
contumely (KON toom lee) Though it looks like an adverb, this word is a noun that means “rudeness” or “arrogance.” You don’t hear it much today, except if you’re reading a nineteenth-century novel or if you’re in a courtroom, where it is used to describe behavior that constitutes being in contempt of court. The adjective form is “contumacious.”

  • “If you continue with this contumely,” Woolsey asserted, “I shall not have to take you home from the ball. Such discourteous remarks are inappropri-ate, especially from a respectable girl.”
  • The defendant’s outburst of hostility toward the judge was considered contumacious behavior, and he was severely punished for it.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
contumely(KON toom lee)虽然这个词看起来像副词,但它是一个名词,意思是“粗鲁”或“傲慢”。今天你很少听到它,除非你在读一本19世纪的小说,或者你在法庭上,它被用来描述构成藐视法庭的行为。形容词的形式是“contumacious”

  • “如果你继续这样无礼,”伍尔西断言,“我就不用把你从舞会上带回家了。这种无礼的言论是不恰当的,尤其是来自一个受人尊敬的女孩。”
  • 被告对法官的敌意被认为是无礼的行为,他因此受到了严厉的惩罚

