵消通胀
  42. counteract the deforestation – 对抗森林砍伐
  43. counteract the climate crisis – 对抗气候危机
  44. counteract the cyber threat – 对抗网络威胁
  45. counteract the cyber attack – 对抗网络攻击
  46. counteract the counterfeit goods – 对抗假冒商品
  47. counteract the counterfeit currency – 抵消假币
  48. counteract the counterfeit currency – 对抗假币
  49. counteract the financial fraud – 对抗金融欺诈
  50. counteract the financial crisis – 抵消金融危机
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
