
adj. 熟悉的;精通的;亲近的



1、con- “with” + vers- [versare (vertere的反复体,反复动词:versare) => vers-] + -ant.
2、字面含义:turn with sb, turn to with sb, turn around with sb, turn to company with sb(表示转而和某人在一起,转而陪伴某人,和某人一起转悠). => keep company with sb, live with sb. => 陪伴,交往,社交,交谈,谈话。
4、vertere => 反复体:versare. => 被动体:versari, 字面含义:keep to be turned, 由此引申为:abide, remain, live; 表示:保持下去,继续下去,维持下去。=> vers-. 该词的vers-就取这样的含义。
5、converse (v.) + -ant => conversant.


conversant 通晓的
con-, 强调。-verse, 转,词源同versatile, versus. 即圆转自如的,通晓的。


动词 “conversant” 意为熟悉或精通某事物,通常用于描述一个人对某个主题或领域有相当了解。以下是包含这个词的 50 个短语,附带中文解释,不加粗:

  1. conversant in a foreign language – 精通外语
  2. conversant with technology – 精通技术
  3. conversant in computer programming – 精通计算机编程
  4. conversant with legal matters – 精通法律事务
  5. conversant in financial analysis – 精通财务分析
  6. conversant with current events – 对时事了解颇多
  7. conversant in scientific research – 精通科学研究
  8. conversant with cultural traditions – 精通文化传统
  9. conversant in business strategy – 精通商业战略
  10. conversant with historical facts – 精通历史事实
  11. conversant in social media – 精通社交媒体
  12. conversant with environmental issues – 精通环境问题
  13. conversant in medical terminology – 精通医学术语
  14. conversant with culinary arts – 精通烹饪艺术
  15. conversant in literature – 精通文学
  16. conversant with educational theories – 精通教育理论
  17. conversant in art history – 精通艺术史
  18. conversant with political ideologies – 精通政治意识形态
  19. conversant in market trends – 精通市场趋势
  20. conversant with customer preferences – 精通客户偏好
  21. conversant in psychological principles – 精通心理学原理
  22. conversant with communication techniques – 精通沟通技巧
  23. conversant in economic policies – 精通经济政策
  24. conversant with fashion trends – 精通时尚潮流
  25. conversant in architectural design – 精通建筑设计
  26. conversant with musical theory – 精通音乐理论
  27. conversant in digital marketing – 精通数字营销
  28. conversant with geographic features – 精通地理特征
  29. conversant in public speaking – 精通演讲技巧
  30. conversant with ethical principles – 精通道德原则
  31. conversant in software development – 精通软件开发
  32. conversant with mathematical concepts – 精通数学概念
  33. conversant in project management – 精通项目管理
  34. conversant with human rights issues – 精通人权问题
  35. conversant in educational practices – 精通教育实践
  36. conversant with geological processes – 精通地质过程
  37. conversant in foreign policy – 精通外交政策
  38. conversant with customer service – 精通客户服务
  39. conversant in public policy – 精通公共政策
  40. conversant with investment strategies – 精通投资策略
  41. conversant in cultural diversity – 精通文化多样性
  42. conversant with organizational behavior – 精通组织行为
  43. conversant in linguistic analysis – 精通语言分析
  44. conversant with financial markets – 精通金融市场
  45. conversant in sustainable practices – 精通可持续实践
  46. conversant with technological advancements – 精通技术进展
  47. conversant in global politics – 精通全球政治
  48. conversant with wildlife conservation – 精通野生动物保护
  49. conversant in ethical dilemmas – 精通伦理困境
  50. conversant with healthcare systems – 精通医疗体系
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
