
corporeal (kor POR ee uhl) This adjective simply means “in bodily form.” A close variant of it, corporal (KOR por ul), means “related to the body.”

  • The Thracian shepherds were astonished when the god Apollo appeared to them in corporeal form.
  • Today corporal punishment in schools is outlawed in most countries, but it was very common in the nineteenth century.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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有形的(kor POR ee uhl)这个形容词的意思只是“以身体的形式”。它的一个密切变体,下体(kor POR ul)的意思是“与身体有关”

  • 当阿波罗神以肉体的形式出现在色雷斯牧羊人面前时,他们大吃一惊
  • 如今,学校里的体罚在大多数国家都是非法的,但在19世纪很常见



物质实体(Physical Entity):

  1. Corporeal form – 物质形态
  2. Corporeal body – 实体身体
  3. Corporeal presence – 实体存在
  4. Corporeal world – 物质世界
  5. Corporeal existence – 物质存在

肉体感知(Bodily Sensation):

  1. Corporeal sensation – 肉体感觉
  2. Corporeal pain – 肉体疼痛
  3. Corporeal pleasure – 肉体快感
  4. Corporeal touch – 肉体触感
  5. Corporeal experience – 肉体体验


  1. Corporeal reality – 现实存在
  2. Corporeal objects – 实体物体
  3. Corporeal world – 实质世界
  4. Corporeal evidence – 实质证据
  5. Corporeal manifestation – 实体显现


  1. Corporeal form – 有形形式
  2. Corporeal presence – 有形存在
  3. Corporeal appearance – 有形外貌
  4. Corporeal attributes – 有形属性
  5. Corporeal nature – 有形本质


  1. Corporeal substance – 物质物质
  2. Corporeal matter – 物质物质
  3. Corporeal elements – 物质元素
  4. Corporeal composition – 物质构成
  5. Corporeal composition – 物质组成


  1. Corporeal reality – 实在现实
  2. Corporeal existence – 实在存在
  3. Corporeal truth – 实在真相
  4. Corporeal world – 实在世界
  5. Corporeal realm – 实在领域


  1. Corporeal objects – 具体物体
  2. Corporeal entities – 具体实体
  3. Corporeal things – 具体事物
  4. Corporeal examples – 具体示例
  5. Corporeal instances – 具体实例


  1. Corporeal substance – 实体物质
  2. Corporeal form – 实体形式
  3. Corporeal nature – 实体本质
  4. Corporeal existence – 实体存在
  5. Corporeal essence – 实体精髓


  1. Corporeal sensations – 肉体感觉
  2. Corporeal functions – 肉体功能
  3. Corporeal needs – 肉体需求
  4. Corporeal health – 肉体健康
  5. Corporeal changes – 肉体变化


  1. Corporeal form – 物质化形式
  2. Corporeal presence – 物质化存在
  3. Corporeal expression – 物质化表达
  4. Corporeal manifestation – 物质化显现
  5. Corporeal being – 物质化存在
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
