


  1. coruscate with joy: 兴奋得闪耀
  2. coruscate with laughter: 笑声盈满
  3. coruscate with happiness: 幸福洋溢
  4. coruscate with excitement: 兴奋得闪烁
  5. coruscate with energy: 充满活力
  6. coruscate with creativity: 创意闪耀
  7. coruscate with intelligence: 智慧闪现
  8. coruscate with charm: 魅力四溢
  9. coruscate with brilliance: 辉煌闪耀
  10. coruscate with enthusiasm: 热情洋溢
  11. coruscate with talent: 天赋闪现
  12. coruscate with beauty: 美丽熠熠
  13. coruscate with wit: 机智闪耀
  14. coruscate with charisma: 魅力迸发
  15. coruscate with optimism: 乐观闪耀
  16. coruscate with elegance: 风采闪现
  17. coruscate with kindness: 仁爱闪耀
  18. coruscate with intelligence: 智慧熠熠
  19. coruscate with passion: 激情闪现
  20. coruscate with radiance: 辐射光彩
  21. coruscate with vitality: 活力四溢
  22. coruscate with excitement: 兴奋闪烁
  23. coruscate with joyousness: 欢乐闪耀
  24. coruscate with laughter: 笑声闪现
  25. coruscate with delight: 欣喜闪耀
  26. coruscate with splendor: 灿烂闪耀
  27. coruscate with glamour: 魅力闪耀
  28. coruscate with success: 成功闪现
  29. coruscate with grace: 优雅闪耀
  30. coruscate with ambition: 雄心闪现
  31. coruscate with wisdom: 智慧熠熠
  32. coruscate with inspiration: 灵感闪耀
  33. coruscate with determination: 决心闪耀
  34. coruscate with positivity: 积极闪现
  35. coruscate with hope: 希望闪烁
  36. coruscate with strength: 力量熠熠
  37. coruscate with kindness: 善良闪现
  38. coruscate with adventure: 冒险闪耀
  39. coruscate with compassion: 同情闪耀
  40. coruscate with sincerity: 真诚熠熠
  41. coruscate with courage: 勇气闪现
  42. coruscate with resilience: 韧性闪耀
  43. coruscate with imagination: 想象力闪耀
  44. coruscate with friendship: 友情闪现
  45. coruscate with honesty: 诚实熠熠
  46. coruscate with determination: 决心熠熠
  47. coruscate with success: 成功闪耀
  48. coruscate with adventure: 冒险闪现
  49. coruscate with brilliance: 辉煌闪现
  50. coruscate with love: 爱情闪耀



coruscate (KOR us kate) This verb comes from the Latin word meaning “to sparkle” and can be used either literally or figuratively.

•The film made sharp visual contrast between the life of poor Russian women in drab shawls and the luxury at the czar’s ball where figures in shimmering taffeta wore coruscating diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.

•Prof. McIntosh sets high standards for students in his classes, but they continue to sign up, for his coruscating wit makes his lectures a delight.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
coruscate(KOR us kate)这个动词来自拉丁语单词,意思是“闪耀”,可以字面意思或比喻形式使用。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
