


corrupt [kə’rʌpt] adj. 腐败的,贪污的;堕落的  v. 使腐烂;使堕落,使恶化
corrupt 使堕落 ←同首词→ completely 完全地
eg. The corrupt mayor became corrupt completely.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Engage in corrupt practices – 参与腐败行为
  2. Fight against corruption – 打击腐败
  3. Root out corruption – 根除腐败
  4. Systemic corruption – 系统性腐败
  5. Political corruption – 政治腐败
  6. Corporate corruption – 公司腐败
  7. Widespread corruption – 普遍腐败
  8. Rampant corruption – 猖獗的腐败
  9. Bribery and corruption – 贿赂与腐败
  10. corruption investigation – 腐败调查
  11. corruption scandal – 腐败丑闻
  12. corruption charges – 腐败指控
  13. corruption allegations – 腐败指责
  14. corruption prevention – 腐败预防
  15. corruption perception – 腐败感知
  16. corruption index – 腐败指数
  17. corruption-free society – 无腐败社会
  18. Anti-corruption measures – 反腐败措施
  19. Public sector corruption – 公共部门腐败
  20. Private sector corruption – 私营部门腐败
  21. High-level corruption – 高层腐败
  22. Petty corruption – 小额腐败
  23. corruption of power – 权力腐败
  24. corruption of morals – 道德败坏
  25. corruption of justice – 司法腐败
  26. corruption of the system – 制度腐败
  27. corruption undermines trust – 腐败破坏信任
  28. corruption erodes integrity – 腐败侵蚀诚信
  29. corruption breeds inequality – 腐败滋生不平等
  30. corruption hampers development – 腐败阻碍发展
  31. corruption in public procurement – 公共采购腐败
  32. corruption in law enforcement – 执法腐败
  33. corruption in education – 教育腐败
  34. corruption in healthcare – 医疗腐败
  35. corruption in the judiciary – 司法腐败
  36. corruption in politics – 政治腐败
  37. corruption in business – 商业腐败
  38. corruption in sports – 体育腐败
  39. corruption in the media – 媒体腐败
  40. corruption in the banking sector – 银行业腐败
  41. corruption in the construction industry – 建筑业腐败
  42. corruption in international organizations – 国际组织腐败
  43. corruption in environmental management – 环境管理腐败
  44. corruption in the telecommunications sector – 电信业腐败
  45. corruption in the transportation sector – 交通运输业腐败
  46. corruption in the energy sector – 能源业腐败
  47. corruption in the technology sector – 技术行业腐败
  48. corruption in the tourism industry – 旅游业腐败
  49. corruption in the pharmaceutical industry – 制药业腐败
  50. corruption in the real estate sector – 房地产业腐败
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
